Status: Active :)

When It Rains

Love Is Risky

Sydney looked over at the people Jessica was talking about.

“Who?” Hunter asked.

“Okay, the first two walking in are Alice Cullen, the small one, and Jasper Hale, the one who looks like he’s in pain. The next two are Rosalie Hale, the beautiful blond one who is also Jasper’s twin, and Jeremy Thompson, the one next to her. Oh, and they’re all together. Alice and Jasper. Rosalie and Jeremy. The next two walking in are Emmett Cullen, the cute big one, and Edward Cullen, the mysterious looking one. They’re the only two not with anyone. Apparently, no one here is good enough for either one of them.” She sneered.

Sydney chuckled, and looked over at the table. Her eyes caught with the big one….Emmett? His eyes were the most amazing shade of gold.

Emmett looked over at the redhead sitting at Mike Newton’s table, and saw her looking at him. They locked eyes, and Emmett had never seen such a beautiful grey-blue color before. He felt like he could stare at them forever.

“I can’t read her thoughts.” Edward growled, frustrated.

Emmett looked at him. “Who’s?”

“That redhead’s. Sydney.” He said.

“I thought you said you couldn’t read her thoughts, Edward.” Alice said, tilting her head slightly.

“I can’t. I read her brother’s.”

“Oh.” She said, and then her eyes went blank. “Oh!” She gasped again.

“What is it, Alice?” Jasper asked.

Alice grinned. “Sydney. I just saw her with Emmett.”

Emmett raised an eyebrow. “What? Alice, I can’t be with a human. It’s too risky.”

Alice giggled. “Em, love is risky. It’s about taking chances and trusting one another.”

Emmett sighed, and looked over at the redhead again. “Alright, Alice. I’ll give it a try.”

“What?” Rosalie screeched. “You’re going to try to date a human? Emmett, what the hell is wrong with you?”

“Rose, leave him alone. If she’s what he wants, let him be with her.” Jeremy, her new mate, said.

She looked over at him. “Fine.” She growled. “But if she fucks up this family, I’m killing her.”

Sydney looked back over at Emmett and saw him looking at her. He smiled and she smiled back, blushing slightly.

“Looks like someone has a crush.” Mel giggled in her ear.

Sydney looked over at him, shocked. “Mel, I don’t even know him. How can I have crush?” She laughed.

“Get to know him.” Mel suggested. Sydney sighed, and shook her head. “Syd, he hasn’t stopped looking at you since you both locked eyes. Trust me; he wants to get to know you.” She said.

Sydney groaned. “Fine, fine, if it will get you to be quiet.” She laughed.

Mel rolled her eyes. “Love you, too, Syd.” She said sarcastically, taking a bite of her food. She made a face. “What the fuck is this?”

Sydney looked at it. “Mystery meat?” She guessed.

“Ugh!” Mel groaned, and pushed her plate away.

“You want my apple?” Sydney offered.

“You don’t want it?” Mel asked.

Sydney shrugged. “Not hungry.” She said, handing Mel the apple.

Mel grinned in thanks, and kissed Sydney’s cheek, who just laughed. “I think I love you more than I love Jesse!” She said.

“Hey!” Jesse retorted.

“Sorry, hon. She feeds me.” She said, taking a bite of the apple, making Sydney start laughing.

“I think I’m gonna like it here.” Hunter commented.

Sydney smiled. “Right there with ya, bro.”
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I hope everyone likes it. Message or comment please. Thanks :)