Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love


Emily POV

Without a word he pulled my chin up and kissed me passionately. I put my hand on his neck. He rolled over on top of me. He groaned when I lightly ran my nails over his back. I pulled away breathing heavily. “I think you are one of the best kissers ever.” I laughed at his remark. “If you’re trying to get lucky, it ain’t working.”

He chuckled before leaning in again. I slowly sat up. But David being David made me lean back down. His tongue was begging for entrance. I denied it many times before. “C’mon Emily.” He said in between kisses. I giggled before frenching it up with him. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt hours. Soon enough he pulled away again. “The things you do to me.”

Just to tease him I ran my finger up and down his chest while trying to keep on a straight face. He shuddered with satisfaction. He started to kiss my neck. Almost instantly he found my weak spot. I let out an involuntary moan. One of his hands was by my head holding his weight and the other found itself on my hip. I wasn’t thinking clearly until I felt David slowly rising his hand higher.

“David stop.” I pushed him away from me. He blinked surprised. “I’m so sorry. I kinda got lost with what I was doing.” I nodded my head looking down. I was embarrassed at the fact that I-“Shouldn’t have done that. I’m really sorry.”

“It’s okay. We both got out of hand there.” I lay down, looking up at him expectantly to do the same. We laid on our backs looking at my ceiling. I could feel him take a glance to me very once on a while. “Kinda awkward.” He stated silently. I turned my head to him. “Tell me about it.” He grinned before turning to face me.

“I don’t want to pressure you into anything.” He looked at me softly. I stared straight into his beautiful hazel eyes. “I know.” He nodded reassured. I loved it when we could this close. But was I ready to take to the next level? “You know I wouldn’t hide anything from you, right?”

“Of course. Well some if have a stack of porn magazines under your bed than I don’t feel like knowing.” I looked at him suppressing a smile. “Hahaha Emily.”

I shrugged adding to the effect. He poked my side. “David!” I squirmed surprised.

“No you said I have porn under my bed.” He started to tickle me. I couldn’t hold my uncontrollable laughter. I tried to push his hands away but it didn’t work. Eventually he straddled me. It was getting hard to breath.

All of a sudden he stopped. I noticed how close his face was. “Say sorry.” He whispered. At first I was confused. “Wh-Wha-no!” He shook his head as if I had gotten a question wrong. He started another tickle fit. “David!”


“I’m so glad I got partnered up with you. That last chick was starting to get on my nerves.” Sam said as we started walking track. Our coaches choose new partners. Saying that we should learn to work with other people. It’s like he doesn’t know me and Sam were besties. As for what we’re supposed to do, we have two choices.

To either run a mile or walk one lap and then pass a soccer ball. Guess the coach still isn’t feeling too well if we’re still on the same lesson. We had chosen to walk one lap and pass the ball. “Oh.” Sam looked at me. “Something is wrong. Spill it.” I faced her. She knew me like the back of her hand.

“Last night, once David brought me home, we started making out.” She stopped me. “Please spare me. I don’t want to hear what you do with him on your time alone.” I smacked her arm.

“I wasn’t going into detail. Gosh. Anyway all we did is kiss.”

“Doesn’t matter. I don’t wanna hear your tonsil hockey game with him.” I rolled my eyes at her. Like I wanted to hear what she did with Erik.

“I couldn’t go farther than that.” I confessed. She stopped eyeing Erik to look at me. Her expression held shock. Somewhat with confusion. “What?” She finally managed. I launched into what happened last night. Once I was finished I faced her with a worried expression.

“So he understands that you’re not ready?” I nodded my head. “Okay well that’s kinda the most important thing. I mean...” She tried to find another way to explain it to me. I stopped her before she got frustrated. “At least you got what I mean. Don’t care what other people think. Its not there problem.”

I knew talking to her was going to be a good thing. She always knew the right thing to say. “I know this is gonna be really personal but-” I started.

“Yeah I was scared my first time too. Terrified actually. But I completely trusted Erik with everything. I knew I was ready to give myself to him.” I looked at her astonished. How did she know I was going to ask? How did she make it sound so easy?

“You make things”

“Natural? Easy? Believe me; I was scared out of my mind.” It took me time but I finally got it. “How come you never told me? I could have helped you...sorta.” She laughed as she went to get a soccer ball. As I waited for her to come back I looked out toward the end of the field where the guys were. They had to learn archery. Luckies. We got stuck doing the same old.

“I did ask for your advice and you did help. You just didn’t notice I was asking.” Sam picked off right where we left off. I nodded at her before stepping a good distance away so we could pass the ball back and forth. My phone started vibrating in my pocket. That’s why I liked these shorts. They have pockets.

A private number had sent me a text. The coach had just everyone go back to the licker rooms. I called Sam over before she could go in. “Sup?” I showed her my phone. “Well open it.” Following her instructions pressed open.

Did you get your unexpected call last night?

I looked at David. He had just gone in the boys’ locker room. “Since when was this?” Sam looked at me. “Last night someone has called David. And they said to keep an eye on me because something ‘unexpected’ could happen to me. I need to talk to him.” She looked like she understood.

“The person who sent you this text probably knows where you live. You could stay with me. If you want.”

“Really? You would do that for me? Oh I don’t want to bother you or your mom and dad. I shouldn’t get you in this mess.” She shook her head and waved her hand. “Nonsense. I’ll talk to you later because I feel like changing already. See you inside.” She walked in. I guess I stood there for a few couple minutes. David emerged from the door. Once he spotted me he grinned.

“Hey, what are you doing out here. Why haven’t you changed yet?” I shrugged and met him half way. I wrapped my arms around him and shoved my head into his chest. He kissed the top of my head. “I got a text saying if I got my unexpected call last night.” He tensed.

“When? Right now?” I pulled away from him. His eyes had darkened from his once humorous mood. “Yeah from a private number.” He shook his head.

“I promise I won’t leave you out of my sight.”

“No, no, no. You don’t have to do that. It’s me not you.”

“But maybe it’s because of me that it’s happening to you.” He had a point but I didn’t want to worry him.

“No. You’re never at fault here.”

“Emily I noticed that since we got together we have gotten nothing but trouble.”

“So what are you saying? That we should end it because of way to many things happening?” He looked at me. I shook my head and started to walk away. He caught my arm.

“Wait Emily.”

“No! You know David I would have gladly taken everything that came our way with a hard blow! Why? Because, apparently, I care too damn much for you!”

“You took it the wrong way.”

“No I didn’t! Don’t you dare tell me I didn’t. You want to end because you’re too coward to face it all.” His expression hardened.

“I tried to help but you didn’t want it. I tried to tell you something important but you didn’t want to hear it.” I crossed my arms and cocked my hip.

“What was it that you were going to tell me then?”

“For what? You didn’t want to hear before. Why do you want to hear it now?” I sighed.

“I don’t know. What made you think I wanted to hear it before?” He rolled his eyes. We stayed looking at each other for a few minutes. I guess our pride got the best of us.

“Emily!” Sam’s voice came from behind David. She skipped to us holding Erik’s hand. Why couldn’t me and David have that? I mean seriously, I never met anyone like him. David snapped his eyes away from me and walked away without saying a word to either Sam or Erik.

Sam looked at me before going after David. Erik stood there looking between me and Sam. “It’s okay. You can follow her if you like.” He shook his head. “So what happened? Sam told me about that call.”

“David said that since we got together we haven’t gotten anything but trouble. And then he said that I took it the wrong way.” I huffed. “Did he tell you that we might be able to go to Florida for that beach thing you said? He told me that he thought it was the perfect time. I didn’t understand why until now.”

I stared at him. Is this the important something David was going to tell me? Oh gosh, I think I just made a fool of myself. Well it did hurt me that he said all the problems were because of us. “When did he tell you?”

“This morning before going to pick you up.” I groaned. Sam came back shaking her head in disappointment. I waved before she could start telling me anything. I headed toward the locker room so I could change into my proper clothes. I really hope I didn’t screw anything up. After I was done I headed back outside. Both Sam and Erik had left. I checked my phone to see what time it was. 4:30. I walked around to the parking lot. Deserted. Really David? You brought me here; you couldn’t stand ten minutes of not talking to me in an awkward silence?

I sighed and headed for my house. I felt another presence behind me. I looked back. Nothing. Come on Emily! Stop being paranoid. I felt the presence behind me again. This time when I looked back I let out a scream. I fell to the ground holding my chest. I got and smacked David. My fists pounded into his chest.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” He tried to push me away. When I stopped I was huffing. When I really looked at him I wanted to burst into tears. I turned and started to walk away. “Wait Emily.” I didn’t stop. I ignored him and kept walking.

“Please listen to me. Yes I was a complete jerk earlier. Please forgive me. I didn’t think that what I said would affect you as much as it did. I know you care a lot about me. I do too.” I stopped. Tears were glossing my eyes. I looked up to meet his gaze. Once he saw me he stepped back. He looked hurt and guilty.

“You think a simple sorry is going to fix what you said?”


“It hurt a lot,” A traitor tear went down my cheek. I vigorously rubbed it away. “You made it sound like you wanted to break up with me just so you didn’t have to deal with everything right now.”

“I know. And I’m really sorry about it.” He tried to get close to me but I put my hand out to stop him.

“Please.” He tried desperately. “Don’t let this get in between us. I know I did wrong and I’ll do anything to prove to you that I am truly sorry.” I couldn’t hold it anymore. I ran into him. My sobs muffled because of him. He tried to sooth me with comfortable words.

“Where’s your car?” I asked him. Still clinging like he was the only thing in my life left. “I asked Erik if he could take it for me. I wanted to wait until you came back out.” I put my ear to his chest instead of my face. I could hear his heart beat. A rhythm mine wanted to follow. “Can you walk me home?”

“Yeah, of course.” Once I got there neither of my parents’ cars were there. I stepped inside letting David follow me. We never said anything was okay but I still wanted him here with me. I walked into the kitchen. A post-it stuck to the fridge.

Hello sweetie! Your dad and I have to go on an important business trip. If you need anything it may be in the house. If not please feel free to go to Sam’s or David’s. Please be safe. With love, from your mom and dad. XOXO

I gave the note to David. He skimmed it and looked at me. “Want me to get on my knees and beg for forgiveness?” I couldn’t help but to give a small smile. I pulled him in and gave a long lingering kiss.

“I’m sorry too. I over-reacted over something so stupid.”

“No. I did make myself look like a complete jerk.”

“So are we all good?” My brown met his hazel.

“I think we should be.” I smiled feeling a bit relieved.