I'll Meet Your Eyes, I Mean This Forever

I´ll meet your eyes, I mean this forever 3

hehe... well first of all i´d like to thank amal & vera for reading my story.. u definitely rox!!! & ally who left me a wonderfull comment!!!! thankies ally! frerard luver!!! hehe... & well to all my readers!!!! u rox guys!!!! again... thankies for reading my fanfic!!! :) :)


Yes!! Frank accepted my invitation to go for a walk. Nothing can ruin this moment, nothing, this is just perfect. Frank holding my hand lightly, not holding it completely but holding it anyways. Oh man! I didn’t realize how short he is, but he is cute. His height is cute no matter how many people laugh at him about that, he’s cute that way.
“Hum…Frankie wanna o to the park or something?” goddamn it Gerard don’t ask that!!! You two are only walking too nowhere!!! But I knew my Frankie… wait…. MY FRANKIE??? He´s not yours Gerard!! Come on!!!! This is only a WALK not a DATE!! But wouldn’t it be lovely to be on a date with him?

Anyways, I was with his hand in mine & I could feel his soft skin, I caressed his fingers giving him goose bumps I can tell, but maybe he feels the same, maybe not.
“Humm… Gee let’s just walk through the middle of nowhere ok?” he told me sincerely.
“Hahaha ok Frankie, through nowhere” we laugh when I say that & we keep walking.

Walking was never as perfect as this time. This day is perfect, I guess there’s no person I’d love to be with but Frankie. He’ll be mine I know , one day I’ll tell him how much he means to me.
We were walking in silence, just listening to our breaths, Frankie seemed nervous but I don’t know, his breath was calm but a bit excited, mine was the opposite, mine was heavy & excited, having Frankie next to me makes me explode inside.

Suddenly we saw Mikey walking on the other street, he seem kinda stressed, he noticed us & cross the street through where we were; immediately Frankie remove his hand form mine & was a bit rubberized. Did Mikey suspect something? Please nooo NOOO!!!

“Well hi guys!” he said kinda sadly…
“Hey Mikey!! Wazup?’” I told him a bit worried…
He just nodded & start into tears.. I pull him close to me & hug him letting him cry over me.
“It’s ok Mikey..it´s ok” I told him shaking his hair.
“No…no… it isn’t ok Gerard…” he keep talking & crying over me, I didn’t understand why my lil´ brother was that way.
“Humm Mikey… please tell me..” I almost begged him but he keep shaking his head & told me:
“I can’t Gerard.. I can’t… humm I guess I’m leaving… bye Gerard… bye Frankie…” he said & turned with his head down & in tears.

Now two big problems came to my mind: Mikey & Frank. I noticed that Frankie was worried too. His face was pretty much like mine.
“It’ll be ok Frankie you’ll see baby”… wait wait… did I just call him baby?? Whoa Gerard you’ve gone far this time.. Calling Farnkie “baby”… come on!!!
But Frankie seemed to like the “baby” name. He even smile when I finished the sentence, he smiled so different… I have never seen him smile that way. Was he beginning to fall in love with me? Or is it just a weirdy disapproving smile??

Then than uncomfortable silence, that silence that is weirdy & no one has nothing to say, the silence that makes you wonder if, what you will say next is the right thing or it’s just in the right moment. We ended facing each other in the middle of the street; Frankie took my hand this time, giving me goose bumps & a chill down to my spine. I didn’t refuse, I gladly accept it & nervously I caressed his fingers.
A smile drew in his beautiful lips, a smile that I will remember each day of my life. For me it was the smile that tells me he loves me too, but maybe for him is just a smile. I know nothing can change his mind, he’s not like me. He doesn’t like you Gerard Way; you mean nothing to him…. But why was he smiling in such an awesome way??

so likey????? :) :) :)