She's My Shining Light

A Face In The Crowd

Ray's P.O.V

I was up on stage just doing my thing. The band was great everything should be perfect but it wasn't. I myself was dead on the inside. I have seemed to have been hurt time and time again by that bitch ex-girlfriend of mine Hannah. She keeps calling me everyday and bitching me out because she dumped me because I caught her cheating and I just needed someone new to get my mind off my ex. So I was up there scanning the crowd for any possible new romances when I saw her. I gasped at her radiance she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She was rocking out to the music and seemed to be really into it I looked up to try and catch her eye. She looked right at me and smiled and I smiled right back as my heart seemed to melt. I kept my eye on her the whole time we played. I could feel my heart doing flip flops as she took pictures with her phone. I tried my best to pose and impress her as she snapped away. Soon the set was over and we rushed off stage for our autograph signing. I sat down and eagerly waited to see if she would show up. Several autographs and pictures later there she was approaching the head of the line. I instinctively ran my hands through my hair smoothing it out and checked my breath. Ugh smells gross how can I impress her with smelly breath I quickly shoved gum into my mouth and chewed hastily. She drew nearer my stomach soon fluttered with butterflies. I tapped my toes and fiddled with my pen. Frank chuckled beside me and I elbowed him in the ribs. A couple more autographs later she is in front of Gerard getting a poster signed. Next is Bob then oh shit it's me. What do I say? What do I do? She stood in front of me and smiled that gorgeous smile.

"Can I get an autograph?" she asked. I smiled as I came up with the most brilliant idea ever. I turned the poster so that it was at an angle and she could not see what I was writing. while I wrote I struck up casual conversation.

"So whats your name?" I asked casually. She smiled.

"Raven," she replied.

"Did you enjoy the show?" I asked. She smiled wider.

"Oh it was amazing I loved every fucking moment!" she cried excitedly. I smiled as I handed back her poster. She smiled and moved down the line. I sat back admiring my crafty plan. Frank looked over at me and shook his head smiling.

~30 Minutes later~

I stood out by the bus as I waited. Suddenly there she was running over towards me. I smiled as she came to a stop beside me slightly out of breath.

"You wrote on my poster for me to meet you here what do you want?" she asked excitedly. I smiled as I stepped nearer.

"I just wanted to say that since I first laid my eyes on you something changed in me I was once sad and depressed but you sparked a flame inside of me and I don't know it yet and you may not agree but I think we were made for each other like destiny you know!" I said. She blinked a couple times before smiling widely and wrapping her arms around my neck in a hug. I hugged back and felt my heart leap for joy as she said those magic words.

"I think so too!" she cried. I pulled away to face her. She had tears in her eyes and I wiped them away with my thumb and gently kissed her lips. She kissed back with as much passion and intensity as me. This I can feel is the start of a beautiful life together.