Status: Hi guys

Change or Die

Creepers, Stalkers, and Psychos, Oh My!

Alexa's PoV

All of a sudden, the strange girl - was her name Libby? - hit me, and the next thing I knew was blackness. When I came to, all I could see was an unnaturally pale face with two huge, innocent brown eyes staring down at me in wonder. Trust me, no matter how sweet someone's eyes may look, when they're about six inches from your face when you wake up, you will scream. So I did.

"Oh, you're awake!" chimed a voice like bells. Apparently, this was the genius who had been hovering over me, because she stood up. Since I could see now, I quickly took in my surroundings. I was in a dimly lit room on a couch that the girl was standing right next to. She smiled as I took in her silky brown hair and, yes, the chocolate eyes that had been monitoring my sleep. The girl stood at an average height, quite a bit shorter than the guy standing next to her. ..Wait, guy standing next to her? When did he get there?!

Seeming to notice my confusion, the girl merely laughed. "He was there the whoooole time!" The guy looked amused by her comment. I took a few seconds to check him out as well. He was a normal height, maybe close to the height of Aviators from before, and had short black hair. His eyes were a kind shade of hazel and he had more than a few piercings in his face, including not only snakebites but also a septum piercing. Honestly? He was hot. Dressed in a collared shirt that offset the casual nature of his piercings and many tattoos, it was hard to tell just what Snakebites was really like. "Hey, stop staring! Zacky's mine, okay?"

"That's what you think, Indy, but really he's been mine all along," taunted a familar voice. Personally, I think that was out of line. Joking as Creeper Stare might have been, she sounded actually nervous claiming 'her Zacky'. When I looked, though, I wasn't surprised. The voice belonged to none other than Miss Slaps-a-lot herself, Libby. Libby was ever so slightly shorter than the butt of her joke, with pin straight black hair down to her shoulders and bangs that fell perfectly above her eyes. Her skin had a slight tan and her build was slight, emphasized by her longer, lean torso and small legs. "Anyway Indy, it's really not nice to lie to our new sister. You and I both know that Zacky didn't get over here until she screamed."Creeper Stare Indy smiled sheepishly, "Well, I wasn't really..lying. He was only-"

"Outside, halfway down the street from here," interjected Libby.

" maybe I wasn't exactly telling the truth.. She doesn't know that!"

"Well she does now!"

"Only because you told her!! It's not fair!" Indy insisted. She delivered this line with a frustrated pout on her face and a stomp of her foot. Zacky just smiled and shook his head as the two girls' bickering continued. Finally, someone arrived at a speed I could see! The joy of the moment was definately killed when I realized it was just the overly muscled jerk who insisted he take me home the previous night before his psycho friends over here took over. Matt was quick to halt the arguement, which had somehow turned to the supposed theft of make up and hair products, before asking the freak show in front of my couch-prison what, exactly, was going on.

"Well, Brian's girl woke up screaming, no doubt because Indy was being a complete CREEPER again," began Libby over Indy's protests. "And then she started lying to her."

"I was trying to help! Unless, does she know about us?" Indy questioned confusedly. "I didn't think she did if she does or she did and-"

"OKAY WE GET IT!" Libby yelled over the other girl's ramblings, covering her ears. "No, she doesn't know anyway. We just picked her up and she didn't want to come-"

"THE DEAD BODY IS GONE, MY LOVERS!" was shouted more loudly than I thought humanly possible, accompanied by the sound of a door flying open and slamming back off of a wall. I quickly sat up to see what had just happened and wished that I hadn't just as quickly.

Standing in the doorway was an almost comically short girl, appearing younger than even the others standing near the couch. She had wavy dark brown hair, spattered with blond highlights, that she had at some point pulled back into a messy bun, presumably to keep it out of the blood covering most of her body. Despite the gore, the girl wore a grin bigger than the Cheshire Cat's, and retained an aura of innocence and apparently acceptable insanity. Towering behind her was the tall guy who had run off last night, also splattered with blood and smiling.

The crowd by the couch acted like this was completely normal, and who knows? Maybe it was for them. Matt was the first to speak. "Good job, Charlie. None of us want to know where it is, either," he said, cutting the girl off just as she opened her mouth again. "Jimmy, if you would take her upstairs and clean yourselves off..Brian's girl is here and she still doesn't know."

"NOOOOO! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME-" the girl screamed, attempting to run away from Jimmy, into the room and TOWARDS ME, to my horror. Thankfully, Jimmy managed to catch her in a few seconds, scooping her up easily and tossing her over his shoulder rather unceremoniously. He proceeded to carry her off, kicking and screaming, up a staircase I hadn't noticed before and out of sight. Once she was gone, I let out a breath I hadn't noticed I was holding. Who knew someone so small could be so terrifying?

Matt shook his head. "Maybe someday Charlie will mature past age five. Then again, maybe someday the sky will turn pink and fill with unicorns and a rainbow will fall out of my ass. Sorry you had to see that.. uhh.."

"A-Alexa.." I stammered nervously. Who knew what these people were up to? I mean, if that..those... PSYCHOS were normal here, I really don't want to think about what anyone intends to do with me, and the more I think about it, the worse it seems. I'm pretty sure that Zacky guy snapped around to stare at me when I stuttered, which really made me angry. This place is fucking terrifying. These PEOPLE are fucking terrifying. I do believe that I have the right to stutter in this situation, thank you very much Mr. Proper Speaking Pants!

"Right, Alexa," Matt continued. "I'm sorry if they scared you. Charlie and Jimmy are just something you really, really have to get used to."

Indy chimed, "I'm still not sure I'm used to them." She even seemed to be considering me differently now. Oh please don't start staring at me again. Once is enough with you, Miss Indy. "When is Brian supposed to get back here anyway, Matt, do you know?"

"I'm already here."
♠ ♠ ♠
hooray for the first chapter!
huge honor, really, to be working with LamePanda and to get the first chapter.
i'm so excited for this story! i really hope you all grow to love it like i do.