Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love

Text Message

Emily POV

The cold air seeped in through my window. Reaching my bare arms. Creating goose bumps. I snuggled closer to David. He was on his back, on my bed, holding me close with one arm. His hand in my hair.

“When do you think it will start snowing?” He mumbled. I was playing with a loose string on his shirt.

“I don’t know. Soon I guess.” I looked up at him. He was staring at the pattern on my roof.

“I’m bored.” I announced. But I guess you could guess that since we really had nothing to talk about. I looked at my phone to check for messages. None. Now why was I hoping for at least one? David sat up next to me.

“We don’t know.” I giggled at his frustration to think of something to do. He looked at me. Some part of me thought that he had done it on purpose. I rolled my eyes.

“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” He winked at me.

“Well anyway...wanna talk?” I stared blankly at him. He looked back innocently. Sometimes he can be totally oblivious.

“You now suggest that?”

“Well you seemed lost in thought earlier. And I didn’t want to bother you.” I scoffed getting off the bed. That’s nothing like him. He’s lying.

“I don’t believe you. What’s wrong?” I stared into his hazel orbs. Sometimes I wish I had the same color. He sighed before standing off the bed stretching. He looked at me then started to leave my room. I sat there stunned. Not even a goodbye?

David stopped at my door way beckoning me to follow him. He gave me a confused look when I started to make my way towards him. “Why didn’t you follow me,” He asked going down the stairs.

“I don’t know. I thought you were leaving.” I shrugged even though he had his back to me. He stopped in the middle of the stair case to look at me. “Do you regret being with me?”

I stared at him. Where the hell did that question come from? “What are talking about?” David looked to the ground shuffling his feet with the carpet on the wooden steps.

“Sam told me....well....more like screamed....or pointed out....about what happened the other night and I thought that you kinda started to regret me. I mean-” I stopped him putting my hand up.

“Never ever would I regret you. Okay yeah she pointed it out but that’s all she did. I didn’t tell her anything that might have hinted that I didn’t want to be with you. Got it?” He nodded.

Taking advantage that he was lower than me, I put my hands on his shoulders and ducked my head so my lips could meet his. David started out slow and gentle but was making it harder and more passionate. I ran my hands through his hair. He pulled back.

“Damn....I’m hungry.” I pushed his arm playfully glaring at him. I went down the rest of the stairs into the kitchen. I heard David follow me. I sat on a stool by the island staring out the window. I love the winter but sometimes it gets way too cold.

“Is it okay if I invade your kitchen for something to eat?” Even though he just asked me, he was already looking through the fridge and everything for a snack. Guess he had the munchies.

“Why do you ask when you do it anyway,” I asked folding my arms across my chest. He shrugged finding Oreos. “Guess I was being polite.” I scoffed.

“I’m bored. Can we invite Sam over?” I got tired of watching him eat cookies with milk. David met my gaze. “She’s with Erik.” Like I didn’t know that.

“Thanks David I didn’t know that they were always together. Did you how much information you just gave me,” I replied sarcastically. He swallowed milk before replying,

“Fuck you.” I jumped off the stool.

“No thanks, I’m good.” I winked at him before going up the stairs again to get my phone. I dialed Sam’s number letting it ring a couple times.

“Hello!” Sam’s chirpy voice answered.

“Hey Sam it’s me Emily. I got bored and wondered if you wanted to come over to my place. David is here incase Erik is with you.” I waited for to answer me back. She was talking with Erik in the background. I knew he was with her.

“Sure we’re on our way there. Is it okay if I stay over there for the night?”

“Yeah but my parents aren’t here. So umm yeah.” At least Sam will be here with me.

“Sweetness! Even better. See you there.” We told each other goodbye before hanging up. I went back down to David. He had put up the cookies and drinking a glass of water.

“Are they coming?” He put the cup in the sink. After three years, Sam and Erik, become a they not a ‘is Sam and Erik coming?’ I nodded my head.

He walked up to me putting his hands at my hips. I looked up questionably. “While were still alone.” He smirked before kissing me. I felt him back me up to a wall. My hand was on his cheek. Gosh.... From the looks of this, I think any doubts he had were long gone.

Who knows how long we stayed in that position, lost in ourselves when the doorbell rang. I reluctantly pulled back heading for the door. “We could have just pretended that we weren’t here.” I looked back at David.

“I called Sam, duh.” He narrowed his eyes at me before going into the living room. Probably to turn on the TV. I opened the door to Sam and Erik. Erik being the one holding her stuff while Sam was holding a plastic baggy.

Once they came in I asked, “What’s in the bag?” Sam held it up excitedly.

“Uno cards! I thought we could play it.” Her goofy smile made me grin. We went into the living room to see David watching the Discovery Cannel. He looked up to us. Sam pushed David till he was sitting.

“Move! Don’t you see that there are people here?” David crossed his arms and glared at her. “Don’t you see that there is a floor?” She shoved him again. I felt Erik turn to me.

“Why do they always fight?” I shrugged.

“Like I would know.”

“Okay guys, let’s play!” Sam threw the plastic bag at David after she took the cards out. We sat around the coffee table each getting seven cards. Five minutes passed before Erik already had one card left.

“How do you only have one card? We just started.” I asked astonished. He didn’t get to answer due to David’s phone ringing. He looked at the screen before sliding it up.

“Hello?” None of us were talking so we could hear what he was talking. He looked apologetically to me before standing up leaving the room. I sighed.

“Who do you think it was?” Sam asked. I shrugged. Erik was the one to answer her.

“It’s probably our mom wondering where we are. You know, since its 5:00.” He smirked at her; she smacked him in the arm.

“I was serious.”

“And so was I.” She rolled her eyes. David came back his face emotionless.

“Umm mom called us. She wants us to go home.” He told Erik. Erik sighed and began helping us pick up the cards. After he was done he went with Sam outside. No doubt to give us some privacy along with them.

I stood up and hugged David. We stayed in this position for a few minutes. I pulled back. “Something’s wrong, tell me.” He still looked emotionless. Like he had heard some really bad news and doesn’t know what to do or how to feel exactly. He pulled out his phone opening another text message.

Hello my dearest friend, I suggest you look under your bed tonight. Never know what the monsters could hold....

I glanced up. I’m guessing I had the same expression tonight. All the color drained my face. “Did your mom really call you?”

He nodded but answered anyway, “She did but right after I hung up I got the text message. I want to go to like, umm, see under my bed.” It may seem kinda kid-ish to look under his bed but under the circumstances I think it’s a good way to go.

“I’ll see you later. Call me?” I didn’t want him to leave. I nodded none the less watching him walk out. I sat down on the couch with my head in my hands. What the hell is happening?

Sam came back in a couple minutes later and sat down next to me. “Hey Emily what happened. I noticed that when David came back it looked like he just saw a ghost and now you look the same way."

“After his mom called him, he got a text message saying ‘Hello my dearest friend, I suggest you look under your bed tonight. Never know what the monsters could hold.’ I don’t know what to do.” She opened her arms to hug me.

“I’m sorry. Glad that I stayed?” I pulled back. I nodded standing up.

David POV

When I got home I went straight to my room. I heard Erik talk with my mom before following me. “Dude what is wrong with you?” I stopped and glared at him. He put up his hands defensively. I went back to walking up the stairs. When I reached my door I just stood there.

“What happened that you don’t want to go into your room? Just sneak out like you always do when you go to Emily’s.” I shook my head pulling put my cell. Once he read it he gave it back. “So...want me to open the door for you?” I put my hand on the handle turning it slowly. Damn I’m sounding like such a girl.

Everything looked the same. Nothing was out of place. I walked to my bed poking the soft mattress. Erik stood at the doorway. “What if there is a bomb?” I had to hold back my laughter. I turned back to him.

“They had to deliver it and put it under my bed. I think mom or dad would have noticed.” He shrugged as if that wasn’t enough to cross out that option. I got on my knees, looking under. A little box was far enough out that I could barely reach it. Tape surrounding it covered the cardboard.

Erik got closer. “Well open it.” I struggled with the tape before unfolding all four tops. What the fuck?