Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love


Emily POV

I knew where Andrew was locked up. His location was never far from my mind. While David’s parents were occupied with the hospital and getting him checked in, I was able to slip away and not get noticed. I had gotten a taxi to drive me. When we arrived I paid the guy and watched him leave. I took a deep breath walking up the steps.

The elderly man looked up from the computer, smiling softly. “Hello. How may I help?” He recited the first few mandatory lines.

“Yes I would like to know if I could visit someone here.”

“What is this person’s name?” He poised his fingers over the keyboard.

“Andrew Johnson.” The man looked at me.

“I know who it is. Everyone does. The young man is nothing but trouble every day. Are you sure you want to see him?” I nodded. “Well he always mumbles this name over and over and over.” The man shook his head. He handed me papers. “Are you over eighteen?” I shook my head. He hesitated. “I’m not sure that I am allowed to let you see him without parent permission.”

“Please let me see him. Trust me; I’m not here to see him to catch up on old times. I want some answers that he may give me. Give me ten minutes tops.” I looked hopefully at him. He sighed.

“Fine then. Just sit over there and fill out those papers.” I smiled gratefully. I sat looking over what I needed to put in. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I looked at the screen.

David <33

The little hearts making smile softly, but the name itself make guilt gnaw at me. I debated answering when it ended. I sighed. Again my phone started to ring. This time I pressed the answer button. “Hello?”

“Where are you?” He demanded. By the tone of his voice, he was not happy.

“Um you know, just sitting around.” He made an irritated noise.

“Seriously, I want to know. I woke up and my mom or dad can’t find you anywhere.”

“I promise you that I am somewhere safe. Do you know what happened to you?” Even with my reassurance, it didn’t faze him that I didn’t tell him where I was.

“Somewhere safe is not going to work for me. Where are you?”

“I’m visiting Andrew.” When he didn’t reply I looked at the screen. Call ended. I gulped. I knew exactly what he was doing. Coming here. I had five to ten minutes to talk to Andrew.

I stood up, going back to the man. He looked at me. “Did you finish?” I shook my head. My time was running out.

“I promise that I will fill them out once I see. I’m really in a rush. I’m afraid that I won’t have enough time to talk to him. You see, someone is coming that doesn’t want me to see him, but I really need to.” I beg him. He observed me for a few seconds.

“You do know that I could get in real deep trouble if I do this, right?” He hadn’t said no yet.

“Please, please, please!” He sighed standing up. He looked around to make sure that no one was watching us.

“You best be grateful that its night and everyone is getting to change shifts.” I walked behind him into the cells. As soon as we walked in, catcalls started to ring throughout all of them. The officer didn’t pay any attention to them. We reached the end of the hallway. I gasped as I saw Andrew. His hair was longer and his beard was growing. He probably looked ten years older than he was. He smirked when he saw me.

“Nice of you to finally come see me.” He peered beside me. “What, no David?” He mocked.

“What have you been doing? And who is helping you?” He feigned innocence.

“Whatever are you talking about?” I put my hands on the bars. I growled.

“Both you and I know that you are behind this all. You have someone helping you. I want you just stop it all.” He stood up walking toward me. I stayed where I was, trying not to show that I didn’t like him this close to me. The man that helped me earlier seemed skeptical about the whole idea of letting me stay. Even more with the conversation I was having with Andrew.

“I just think you are going crazy and you want someone to blame.”

“Says the one that tried to kill me because I told him no.” He growled at me. It seemed more menacing then mine did.

“Look I don’t know what is happening to you.” Something in his eyes sparked. I knew he was lying. I made a plan that would trick him into admitting the truth. I pulled my phone out. I made it look like I was looking at a text or something. What I really did was put voice record. You know the one that you can record your own voice or conversations.

“Then you don’t know why David was put in the hospital?” He smirked.

“Serves him right. I just wish I would’ve have come up with something that would have put him in the morgue.” It was my turn to smirk.

“Is that a confession I hear coming from you.” He bit his lip.

“No. I congratulate whoever did it. I would have done something better to him.” I glared at him.

“What if I tell you that someone told me it was you doing everything?” He raised an eyebrow. As if he knew I was making it up as we spoke.

“Sweetie, I’m behind bars. I think you’re talking to an idiot.” I sighed in surrender. Apparently coming here was a mistake. I looked at the door from which I and the officer came in.

“Why couldn’t you have just accepted the fact that I didn’t want you?” I whispered. His eyes softened just a little.

“All is fair in love and war.” Just then a commotion was heard from the other side of the door. The officer looked at me hesitantly before slowly walking toward the door.

“So it was you? Doing everything?” He smiled but it contained very little humor.

“Not all of it. Just the notes. Everything else was Greg. Which I’m sure you know him. He comes visits me every other day. I gave him the notes to put in your locker and stuff like that.” I looked down at me phone. Still recording.

“Then what about the video and David going to the hospital?” Andrew shrugged.

“Greg told me what he did. He doesn’t like David either. Not a lot of people do. Are you sure you want to stay with him even though you know that everyone hates him?” My face hardened.

“The two of you do not count as everyone. Just two measly losers. I love David with all my heart. I want you to tell Greg to stop whatever he is doing. And I want you to leave us alone. It’s your fault you’re in here.” He grabbed my hand to keep me from moving. Before he could say anything else the officer barged inside the room again. The other inmates yelling cuss words at him.

“You need to leave now.” He told me calmly.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more chapter with the epilogue and its finished!