Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love


David POV

What the fuck? Erik sighed. “Well so much for the bomb.” He started walking out my room. It was a DVD. That’s all that was there. No note or anything. I called out to him before he could turn out my room, “You don’t want to see what’s in it?” He came back running in.

“I thought you’d never ask.” I chuckle before pushing the stupid disc in the player. That’s when I realized ‘how the hell did it get in my room?’ I ran downstairs before I pushed play. I looked for my mom or dad.

I spotted the both of them in the backyard sitting down on a table that hid the sunlight from their faces. “Hey guys can I ask you a question?” Erik came running out. “You know man that was very mean. I sat there like a dumbass.” My mom gave him a look. Probably because of the language.

“What is it honey?” My mom asked standing up. My dad leaned back in his chair studying me and Erik. “Did someone deliver something for me?” She thought for a moment.

“No. We were here the whole day, and not once has the doorbell rung.” I stare out behind her. Then how did that DVD get under my bed. I told them thanks then went back to my room. Erik followed me. I sat on the edge of the bed pressing play.

For the first few seconds the screen was black until an image appeared of me and Emily. We were at school at lunch. Every image that passed on the screen was of us together. Then as quickly as they went they were gone. Words flashed.

This something that is experienced by only true soul mates. You have my heart....

I looked at the words. Slowly blinking. They mimicked a note I had once given to Emily. I thought it was corny while she thought it was cute. No one else had saw it or heard about it. I made Emily promise me.

She put it in her locker behind all her stuff so no one would be able to find it. If she didn’t show it to anybody then that means that someone was able to get in her locker. That same someone who has sent us threatening texts and this video.

What the hell? A stalker?

Emily POV

Sam and I decided to sleep in the same bed that night. It’s been so long that we have had another sleepover. I’m guessing Sam read my thoughts because she spoke quietly, “When was the last time that we actually did this? I mean a few months to a year, right?”

I looked over to my left at her. She was one her back just like I was. “I know! So how’s everything with Erik going?” I decided to just talk about random stuff. Maybe that will get my mind off things.

“We’re going great! Everything about us is perfect. I don’t know but I kinda feel like he’s the one. And it’s confusing because this is just high school. And everybody says that sweet hearts from high school don’t last. That they’re just a mistake.” She sincerely sounded confused and hurt.

“You know Sam whoever told you that clearly are very stupid. I mean extremely, look at my parents or Erik’s, they were high school sweethearts. Yeah they have the occasional argument but deep down inside they were meant to be. You shouldn’t listen to what other people say.” She sat up and so did I. In the dark room I could barely see her expression.

“Really? That is so cool. So I should just go with what I feel? Not with what other people think?” I laughed stretching my arms over my head. I don’t know what it is, but when Sam used to stay here we would never sleep, so know that she’s here again I don’t feel like sleeping. Hell I don’t even feel tired. Just like old times.

“I think you should go with your heart.” I felt her get even happier. She tackled me on the bed. She had me pinned down, since we were sitting down my legs were folded and being crushed by Sam. Abruptly, my phone started to ring.

“Remember that movie when it called people before-” I cut her off with my hand. I looked at my screen before opening my cell.

“Hey David.” I said letting Sam know who it was. She nodded reaching out for her phone.

“Hey babe. What are you and Sam doing?” He sounded worried.

“Nothing much. Just talking in the dark. What about you? And what was under your bed?” Maybe I should not have asked. He sighed loudly. Clearly stressed.

“I’m sitting on my bed. It was a video. Erik thought it was a bomb.” He laughed as he remembered. “I want to show it to you. Is it okay if I go over there?”

I turned to Sam. “Is it okay if David comes over? He wants to show me something?” She shrugged. Then she put her finger up. I nodded my head, knowing what she wanted.

“She said yes but to bring Erik with you.” When he didn’t answer I called him. “David?” A minute passed before I really began to worry. I looked at my phone to see that the call was still going. “David?!” Erik answered me instead.

“Hey Emily. I think David needs you. Like to come here. He found a note and like went into a shock kind of the thing. Would you mind coming?” I froze. I instantly jumped out of bed looking for a pair of jeans while still talking to Erik.

“Do you know what the note says? Why don’t you tell your mom?!” I heard the phone drop. Sam was doing the same thing I was. Probably because she was worried and didn’t want me to wait for her.

“What’s wrong, Emily?” I looked up to her. I looked at my phone to see that the call was cut. I didn’t want to explain things to her afraid that I might burst into tears. I think she saw that too because she shook her head no, telling me never mind, and getting the keys to my car.

“Do you mind driving?” I asked going down the stairs. She waved her hand in front of her dismissing the subject. I sighed; if I would have driven then maybe we would have gotten in a car accident.

I opened the door expecting to walk fast to my car. Instead I see Greg standing there with a nervous expression. “Greg?” I asked in disbelief that he was here. He shifted his weight to his other foot.

“Hey Emily, Sam.” Something told me that he was just thinking that it was just going to be me. She gave him a stiff nod. I wonder what happened that she didn’t like him. “What do you need?” I asked cutting to the chase.

“I wanted to talk to you.” Never once did he give me eye contact. It made me suspicious that maybe he wanted more than just an exchanged of words. I stepped back half a step.

“At this time of night? I don’t think so. What did you want?” Sam sounded confident that he wasn’t going to scare her. Truth was I was ready to scream until I had no voice left. As for Sam, maybe she felt the same way, just putting up an act.

“That’s all I wanted,” He told her coldly. “What are you two doing? At this time of night?” He threw her words back at us. I made my back go straighter. Like I had more confidence.

“I believe that is none of your business. So I suggest you leave. We have to go.” I tried to walk around him but he caught my hand. “Please forgive me. That was rude. Where are you going? I’ll take you.”

I was weary of him. I looked toward Sam to see what she thought about it. She shook her head no. “No thanks but we want to get there fast. We don’t want to bother you.” She added sarcastically at the end.

“Sam.” I scowled at her. “No thank you Greg but we really do need to get there.” With that I walked away with Sam not to far behind. As we pulled out he gave a small wave. But something in his eyes seemed menacing. I really need to keep an eye on him.

My phone started vibrating in my hands. I picked up on the first ring. “Hello?” I sounded breathless.

“Emily?” David...

“David! What the hell happened?”

Instead of answering my question he asked one of his own. “Where are you?”

“Sam and I are going to your house.” I looked over at Sam who threw me a glance. She nodded now knowing where we were headed. He exhaled relieved.

“How about we meet at the tree house?” He sounded in desperate need of wanting to talk with me.

“Sam can you go to the tree house instead?” She gave me a small smile before turning the car around. “Yeah sure, David, we’re on our way there.” I answered David’s question.

“Okay I’ll see you there.” He hung up without letting me get another word out. I sighed frustrated. I closed my phone and threw it in the cup holder by my leg.

“What’s wrong?” Sam asked. I looked over to her.

“David had found out that there was a box that had a video and that he wanted to come over to show us. But then he found a note and went into some kind of shock thing, Erik’s words not mine. Now he wants to meet us at the tree house.” I finished with sigh.

“I don’t think he wants to meet us, as for just you.” I shrugged. When we parked I opened my car door heading for the ladder that leads up to the tree house. “Emily?” I looked behind the tree at a nervous David. I almost peed my pants at the sight of him.

I ran into his arms. He lifted me off the ground. “I was so damn worried about you!” Once he put me down I looked into his eyes.

“Why? I didn’t go or do anything. I was with Sam.” I glanced back forgetting that Sam was there. She was nowhere in sight. “She’s in the tree house with Erik.” I nodded understanding.

“What happened David?” He pulled out a note. Unfolded it, and then handed it to me.

I would die if you were gone.

Then in more sloppy hand writing it read.

Would you really die? We’ll just have to find out. Your dearest friend....

I felt myself drop to my knees. David crouched down with me. “We have our own personal stalker.” I put my head in my hands. I felt like ripping my hair out. Then it clicked. All of it.

“And I have an idea of who it is.” David grabbed my face with both of his hands. His eyes questioning.
♠ ♠ ♠
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