Status: Completed. :D Under Construction. New Chapters Are Posted In Place Of Old Ones.

I think this is more than just puppy love

Who Cares?

Emily POV

David stood there speechless. I have to admit I was too. Jerry shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He was looking everywhere but giving eye contact with David. Why am I even caring? Its not like I'm breaking any rules. I want to go out with someone and apparently that someone is best friends with David. I got up holding Jerry's hand and walked out not caring what David thought. When we reached the building I released my breath that I didn't notice I was holding. I looked at Jerry with somewhat hopeful eyes.

"So?" He asked me.

"Why do you care what he thinks?"

"I don't its just that he's my best friend since we started school. I sorta feel like I'm betraying him."


"Well don't get mad but I sometimes helped him plan tricks that he played on you."

"Like partners in crime?"


"Well, whats different now? You're just not playing tricks on me."

"I don't know."

"Give it a chance."

"Yeah, I guess I should."


I grabbed his hand and walked back in the lunchroom. I sat down next to Sam and Erik ignoring the stares and people laughing behind my back. David came back in looking tired. He sat next to Lindsey who instantly started rubbing up on him. What a whore. I turned to my table. Sam kept looking between me and Jerry. Maybe I should tell her.

"Hey guys whats up?"

"Nothing people finally stopped laughing at you."
Erik replied.

I felt tears start to sting in my eyes. Sam noticed and poked Erik in the side. Jerry put his arm around me and whispered,

"Forget it."
I smiled at him. He leaned to kiss me but was interrupted by Sam,

"So tell me Emily and Jerry, what the hell is happening?"

"Your not doing to get David jealous are you?"
Asked Erik.

"Cuz if you are then its working because he keeps looking back every few seconds. No matter how hard Lindsey is trying to get his attention she can't."

I felt myself blush. What the hell, why am I blushing?

"No, Erik, that's not the reason. What I can't go out with a guy?"

"Yeah I was just asking."


"What you calling me a l-"

"Forget it Erik, bits none of our business. Even though y'all make a cute couple."
Sam cut off Erik and told us.

I said while leaning on Jerry.

~Skip to end of day~
Jerry's POV

I walked back to my car after seeing Emily leave with Sam and Erik. I'm glad I did it. But now all I have to is face David. Usually he would sit next to me in every class but today he would sit the away as possible. Probably because Emily sat next to me. When I reached my car David leaned on it casually.

"Hey David whats up?"

"Nothing bored as hell and wanted to get away from Lindsey. Do you know that she has the most annoying voice I have ever heard? I thought no one could ever beat Emily but damn!"

"Hey man shut up about Emily."

"Why cuz she's your girl?"

He sighed.

"Well I got to go before Lindsey finds out I'm out here."

"Where do she think you are?"

"The boys' locker room."
I laughed as he walked away. I got in my car and left the school thinking about Emily.