Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love


Emily POV

I looked back at the officer, then back at Andrew. “Bye Andrew.” I murmured. I walked back to the main entrance where I knew David would be. What surprised me was that it wasn’t David, it was Erik. “What are you doing here?”

“My parents wouldn’t let David leave. Well he was dismissed with something but he told me to come get you.”

“Was he mad?” I whispered. Erik nodded with his eyes slightly wide. I cursed under my breath. Another officer came out of an office. He stopped looking at us.

“Can I help you two?” He asked.

“No thank you. We’re just waiting for the officer that is at this desk.” He nodded cautiously.

“I can go get him if you like.” He didn’t wait for us to answer. Instead he started to walk toward the back room.

“Yes, thank you!” I yelled right before the door closed. “So where is Sam?” I looked at Erik.

“She had to go home. Her parents wanted to talk about ‘something important’?” He used air quotes. A yell interrupted what I was going to say. We looked at the door that led to the back room. The officer came out yelling codes and words into the radio on his shoulder. He stopped in front of us.

“I want the two of you to get in your cars and go home. Lock your doors and don’t go out until at least tomorrow morning. Do you hear me?” Both Erik and I nodded our heads vigorously. He started to walk into one of the offices on the other side of the room. I called to him before he left.

“Hey wait, Officer?” He looked at me. The look said he was ready for us to leave. “What happened?” He sighed running a hand through his hair.

“An inmate just escaped. I don’t know why Tony decided to go back there. Please leave now.” He left without another word. Erik and I looked at each other before running outside.

“What did you come in?” Erik asked as we reared his car.

“A taxi.”

“Good, get in. We’re going back to my house. My mom already called yours. They got in the first plane back here.” I groaned. We got in the car. As we pulled out of the parking lot I felt like I was being watched. With that I felt an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. When we got to Erik’s house the lights for the first floor were on. I think I could feel the tension all the way out here. “You do know that you’re going to get chewed out by David, right?” I nodded.

When we walked in it was quiet. Erik led me to the kitchen. David was sitting hunched up in a stool chair. Erik coughed. As soon as David saw me he stood. Both his parents and Erik disappeared from the room. I walked to David.

“Please don’t be mad at me. I had to go. Please understand me.” He shook his head putting his arms around me.

“If going to the hospital too many times not going to kill me then it’s going to be you.” He sighed. “Yeah I guess I get what you mean. But you couldn’t have waited until I woke up?”

“No I couldn’t have. You would have woke up and found some way to not let me go. Guess what? An inmate broke out. The officer said to go home and lock our doors.”

“Do you know who that inmate is?”

“No he didn’t say any name.” He nodded. I leaned my head on his chest. My phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out.

“Who is it?” David asked. 1 New Message. I opened it. It was Sam.

To: Emily

From: Sam

What’s up? I have to talk to you ASAP!

“It’s Sam, she wants to talk me. Can I go call her?”

“Yeah you can stay here. I have to go the restroom. Be right back.” He walked out. I dialed Sam’s number waiting for her to answer. After a few rings she picked up.

“Hello? Emily? Oh my god. You don’t know what my parents want to do. They want to move. They think that we need a new start. I can’t leave! You know that. I need help. What should I do? I don’t want to but they are pretty positive that we are. I’m scared to tell them that I don’t want to. Help!” She sniffled into the phone.

“Wait, wait, wait is that the big important thing that Erik told me you had to go to home for?”

“Yes! I don’t want to leave him.”

“Then why don’t you just tell your mom and dad? I’m pretty sure that they will understand.”

“No they won’t, I just know it.” I sighed. Her cries became louder. She started to mumble incoherent words. Erik and David came back in the kitchen. Erik walked to the cabinets while David came to stand next to me.

“You don’t know if you don’t I try. I have to go; David and Erik came in the room. I promise that I’ll talk to you later tonight. Don’t drown yourselves in your tears.” I joked. When Erik faced me alarmed, I gulped.

“Bye, Emily. Don’t forget to call. Otherwise you’ll get many bad messages from me.” She laughed. I chuckled nervously before we said our goodbyes.

“What did you mean when you said don’t drown in your tears?” Erik asked.

“Nothing.” He narrowed his eyes at me.

“She should tell you not me.” He left the room after that. I bit my lip. Sam is not going to be happy with me.

“What’s wrong with her?” I shook my head. I stood up stretching. David wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped mine around his neck.

“Where are your parents? I want to talk to them.” He shrugged. I gave him a confused look.

“I don’t know. Maybe in their room. My mom is kind of mad at me right now because what had happened to me was that I ate something that I wasn’t supposed to.”

“What did you eat?”

“Something that was left at our front door. My mom told me not to eat it but when she left the kitchen I thought I was bad ass and ate it. Turns out it wasn’t that good.” I shook my head. Why would he do something like that? Then I started to laugh. Hard. “Stop laughing at me Emily.” He whined.

Days went. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into a month. The inmate was never found. Two had escaped that night, one of them being Andrew. We never heard anything from him. Which I found to be very suspicious. I just knew that Andrew had something planned up his sleeve. David and I spent as much time as we possibly could with each other.

Sam told Erik about moving. He didn’t like it but he didn’t object to trying to spend as much time as they could before her parents decided to say what day they were leaving and where they were leaving. To be honest it scared me. I would lose the best friend I had.

Denise and Jerry was also a very happy couple. I often found them inseparable. Everything that had happened between us was forgotten. We would go to the movies, out to dinner, and basically anywhere that we thought was a good place to be.

Currently, all of us were at an adventure park. I kept getting the feeling that I was being watched but didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to ruin anyone’s fun. We had invited more than just us six. So I felt a bit bad whenever I opened my mouth to say anything.

“Are you having fun?” David murmured from beside me. I looked up at him. I smiled the best that I could.

“Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I?” He studied my face. I felt like he could see the lie I was telling him. Finally he shook his, kissed me lightly, and then caught up with the rest of the group. I sighed.

Close to when we were leaving, someone grabbed me from behind. At first I thought it was David but when I viewed his back about twenty feet away I knew it wasn’t him. I started to struggle.

“Miss me?” A grave voice asked. I stiffened. He chuckled holding me tighter. He didn’t move and I didn’t move. We waited facing in the direction of David.

“How did you find us? Wait of course you would find us. Who helped you?” Andrew tightened his hold when David finally spotted us.

“You know, you had it right all along. With Greg I mean. It was very clever of you to figure it out so quickly. But what I think you made the mistake of doing was getting close to him. You made yourself fall into the trap. You told Greg where you were going. Didn’t invite him, he got mad, told me where you were, I came to find you, and finally end what I should have a long time ago. If I can’t have you, then no one will.” He used the famous saying at the end. David started to walk toward us.

“Just let her go, Andrew. You are fighting a lost war.”

“Where did you learn that? History class?” Andrew mocked. I saw Sam from the corner of my eye leave quietly with Erik by her side. When she saw me looking at her she put her finger to her mouth as if saying ‘Shh’.

“Why are you doing this?” I croaked.

“I already told you, sweetheart, I’m not giving you up to anyone else.” People started to notice our situation. As much as I wished they would be oblivious and leave that wasn’t happening. Whispers started to make themselves around the group surrounding us. “Look at what you caused!” He yelled at David. I winced.

“I didn’t do anything, Andrew. This is what you caused.” David told him calmly. With each minute that was passing, Andrew’s hold would get tighter. At one point I decided that I was going to surprise Andrew by suddenly starting to struggle. But right as I was going to do that, security burst through the people.

“Let her go, Andrew!” One of them yelled. Sirens were heard in the distance.

“Make me!” He yelled back. Very mature I thought. Andrew put his arms around my neck, squeezing. I started coughing trying to get as much air as I could. My breathing was coming out slower and slower. Before I passed out I heard shouts and a gun shot. I fell to the ground, seeing nothing but blackness.

“Emily…. Emily wake up…. Emily c’mon wake up….” I groaned. “She’s awake.” Someone said. The bright light made me shut my eyes tighter. “C’mon Emily, open your eyes. I promise nothing bad is going to happen to you. That man was shot.” I bolted up. A bad choice. I instantly felt lightheaded. I looked around. We were outside the park. I was sitting on an ambulance. Around me and the paramedic were police cars and cops walking around talking. My mom and dad, David, Sam, Erik, and a few other people were behind a yellow strip blocking them from coming any closer.

“Can I have my family and friends come over here?” I asked the guy. He looked to where I pointed. After a few moments he nodded. As soon as my mom reached me, she gave me a tight hug.

“Do you have any idea how scared I was when I got a phone calling telling me that my daughter was hurt once again by that horrible person you once called friend? Oh honey, look at those bruises forming at your neck. And you were just starting to heal from that cut.” I looked around again.

“Where is Andrew?” David sat next to me. He looked at me sadly.

“When he was shot he was killed because of too much blood loss. He was taken while you were being treated.” I gasped.

“No.” Tears started to form at my eyes. I never would have wished for something like that. David nodded slowly. A silence passed awkwardly. The officers asked me questions and told me that I was going to have to go in the department to answer more questions. Once that was done I was let go.

On the way home, to my house, I thought about Andrew really gone. I knew that in some way he had problems but I never thought it would end like this. Once we got home, I told my parents I was going to sleep. I changed into pajamas and slid under the bed.

“Emily.” I heard my name being called. I looked around. “Emily.” Again. I got up and peered out the window. David was standing there. I opened it allowing him to enter.

“What are you doing here?”

“I thought you would need my company tonight. You had a rough day. Hell we all did.” I grabbed his hand leading him to my bed. Once we were comfortable David spoke again. “How are you feeling?”

“Not that good. I feel so sad.”

“I totally understand. I wouldn’t have wanted that to happen to him either. But his obsession with you became too much for him. Just know that he’s in a better place.” I nodded.

“At least you won’t have to about someone catching me when you’re on your cruise over the winter break.” He shook his head.

“I’m not going. We’re not going. My mom decided it was best if we didn’t go. Erik wants to spend Christmas with Sam. I want to spend it with you. And they want to get talk about the good ole days with your parents.”

“So you’re staying?” I asked excitedly. He nodded smiling a bit. I hugged him tightly.

“I love you, Emily. Please don’t ever forget that.”

“I love you too, David, I love you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally ended... well with the epilogue then. :3
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