Status: Active :)

When It Rains

Forks High

Sydney's eyes popped open when she heard her Zac calling her name. "What is it?" She called back.

"It's almost time for school, Syd. You gotta get up." He yelled up the stairs.

She groaned. "Alright, alright. I'm coming."

She got up out of bed and took a shower. When she was done she got dressed in some bleached skinny jeans and a plain black long-sleeved shirt. She threw her up in a pony tail, not feeling like trying to impress anyone. She brushed her teeth, and then put on some black eyeliner and mascara.

"Syd, you coming?" Hunter said, knocking on her bedroom door.

She sighed, and opened it. "I'm coming."

She grabbed her bag, and slung it over her shoulder.

"Hey Marissa." She greeted when she saw her brother's girl friend drinking some coffee.

Marissa smiled. "Hey, Syd. Are you ready for school?"

Sydney laughed. "Hell no. I hate school, and school hates me."

Marissa laughed. "Come on. Sweetheart, you're beautiful, smart, and funny as hell. You'll do fine." She said, and gave Sydney a hug.

Sydney smiled, and hugged her back. Marissa was as close to a big sister she was going to get, and she loved her to death.

"Don't worry. You'll do fine." She whispered in Sydney's ear.

"Thanks." Sydney whispered back, and smiled. "Let's go Hunter!" She yelled.

She heard pounding footsteps, and Hunter ran into the room. "I'm right here. Let's go." He said, and grabbed a muffin.

"Bye, Zac!" Sydney yelled.

"Bye, Syd! Bye, hunter!" He yelled back.

"Bye, Riss." Sydney said, waving to Marissa.

She waved back. "Bye, Syd. Have fun at school."

Sydney rolled her eyes, but smiled anyway. She and Hunter walked out to Sydney's silver Lamborghini, and got in. About 15 minutes later, Sydney pulled into Forks High, and found a spot close to the main entrance. She got out of the car, and grabbed her bag from the back seat.

"You ready, Syd?" Hunter asked, slinging an arm around her shoulders.

She nodded. "Yupp."

They walked into the main office, and saw an older woman sitting at the desk. She smiled.

"What can I do for you?" She asked sweetly.

Sydney smiled back. "Hi, um, we're new and need our schedules, and possibly a map." She said.


"Hunter and Sydney Jones."

The woman nodded, and started flipping through papers.

"Ah ha. Here we are. Here are you're schedules and two maps. Make sure you get your schedules signed by all of your teachers, and bring it back to me at the end of the day."

Sydney smiled. "Thank you so much."

She took her schedule, and Hunter took his. They compared their schedules to see if they had any classes together.

"Man, all we have is lunch together." Sydney whined.

Hunter smiled, and gave his little sister a hug. "I'll see you at lunch." He said, kissed her forehead, and walked off to his first class. Sydney looked down at her schedule. First class was Trig. She groaned. She hated math with a burning passion.

"Fuck my life." She muttered under her breath, and walked down to her first class.

The first half of the day went by quickly, and it was finally lunch. She walked threw the line, getting a water and an apple. She looked around and saw him sitting with a group of people. His eyes locked with hers, and he grinned, waving her over.

"Hey, Syd. How was it?"

She shrugged. "Better than I thought it would be." She sat down next to a girl that looked like Marissa.

She smiled at Sydney. "Hi, I'm Melissa Lake, but you can call me Mel."

Sydney smiled. "I'm Sydney Jones but you can call me Syd. By the way, any relation to Marissa Lake"

Mel smiled. "Yeah, my big sister."

Sydney laughed. "Wow, your sister is dating my brother."

Her eyes widen. "Oh, your brother is Zac Jones?"

Sydney nodded. "Yes."

"This is my boy friend, Jesse Blake. Jesse, this is Syd." She said, pointing to the blond next to her.

Sydney smiled. "Nice to meet you."

Jesse smiled. "You too."

Sydney quickly learned the names of the others at the table, and got along with all of them, but she thought that Mike Newton was a little to flirty.

"Here come the Cullens."
♠ ♠ ♠
This takes place a little before Twilight starts. Rosalie is still going to be in the story, but she has a new mate that will be introduced with the rest of them in the next chapter.