Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love


Emily POV

“Psst...Psst...” I looked at David. Erik was using him as a pillow. I chuckled silently since Sam thought my leg was her teddy bear. “What?” I whispered back to him.

“What are you doing?” I rolled my eyes at him. The movie credits were rolling on the screen and there was curtains blocking the sun rays from coming in. “I don’t know maybe breathing. What about you?” It was his turn to roll his eyes.

He stretched his arms over his head high before pushing Erik off of him. And let me tell you it was a hard push. Erik groaned rubbing his eyes. I nudged Sam so she could get up and get off of me. “That was mean David.” I told him.

He shrugged. “There was practically a puddle of drool ready to dump itself on my arm.” I stood up to stretch. “Hey what time are we going to get something to eat? I’m starving.” Sam said getting up with me but ended tripping over a pillow and onto Erik’s lap where she made herself comfortable.

“Umm...idk where do you want to go?” I asked all of them. David started to pick up all the garbage, Erik just laid back down, and Sam started helping us clean. “How about we go get pizza?” David suggested. “Yeah.” We all agreed.

After we got the pizza we went back to David and Erik’s house. We were eating while playing the game of connect four. There were two teams: me and Erik, and Sam with David. We wanted to see which was better. So far David and Sam were kicking our butts. I swear Erik can be so clueless. “You could have won right there!” I yelled at him.

“Next time I’m getting Sam.” He told David. He laughed. “My turn.” Me and Erik switched places. So now I was playing against David. “Get ready to lose.” He smirked at me. I scoffed.

“Please I am the champion of this game. Right Sam?” I looked at her. “Yeah. Nobody would want to play her when we were in 7th grade.” I gave a smug look toward David. “Yeah well you can’t beat me.” I chuckled.

“Lets see.”

Eventually Sam and Erik left because me and David wouldn’t want to give the game up. We were tied. And know one was forfeiting until there was an ultimate winner. “Just give up David. You know you’re going to lose anyway.” He scoffed and placed a black chip thingy in one of the rows. “Whatever. I was still beating you when you first started.”

“That was a warm up. I haven’t played in a long time.” Sam and Erik came in. “What the hell? We left y’all thirty minutes ago. You two should never play a game against each other. You get way too competitive.” Erik said sitting beside me again.

“So who’s winning so far?” Sam asked sitting beside David inspecting the game. “It’s a tie so far. Who ever wins this game is the ultimate winner.” I answered her.

“I bet Emily is going to win.” Sam said. David stopped in the middle of putting another black one. “You’re betting against me. My own team?” I stifled back a laugh. “Well she's really good. What’s the score?”

“Twenty nine to twenty nine.” We both said at the same time. They shook their heads. My parents walked in along with David’s. “What you doing?” My mom asked. They were dressed in semi-nice clothes. “Playing connect four. If only David would just give up then maybe we could something else.”

“I am not giving up until I beat you.” He said stubbornly. His mom smiled. “You know who you two remind me of.” We both looked at her. At the same time David accidently put the black chip in the wrong row. Leaving me the perfect chance. Instead of putting it right away I looked at his mom. “Of who?”

“Your mom and dad.” I looked at my mom who was conveniently studying a picture on the wall. I grinned. I turned toward my dad who was slightly glaring at David’s mom.


“Yeah we could never ever play a single game with them since they thought they were the champions of the game.” I threw my head back. I decided that I should just let David win. “I forfeit.” I announced.

“In your face! I told you I was the best.” I rolled my eyes. “Whatever you didn’t win if we never finished playing.” Sam instantly started to put the game back in the box. Hey at least we have to stop playing. I was getting tired of it anyway. “Yeah because you didn’t want to go through embarrassment of losing.”

“What?!” David’s dad laughed. “Those words bring back memories. Right Nathan?” That’s my dad’s name, just so you could know.

“Oh whatever.” He answered. I said that I was going to the restroom. I walked down the hall. After I washed my hands and was going to open the door my phone started ringing. It was an unknown number. I answered it.

“Hello?” No one answered. Okay that was weird. “Hello?”


“Yeah. Who is this?” I was getting a bit freaked out.

“It’s me Greg.” Relief washed over.

“Oh hey Greg. How you get my number?” It sounded like he hesitated before answering.

“A friend from school.” I didn’t want to push him any further. So instead I just asked. “Oh that’s cool. Did you need anything?”

“Yeah I wanted to know if you were busy tonight.” Oh gosh why does he keep trying? Doesn’t he know that I’m with David? “I don’t know. Maybe. Why?”

“I know that you’re with David but my parents think that I have a girlfriend and I was wondering...I don’t know...maybe...if you would like be my...girlfriend?” I was shocked.

“There having this party thing tonight. And they want me to bring my ‘girlfriend’.” I laughed at the way he said it. No doubt David was going to sneak in with me again. But maybe if I explain it to him. I’m not going to be cheating if he knows where, what, and why I’m doing it. “I don’t know. Why didn’t you just tell your parents that you didn’t have a girlfriend?”

“I was but then my brother thought it was funny to say that I did. Even though he knows I don’t.” It sucks! Why am I even thinking about going? I mean I have David and I’m his girlfriend. That would a bitch to him if I go. What am I doing still standing in the restroom?! I got out and started to walk back into the living room.

“I’m really sorry but I can’t. I just remembered that I had to do something else.” I know it’s an excuse but I had to.

“Oh its okay. Um...I’ll just tell my mom that my brother was lying. It’s okay.” He didn’t let me explain anymore. He hung up. I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket. The only ones who were there were my mom and dad with David’s parents.

“Umm...where is David?” My mom pointed to the kitchen. I nodded my head and left the room. I found David sitting on a stool looking spaced out. “Hey David.”

He looked at me blankly. “Hey what took you forever?” I swallowed hard. Should I tell him now or later? “Nothing.” He nodded his head. “You wanna go somewhere? Just the two of us?” He asked standing up.

“Like where?” I asked with curiosity. “I don’t know. Somewhere so that we could be alone.” I thought about it.

“Sure why not? Just let me tell my mom and dad.” He grabbed my hand before I could walk away.

“Let’s not tell them.” I slowly shook my head. We walked back to his car. We got in and just started to drive to some random place. “So why did you all of a sudden want to do this?” I asked to make some conversation. He had my hand intertwined with his.

“I don’t know. I wanted to be alone with you. Since we have school tomorrow.” I laughed. “David you do know that we have the same classes right? And we’re pretty much inseparable.”

“Yeah. You know that once you went into the restroom my mom started saying how me and you are like an do you say it?” He tried to figure out what his mom said. I waited patiently. Well sort of.

“I don’t know how she said it but that we were like your mom and dad when they were in high school.” I studied him as he looked at the road. “So your saying they hated each before they fell in love?”

“Yep. I don’t believe it though.” I shrugged. “Why?” I looked out the window to see that we were on the highway. “I just think its weird.”

“Well I sorta believe it. It kinda sounds like my mom and dad.” He shook his head.

David POV

I had to be with her. I mean not anything nasty but... When she went into the restroom and after our parents started their own little argument about how much we were alike someone had called me. At first they didn’t answer and then they launched into a one way conversation.

I was going to tell them off but then the person suddenly stopped and said to watch over Emily because something ‘unexpected’ could happen to her. It scared me that anyone could do something to her. So instead of just taking her home I asked her if she wanted to go somewhere with me. I know that eventually she would find out about the conversation but right now I didn’t want to tell her.

“Why are you so quiet?” She asked concerned. Damn it! Once the person had said that I watch Emily they told me good luck with another meaning to it before hanging up. Leaving me no chance to ask what the hell they were talking about.

“What do you mean ‘why am I quiet?’” I didn’t want to have this conversation. “Yeah ever since we left your house you haven’t been talking. What’s wrong? Did the thing about my parents get to you?”

“No. I was just thinking about where to go. That’s all. Do have somewhere in mind?” I steered the attention from me to the both of us. “I don’t know. How about the park?”

“You do know that I passed it like five minutes ago right?” Phew that was a close one. She looked back. I shook my head smiling how adorable she looked. “No I didn’t. There’s another one close to here. We could go to that one.”

“How do you know there is another one?” I asked her skeptically. “Me and my mom and dad used to go every Sunday for a picnic.” Her expression held so much joy. She told me the directions. Once we were out of my car we started walking around aimlessly.

“Its cold don’t ya think?” I laughed at her sarcastic comment. Of course it was cold. “Yeah tell me about it!” I answered her. She slapped my arm. I shook my head and put my arm around her waist before pulling her close to me. “So have you thought about when we’re going?”

“You don’t get off that subject do you?” She laughed. I shook my head no shamelessly.

Emily POV

He nodded his head back and forth. I put my head on his shoulder. “I don’t know. I don’t think my mom would let me just take off of school who knows how long.” David scrunched up his face with consecration. “We could go during Christmas break.”

I stopped. “No because I want to spend it with my mom and dad like every year.” He shook his head as if agreeing with me. “Or they could just go with us.” I shrugged. I led him over to the picnic table that I would eat at every year. Just sitting here brought back memories.

“I don’t know. You ask them.” He scoffed. “Why do I have to? You’re the one that wants them to go.” I slightly glared at him. What time is it? “Doesn’t matter. Hey what time is it?”

“It so does. And 10:30. Why?” I shrugged nonchalantly. “You wanna go home now? I don’t mind. It is getting late.” I smiled as we went back to his car. I took one last glance at the park before it left my sight.

“So what do you think of the park?” I asked after five minutes of driving. “Pretty good I guess. First time I ever have been there.” I giggled, glad that I showed him. “It’s nice when you go in the day time.”

“Hmm we should go again sometime.” I noticed that his mind was still fixed on something else. I realized this since we left his house. And every once in a while his expression would change from cool and relaxed to fear and panic stricken. It really worries me.

“So are you going to sneak in my room tonight?” I told him jokingly. He laughed. “You want me to?”

“Well yeah. You’re like my very own teddy bear.” He looked at me. I playfully winked. He rolled his eyes. He sighed before beginning, “Emily...”

I looked at him expectantly. Is he finally telling me what’s on his mind? “When you left to the bathroom and after your mom and dad said we were like them...someone called me.” He stopped letting it sink in what he told me. Could it be Greg?

“I don’t know who it was?” Scratch that option. It seemed as if he was struggling with whatever he was going to tell me. “At first they started talking about random stuff. And then they said that I had to keep an eye on you. Because something ‘unexpected’ was going to happen to you. I don’t mean to scare you but...”

I glanced out the window. Now the trees didn’t look like a beautiful scenery but a wall that could be hiding other things. I cringed. “Is that why you were lost in thought this whole time?” He nodded his head. I sat back and closed my eyes. Deciding that that wasn’t going to work I opened them and looked at roof of the car to keep the tears from falling.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have told you.” I hurriedly shook my head back and forth. “No, no, no I’m glad you told me. Even if it is scary at least I know.” I glanced at him. His worried expression just creased itself more into his face.

I took his hand that was resting on the hand rest beside us. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll find out a way to figure this out. Want to stay with me tonight?” He slowly shook his head.

“Greg asked me if I could pretend to be his girlfriend.” I distracted him. He whipped his head toward me. “What?”

“His parents were going to have this dinner tonight and his brother thought it would be funny if he said that Greg had a girlfriend. So he asked if I could pretend just for the night.” After he processed it he opened his mouth. “And what did you tell him?”

“No. I’m your girlfriend. If I wasn’t then maybe I would have said yes but of course no.” He grinned goofily at me. “I come first, don’t I?” I smacked his arm. “Stop being cocky.”

“Love you too Emily.” My heart skipped a beat. We only said that to each other once. I laughed to keep the awkwardness from seeping in. David had taken me straight to my house. He hid his car so my parents wouldn’t see him when they came home. I sent my mom a text saying that I was home and sleeping.

“I always liked your house Emily.” David stated. I looked at him curiously. “Why? Yours is bigger.” He shrugged as we made our way to my room. “I know but yours gives the homier feel to it.” I thought about it before agreeing.

Once I had changed and turned all the lights off I climbed in next to David on the bed. Without a word he pulled my chin up and kissed me passionately.
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There's no excuse for not updating for so long. But I'm really really sorry. Please comment. It would mean a lot.