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I think this is more than just puppy love


Returning – Chapter Four

Emily POV

As I was walking towards in the familiar hallways I heard a deep voice call my name. I glanced behind me my eyes catching a tall figure. Everything changed and for a moment I thought I was seeing another person. Of course the confidence was still seen on his face. The arrogant aura and smirk still in place.

Oh yes it was still the same David Ashworth I knew.

“Nice to see you again, Emily.” The voice did something I didn’t care to admit.

“The pleasantries are only one sided, David.” I turned to walk away. The front office wasn’t that far. If I walked fast enough I had enough time to check out my classes.

“C’mon don’t tell me you aren’t happy to see me?” He grabbed my arm stopping me from moving any forward. “You know, I used to think that Sam was kidding. But I now know she wasn’t. You really have changed into something else.”

“Why would Sam have anything to do with you?” I questioned him. He tilted his head as he gave me a confused expression.

“I don’t know. Maybe it has to do with her being with Erik?” It sounded more like a question. Thoughts rattled in my brain by what he was telling me and by what Sam had always told me.

“But she always said she wasn’t. Why would she lie?” David shrugged putting his arm around my shoulders. I pulled his arm away from me walking to the office at a brisk pace. I didn’t take the time to hear what else he said.

This confusion I didn’t need until later. If Sam really was with Erik who was I to tell them they couldn’t be? It isn’t my life, yet I feel betrayed because she never confided in me. Again, I don’t have to deal with this until school was over or quite possibly until lunch rolled in.

Two years ago I was willing to do almost anything to stay here and now I had my heart beating with anxiousness for the day to be over. I guess it safe to say that things do change in time. I opened the door letting the fragrance of flowers hit me.

Everything still looked as it had when I left. Well maybe the saying is true in some cases. The old red couch still sat against the wall on the right far end. On the opposite side was the door leading the principal’s office. Beside that was the hallway to other important teachers’.

Ahead of me was the assistant’s desk. Mrs. Hicks was an elderly lady that held advice you didn’t know you even needed. If you were on her good side she would fight tooth and nail for whatever you needed and if you weren’t then you needed some luck on your side.

With me I found t fascinating that she would even give me the time of day to say hello. Mrs. Hicks was the equivalent to a grandmother to me. I surprised by the strong emotion of missing her so much.

I slowly made my way to her desk. I waited until she finished what she was doing before she looked up at me. Her surprise only made my stomach tie into tighter knots.

“Oh my goodness, Emily, have you changed. It’s been a while that I don’t see you here.” I felt the blush rise from my neck to my cheeks.

“Hi Mrs. Hicks it’s nice to see you again too.”

“I missed seeing your beautiful face here. Of course for good reasons not the bad ones.” She chuckled shuffling some papers on her desk. “I’m guessing that you’re here to collect your schedule and things like that?” I nodded.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Well here is the whole new student packet.” She handed me a folder with the schools logo on the front. “I don’t want you in here like before, understand?” I nodded once again heading back toward the hallways that were now lingered with students.

I stood by the door clutching the folder to my chest. Oh this day could go by in a few seconds. I wouldn’t mind. I honestly wouldn’t. I finally looked at my schedule. The classes seemed okay if not bearable. There wasn’t one I would demand be changed. Like art for example. I shuddered thinking of my horrible stick figures giving an art teacher a heart attack.

Familiar laughter made me look up. Sam and Erik were holding hands as they were at an open locker. I never brought myself, earlier in the weekend, to tell Sam I had changed schools. Now was a good time to surprise her.

At least I hoped it was going to be a good surprise. Nothing we couldn’t survive. I hope so.
♠ ♠ ♠
They get longer.