Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love


David POV

"And that annoying high-pitched voice?"
How dare she. No one has ever made fun of me and now that she's here that's not going to change. I'm going to get back at her bad. When the bell she finally turned to me and gave me an innocent smile. I glared at her. She just laughed and walked out the door. Ugh! Why the hell did she have to come back?

I walked out and met my best friend Jerry. He was the one I could tell anything it still be kept a secret. You probably thought it was Erik, but he will eventually tell Sam. And I didn't want that.

"Hey Jerry, how's it going?"

"Nothing. I see you know that Emily is back."

"Yeah she is in my homeroom."

"Dude that is why I said you know she is back."

"Oh I knew that."

"No you didn't."

"Shut up. She still is that same annoying person she always was."

"I'm about to find out."


"She's coming this way."

I turned to see Emily a few feet away from us trying to open her locker. Jerry went around me to his locker. Ironic. Hers was beside his and mine was on the other side.

"Long time no see, right Emily?"
He asked her.

"Yeah but please tell me you don't hang out with that lame excuse of a boy called David."

"Yes I still hang out with that lame excuse of a boy called David."


"Just to let you know he can be good company at times."

"Are you two gay or something?"

"No. I wanted to make David sound like a good guy but apparently you can make anything sound bad."

"Yeah but I don't mean any of it to you."

"Good. So whats the rest of your schedule?"


She handed him the pink slip. I looked over his shoulder and was horrified with what I saw. There were all of my classes with her name on top. I pushed Jerry to the side grabbing the paper and going up to her face.

"What the hell is this?"

"A paper you idiot."

"No why is my schedule on this paper with your name on it?"

"Excuse me?! It's not your schedule its mine! So give it back to me."

"The hell it is! Stop playing tricks on me Emily its not funny."

"Why the hell would I want to play tricks on you. Or even pay attention to you at all!"
I completely ignored the crowd that had formed around us.

"Look David I don't give a rats ass about what you think so give me my schedule and freaking live with it. You are not the damn king."

"You're going to regret telling me what you just did."

I whispered it to her not letting anyone else hear it. Whatever emotion she had she was good at hiding it. She responded,

"Make me."