Newport Living

Chapter 1

Cassadee scurried around in the store with her best friend of seven years, Lily.

She squealed in delight when she saw a 'Gabe Saporta Slept Here' shirt, and quickly ran to the cashier buying it.

Cassadee walked into the dressing room, trading her ratty band t-shirt in for the new one.

She walked out, strutting like a 'model' and turned to Lily. "How do I look?" she said, placing her hand on her face in a mock thoughtful look.

Lillian laughed, shaking her head at her best friend. "Stunning, my dear, absolutely stunning! 'Specially since Gabriel Eduardo Saporta's name is on it!" she chortled, winking.

Cassadee raised her eyebrows, "I'd laugh if Gabe turned up and saw me in this shirt. Actually, I'd die of embarassment, first." Cassadee admitted.

She didn't like Gabe that way, even if she'd ever met him, he wouldn't be anything more than a friend.

Lillian on the other hand - she'd jump him. Lily completely adored Gabe, and babbled about him all day long.

Lillian nodded in agreement, "I'd die times three hundred forty-five!" she commented as they walked out of the store.

As they ran around the mall, Cassadee bumped into someone, sending her falling to the ground with a loud thump.

"JesusLordFuckshit!" Cassadee cursed as she landed on the ground.

Lillian was too busy laughing to even observe the person who Cassadee walked into.

The person laughed "My bad, lemme help you up." He said.

"Yeah, well next time-Whoa…uh, this is embarrassing." Cassadee said looking down at her shirt and wishing she could be slaughtered at that very moment.

Lily gasped when she was finally done laughing. "GABE! OMIGAWD!" She screamed and jumped at him.

He caught her with a grunt, while Cassadee stood there turning every shade of red imaginable.

Cassadee was as red as a tomato as she brushed herself off.

She inwardly prayed for some magical light to beam her off of this planet. Right now.

Lily hugged Gabe so hard that he began to make noises of disapproval. "You're kind of killin' me."

Lillian blushed. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry." she said, her grip becoming lighter on the definitely older boy.

Cassadee make a sound that resembled a squeak as she realized Gabriel had a companion. None other than William Eugene Beckett Jr. Her crush.

"Sorry for bumping into you," Gabe said to Cassadee, reading her shirt and laughing.

Cassadee blushed slightly again, "Sorry for being an almost asshole about it," she laughed.

"Nice shirt," Gabe winked, causing Cassadee to cast her eyes to the ground.

Suddenly, relization really hit home in Lillian's mind. "OHMYGOD,OHMYGOD, YOU'RE REALLY GABE SAPORTA."

Gabe went wide eyed. "Er, yes, I am." He said nervously, prying her off of him.

"Anyway..." Cassadee said, looking up. "I’m Cassadee. You can call me Cass, if you want. That lunatic raving about you is Lily." At that statement, Lily smacked her, earning a grin from Cassadee.

"I’m Gabe. But you knew that. And this is William Beckett." Gabe said, smirking over at Bill.

William rolled his eyes.

"Well, sorry for bumping into you, we should get going." Cassadee hesitated, grabbing Lily’s hand.

"Wait, since we’re aquainted, you wanna hang out?" Gabe insisted, his usual flirtiness coming out.

Lillian smiled brightly, looking like she was about to scream something.

And she was.

Lily grabbed the hem of Gabe's pants and pulled them down. "LOOKIN’ LIKE A FOOL WITH YO PANTS ON DA GROUUUUND."

Cassadee glanced at her best friend like she was from planet nine. "Holy bitch fuck! I can't believe you did that to Gabe Saporta." Cassadee shouted, causing people to look at them.

"Wow, that would happen to me wouldn't it?" Gabe asked no one in particular as he pulled his pants up.

Lillian glanced evily at William.

"Whoa, no! I like my pants on. Unlike Gabe who would take them off for anyone." William said.

"Really?" Lily started.

"Well, you wanna go hang out now? With all of our pants on?" Cassadee asked covering Lily's mouth.

"Yeah sure." Gabe and William shrugged.

"Hey, Cassadee, I need to tell you something." Gabe said.

"Yes?" She asked.

"William's a dad." He said aloud.

"Yeah and Gabe's a virgin." William shot back.

"Am not!" Gabe shouted. "Hey Lily, how do you make your hair so big?" Gabe questioned changing the subject.

Cassadee raised her eyebrow, shaking her head.

Those boys could be so weird.

Lily glanced at Gabe, "Uh, I teased it?" Lily stated, giving him the, 'it's the easiest thing in the world' look.

Cassadee was still puzzled at the boys' banter, what was that about?

She inwardly shrugged and passed it off as Gabe wanting to embarrass William.

Cassadee, William, Lily, and Gabe walked to Claire's Lillian being extremely loud. She was known to be, so it didn't really phase Cassadee.

Once they were there, Cassadee laughed and put on the white nerd glasses, looking like a Gabe Saporta poser in her shirt.

"HAH, I'm you." Cassadee said, as Lily grimaced. "A girl version of Gabe. Creeeeepy!" she sing songed.

Just then, Cassadee's phone started ringing, which was odd, observing the fact that it was "About A Girl" by TAI.

Cassadee grinned and checked her phone. "It's my mommy. She wants me to come home now." She said and pouted.

"Dude, it's Saturday. Tell your mom to shove it!" Lillian yelled.

"Yeah, sure. Dear mom, shove it." Cassadee said flatly to Lillian.

"Let me see your phone." Gabe said and held his hand out.

Cassadee gave her phone to him.

"This is her number?" Gabe questioned.

"Mhm." Cassedee confirmed.

"And your last name is...?"


"Got it."

"Yes, Mrs. Parks? This is...William....Saporta. I'm a classmate of Cassadee's and her...spanish tutor. We might me here a while. Yes....okay, problem...thank you, Bye." Gabe said and hung up.

"Gracias, William Saporta." Cassadee said.

"De nada, chica."

Gabe answered winking.

Cassadee blushed when she saw William glancing at her with a questioning look, which soon was exchanged with Gabe. "William Saporta? What, did I get married to you and I don't know it?" Bill said, his eyebrow raising.

"Maybe, I dunno. Is gay marriage legal in California?"

Cassie tried to hold back laughter, unsuccesfully. It was just a very awkward situation for her.

She left and paid for the mock sunglasses that mirrored Gabe's, leaving Lillian alone with the two singers.

"Buttcheeks on a cone?" Lillian said shrugging.

Gabe couldn't help bursting out in laughter.

By the time Cassadee got back to where they were standing, Gabe and Lily were holding each other up because they were laughing so much.

"What's so funny?" Cassie asked.

"Bu-bu-buttcheeks on a c-cone!" Gabe shouted, which made them both crack up more.

"...Yeah." Cassie said looking at them strangely.

"So, wanna go do something?" William spoke up.

"Yeah sure, we'll see you later guys." Cassie said and waved at Gabe and Lily who were too busy to notice.

Cassadee rolled her eyes when she got a text a minute later from Lily saying, "BUTTCHEEKS ON A CONE!!! REOSTGKEOGHRWEOHGBE." In capitals.

"My best friend is an insane motherfucker." She said, glancing at William.

Then she looked thoughtful for a moment. "Why'd he say you're a father...?" Cassadee asked, curiously.

"Uh.." he started.

"Should I ask Ryan Ross?" Cassadee said, smiling.
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