Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love


Emily POV

“And I have an idea of who it is.” David grabbed my face with both of his hands. His eyes questioning.

“I know we should be totally worried about this right but I have something else on my mind.” Before I could ask what it was his mouth came crashing down on mine. He kissed me as if his life depended on it. In some ways it probably could.

I pushed him back. Giving him a stern look I stood up. “What? C’mon, I can’t kiss my girlfriend?” He smirked wrapping his arms around me. I put my hands around his neck looking up at him.

“Yes but we have other things to worry about.” David sighed. He put his head on top of mine. This is a time where I’m glad he’s as tall as he is.

“What if I don’t want to think about those worries?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“It so does.” I smacked his chest playfully. But the task seemed harder then I thought.

“Emily who do you think is the stalker?” Despite it all I grinned.

“I didn’t know we had a stalker.” He scoffed. He pulled out of our hug and grabbed my hand. I always felt safe with him. Even before we became friends and even more. I loved how warm his hands always were.

“But really, who?” I looked into his eyes. I’m not going to lie. It intimidated what his reaction could be when he finds out who I think it is.

“I don’t want to tell because I think you’ll get super mad,” I mumbled. He scrunched up his face. He held up his pinky finger.

“I pinky promise I won’t get mad.” I sighed. Might as well tell him know now before he gets annoyed.

“Greg.” I whisper. David’s eyes harden. He tries to keep composure of his facial expression. Before he starts screaming I remind him of his promise. He sighs loudly. I tug him toward the tree house.

“Okay I know I promised not to get mad or anything but I just have to ask this question, why the hell are you barely telling me this?!” It hurt to hear the anger in his voice. I don’t know why but that brought tears to my eyes. I looked away not letting him see my face.

“I barely figured it out today.” My voice sounded hoarse. I coughed. Only that made a single tear fall. I let go of his hand going to the tree house.

“Emily?” David started following me. I decided not to go up the tree house. Instead I steered myself toward my car. He grabbed my arm. I rubbed vigorously at my eyes. David tried to pull me into a hug but I pushed him away.

“Why the hell are you trying to hug me?!” I threw his words back at him. Hurt and rejection flashed in his eyes. It hurt me too but I don’t think I deserved to be screamed at like that.

“I’m really sorry.” He put his hands on my hips. I put mine on his chest. I didn’t look at him. Just straight at on my hands on his chest. “I didn’t know that it would affect you this much.”

I smirked. “How come I’ve heard that before?” David chuckled. He kissed my forehead, then between my eyes, after that on my nose, finally my mouth. I accepted the kiss eagerly. Apparently, his mean question is put behind us. We pulled back trying to get our breath back.

I need some answers. And if David stood this close to me, then that task wouldn’t get accomplished. I pushed him at least two-three feet away from me. “I want to some answers,” I told him with confidence.

He looked at weirdly before shrugging his shoulders down. “Fine. Ask away.” I thought of some of the questions I wanted to know.

The first that came to my mind was, “How did you find the note?”

He looked down before glancing back at me. “I was lying on the ground to tell you the truth.” I tried to hold in my laughter before it bubbled out. I encouraged him to go on. “Then when I was looking under my bed I found something white.” Sigh “I pulled it out then opened it up.”

He looked uncomfortable as to what he was going to say next. “I went into shock okay!” He ran his hands through his hair. I felt bad for making him tell me.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you. I didn’t know you would react like this. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

“No its okay. I just got extremely worried of what could have happened to you. Emily I don’t think you know how much I care for you.” Despite the fact that I had put the distance between us he came close to me again. Wrapping his arms around me he inhaled the fragrance of my shampoo.

“Mmm.” I chuckled.

“It’s irresistible apple.”

“I like it.” Somehow our conversation steered away from what I originally wanted. I pulled back once again.

“Anyway back to what we were talking to. What made you come out of shock? I don’t even know if that is how you’re supposed to phrase that question.” He looked away once again. I knew for a fact that once he answered all the questions I wanted then he was going to bombard me with his.

It made me kind of afraid of what he was going to ask me. “Erik lied to me. Saying that you were their and that you were okay.” I nodded my head.

“I gotta thank him for that. I think this is my last question. How did the video, in which I still have to see, get under your bed?” As much as I wanted to I couldn’t look away from his intense gaze.

“I don’t know. I had asked my mom if it was delivered to me by someone or the post thingy guy came and dropped it off, but it turns out that no. The only solution is that they went in my room without being caught by either mom or dad.” I nodded slowly.

“Since you are done, it’s my turn.” He gave me look that said that I was going to get hell just like I did. Oh no.

“You thought it was Greg. Why?” Now that he had said it out loud the idea seemed ridiculous.

“Well...I don’t know exactly that it’s him. Just little facts that point to him.” He looked at me gently. “He was there when Sam and I came here. He was rude to us, in a way, then apologized and tried to convince us to take us to your house.”

David’s face hardened instantly. His voice had a hard edge to it. “What did he tell you?”

“It’s that Sam was mean to him first so he was mean back. Then he apologized to me and said to make it up that he could take us where we were going. I told him no. And when we were leaving he had this malicious look in his eyes. The only reason I think it's him is because of how late he was there to ‘just talk’ and the look in his eye.” I finished. David stared intensely at me for a few minutes.

I started to blush at the intensity. I looked up to the tree house before down to him. “You know, this isn’t fair, you practically tortured me with every question you asked. I got to do was ask one and you rambled on of what had happened. I wanted you to feel what you made me feel.” He pouted looking at the ground.

I giggled walking up to him. “Would you like an award for surviving?” He narrowed his eyes at me.

“Smart-ass.” I giggled some more. “And yes I would like an award. And I know exactly what I want.” He leaned down ducking his head to kiss my lips. I put my hands on his shoulders tip-toeing so his head wouldn’t be in that stiff position.

A whistle stoped us. We both look up to Sam with a head shaking Erik. His arm is wrapped around her waist. “What?” David asked annoyed. Sam put her hands up defensively.

“Well excuse me for interrupting y’all shoving each others’ tongues down your throat.” I shook my head untangling myself from David’s embrace. He huffed crossing his arms literally stomping to the ladder leading up the tree house.

I motioned him to go first. He shook his head. “Nah you go first.” I shrugged putting my foot on a step of the stepping thingys and my arm on a higher one. I started climbing it when David whistled from under me.

I looked down. He looked up at me smirking. I gave him the finger. He winked. “Anytime babe.”

Once all of us were there we sat down on the plush couches. I cuddled up on one with David. While Sam and Erik did the same. “So Sam told me everything that happened...” I looked at Erik. He looked genuinely concerned. It made me think of how I could possibly think he was a cold hearted bitch.

“You know I was thinking-"

She got interrupted by David. “Ain’t that something?” She was getting up when Erik held her back. He whispered something in her ear making her nod. I turned to David.

“Why are you always so mean to her?” He shrugged.

“I don’t know its fun?” I shook my head back and forth.

“Anyway,” Sam said again. “I came up with a plan. Since we all think it’s Greg and he doesn’t know that then we should pretend that we don’t have a clue.” David and I looked at her confused. Clearly she told Erik before us.

“Meaning, Emily should get to know him a little more. Become friendly, so then she could somehow look through his stuff. And if we find out anything that leads him to this, then he’s busted!”

As I let it sink in I shook my head approving. “I find that very nice.” We smiled at each other. I hope this works.