Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love


Emily POV

“Hey Greg. How’s it going?” He looked at me from his locker. He looked confused but then again glad. Probably for some sick reason. Ugh, what was wrong with me now? Before I used to think he was cute and nice. Now he’s a monster out to get me. But then again, I could just be thinking it’s him when it’s really not.

“Hey Emily. What brings you by? And I’m good.” He smiled faintly. He would appear totally nonchalant but I noticed an edge to his movements and the way he talked. Even though he probably said only about ten words.

“I got bored and thought I could hang out with you.” I tried to smile brightly at him. He looked even more confused.

“Then why aren’t you with David? You’re always with him.” Greg tried to hide the accusation out of his voice. I shook my head trying to come up with an excuse as to why I’m not with David.

“His mom needed him and he couldn’t hang out with me.” Greg’s gaze hardened a bit. If he wanted to say something mean to me he didn’t. Instead he smiled widely closing his locker.

“Well since you’re free, want to do something?” I nodded my head. The real reason I wasn’t with David was because I needed to get closer to Greg. So David went home in a glum mood because he was going to spend the afternoon alone. He’ll probably just bother Sam and Erik.

“Sure. What did you have in mind?” Greg thought about it a minute.

“How about we go to the mall?” I nodded. This could be easy if I just pretend I don’t know as much as I do. Because when you get right down to it Greg seemed like a nice guy.

“Yeah that sounds good. What time do you want to go?” We started walking to the parking lot.

“How about now? Since we have nothing to do. Or if you have homework...” He trailed off. We walked in the direction of his old beat up car. I couldn’t even tell what type of model it was.

“Nope, I have nothing to do. We can head over now. If you like.” I looked at him from under my eye lashes. It’s so hard pretending to like him. I mean in the beginning he was cool but not anymore. He really didn’t have any self-confidence.

“Okay.” This was going to be a long afternoon.

David POV

When I got home I literally laid on my bed for thirty minutes staring at my roof thinking of what Emily was doing. I hated the plan Sam made. But I had no choice but to agree. Well I could say something. But then again, it could help us.

I lay down for another five minutes when I realized I had a brother that I could bother. And is Sam was with him then even better. If Sam doesn’t like it, then it’s not my fault that she came up with the plan.

I got up going downstairs to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I heard the TV blaring from the living room. I walked in taking a big gulp of water. Sam and Erik were sitting on the couch watching a movie.

“Hey guys what’s up?” Sam looked at me.

“Nothing some really old movie that I can’t believe Erik chose to watch. Very bad special effects.” I laughed as Erik started flipping through the channels again. My mom walked in with a smile on her face.

Erik and I glanced at each other. What has she planned now? “Hey mom,” Erik said wearily.

“I got good news. Well...yeah.” She sat on the couch next to me. Again Erik and I looked at each other.

“Awesome. What is it?” I looked at the TV. It was showing some kind of food being made. It made me hungry. She coughed grabbing all our attentions. Looks like I’m not the only one that wants food.

“Um...that does look good.” My mom turned to the TV looking at a chef cook something that made my mouth water. We sat there for five minutes in silence watching a guy cook. When the meal was complete I swear I heard my stomach grumble.

“Anyway...” My mom turned to us as commercials began to play.

Emily POV

We sat at the cafeteria. It had been sorta awkward to say at the least. We would have good conversations but they didn’t last long. We mainly just walked around.

“So...” I started. Greg cringed. Okay?

“Look I know that we’re not really good friends but I think that if we kinda get past the first stage of friendship then maybe we could be really good friends.” I looked him in the eyes. He tried to hold my gaze just like David does but it never works. Maybe I’m wrong about him. It could be just a figment of my imagination that everything turns to him.

“Sure that sounds great.” I smiled. He did the same standing up throwing his coke away. I did the same. We started walking around the mall again. I started getting tired and the crowds of people were dimming by the minute.

“Anyway, what do you think about the saying ‘just like apples and oranges’ or something like that?” I laughed at his random question. After we left the cafeteria we started to get more along and the awkwardness was really not there anymore.

“Umm I think it’s very stupid.” He laughed with me. Greg steered me over to the exit. Wow I didn’t notice how late it was.

“I know, right?” I giggled and covered my mouth. I can not giggle.

“First of all, they are very different. Oranges has more vitamin D and I think sugar. Where as, apples has a thin layer that you can eat and with the outer layer of the oranges...I never met anyone that eats it.” We laughed heading to his car.

“Okay I didn’t expect you to know all those facts. Hehe but they both grow on trees.” I nodded my head agreeing with him.

“True. But still they are totally different.” The drive to my house was short. I grabbed my back bag from the backseat of his car.

“Thanks Greg. I had a good time with you. Maybe we could do it again sometime.” He looked at me with hopeful eyes. I then realized the mistake I made.

“Sure. See you tomorrow at school.” I started up the driveway to the front door. Greg didn’t leave until I had gone inside. What the hell did I just do? Thanks Greg. I had a good time with you. Maybe we could do it again sometime.

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket. Strangely, it didn’t ring all afternoon. I would have expected David to call or at least text me. I looked at the screen. David. Yeah now you call me.

“Hello.” I answered sorta rudely. I instantly regretted when David didn’t answer back immediately.

“Emily it’s me David.” His voice shook. As if he needed to get something off his chest.

“Yeah I know. What do you need?” I slightly made my voice softer but didn’t take the edge that was to it.

“Are you home? I really want to be with you.” It melted my heart. I told him to come by at any time he wants that I just got home and didn’t plan on going anywhere. I hung up going toward my room. Everything looked in its place.

There was a knock on the door. I went down the stairs slowly and quietly. I looked through the little peep hole. Yup I just did that. David was standing there with his hands shoved his pockets. I opened the door with a small smile on my face.

He did the same. I let him in locking the door behind him. I turned to him with a confused expression. “What’s wrong?” He shook his head putting one of his hands on his cheeks.

Slowly he leaned down to kiss me. I eagerly replied forgetting that I was mad at him before. When he pulled back he looked in my eyes. Just the way he always does.

“Really what is it?” He sighed hugging me.

“Nothing I just really missed you.” He smiled at me. I did the same.
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Its coming to an end! It probably ends around chapter 44 or 45.