Status: Hi guys

Change or Die

Pinky and the Brain

Alexa's PoV

I'm already here.

Everyone turned to the speaker, who I presumed was "Brian." He was slightly taller than Zacky with hair sticking out in all directions. And (surprise, surprise!) just like the others, he had tattoos covering his arms and seemed fairly built.

"Who's the chick?" he said, gazing over at me once.

'Who's the chick?' Seriously? This guy needs to learn to respect others! I thought, a bit miffed.

"Brian, meet your, uh, soul mate for the lack of a better term, Alexa." Libby introduced.

Woah, woah, woah. Back track. Did she just say soul mate?

I looked at Brian. He's not going to start being all creepy is he? I was-- HOLY CRAP! What if all these girls were kidnapped by these psychos and somehow developed a form of Stockholm Syndrome or insanity, like that Charlie person, and now they've kidnapped me to be part of their crazy, creepy, group! No! I'm too young for this. I'm only 24. I have so much left to do! I wish I could've cleaned my apartment before this, I wish I said good bye to all my co-workers, I-- OH MY GOD I didn't put the cups in the drying rack! Boss is gonna kill me-- oh wait! These guys were probably gonna kill me first! Wonderful.

"Soul mate, my ass." Brian muttered, surprising me.

Maybe.. Maybe Brian was sane! He looked like it. Maybe he was normal. I'm just going to have to cross my fingers and see where this leads.

"No, we're serious. Look at her neck."

My birthmark seems to be gaining more and more popularity.

"Oh! I forgot to see the mark!" Indy squealed, plopping down next to me to now observe my neck.

What is with this girl and--

"Wow, this is so cool! It says 'Syn' on it and it's shaped exactly like the one he has on his neck!" she said, quite loudly, interrupting my thoughts.

"What the-- let me see." Brian said, coming over.

He pushed Indy over, causing her to yelp. Zacky caught her before she hit the floor and glared at Brian and... growled... Geez.. Anger management issue? I mean, I understood the two were dating but it's not like she'd get seriously injured or anything. What's with the guy? He hasn't said a word yet.

"Chill out, Zack. It was an accident." Brian mumbled, not really paying attention, staring intently at my birthmark. No, I don't care that Matt said it wasn't a birthmark earlier, because it is! It's been there my whole life and just 'cause it matches someone else's it doesn't mean I'm bound to him for life!

"..This is fan-fucking-tastic." Brian muttered to himself, getting up.

"Wait what? What's going on?" I asked to anyone who would answer.

"Take a look at Brian's neck and see for yourself." Matt said.

Sure enough, he had a mark similar to mine. That didn't mean anything, though! Right..? Right??

"Oh, yeah. We have matching birthmarks. Real cute. Can I go now?"

"Course you can't go silly. Would Libby have knocked you out earlier if we were just going to let you go later?" Indy giggled, obviously over the fact that Brian had knocked her down earlier. Zacky's arm was tucked under her bottom, carrying her somewhat bridal style, with her arms around his neck.

"Indy, why do you insist on Zacky carrying you around almost everywhere you go? His arm should be dead from all the work you make him do." Libby said.

"What are you talking about? Zacky doesn't get tired, he's a vam--"

Zacky suddenly had his free hand over Indy's mouth, stopping her from saying anything more.

I was going to ask her what on earth she was talking about when Zacky suddenly flinched and pulled his hand away.. And it was.. Bleeding.

"Indy! Did you bite Zacky?" Matt said, as if scolding a little girl.

Pouting, she replied, "I haven't fed for a while.. And his hand was right there! I couldn't control myself!"

"When can you control yourself?" Libby mumbled, pretending to pick at her nails.

"I heard that!"

"You were meant to."

I wasn't paying attention to their argument. What I was staring at were fangs that seem to have somehow protruded from Indy's gums. If I wasn't freaked out before, and I was, mind you, I sure was now.

"What the fuck are those?!" I yelled, startling everyone, especially Indy who scampered out of Zacky's grasp to get behind him.

Alright, this is really trippy. She was scared first right? And as soon as she got behind him, her whole attitude just changed and she started to... rub her nose against his neck and-- great, now she's licking it and those damn fangs are really starting to get to me. And, oh god was she going to bite him?

"Zacky, take Indy to your room." Matt said, his tone weary. Poor guy. If I had to deal with this everyday I'd be pretty tired, too. Oh, wait. I will be dealing with this everyday because someone decided to kidnap me all because of a stupid. Fucking. Birthmark. Fuck!

"But I wanna stay!" Indy whined, teeth looking normal now- thank god.

"You can come back after you've fed. We promise we won't go anywhere."

Before she could reply, Zacky had already taken her hand was leading her upstairs. Man, this house is pretty big.

Alright, so I've got it figured out. Instead of the guys taking the girls captive, it must've been the other way around. After all, from what it seems, Indy looks like she needs Zacky for food. Therefore, the only logical reasoning is that the girls must have captured the guys and-- wait then where the hell do I fall in this equation?

Logical? Did I say logical? Forget it. There's nothing logical about this. At all. Perhaps I'm going insane. Maybe I'm actually in my apartment, dreaming this whole thing-- forget it.

I sighed and sunk down in my seat, earning a look from the rest of the people there. "What's wrong?" Libby asked.

I stared at her with an 'Are you serious?' look. "You're really asking me that?"

"Oh.. Right." Libby laughed; she actually seemed pretty normal now.

"Brian, why don't you explain to her what's going on?" Matt said, and from the looking he was giving him, it was more of a command then a suggestion.

"Why should I? Just 'cause I'm bound to her doesn't mean--"

"Bound? What the fuck? I don't want to be bound to you!"

Brian growled, "I'm sorry princess but you and I don't really have a choice! Trust me, if I could I would fucking rip off that damn mark on your neck."

"Well someone seems to have his boxers in a bunch." I muttered, crossing my arms.

"Matt, should we leave--"

"No, they might start killing each other."


"If I kill her, as much as I'd like to at the moment, I'll die with her, idiot." Brian said.

"Oh, joy. And let me guess, if you die, I'll have to die with you." I guessed to which Matt and Libby nodded.


Before I could go on, I was interrupted by an all-too familiar, loud voice.


Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

"Charlie, get back here!"


I was suddenly tackled by the small girl from before. She was straddling me and grinning at me wickedly.

"Brian has a pretty loverr!!"

"She's not my lover, dammit!"

"Yes, she is! Look!" she was pointing at my neck, as expected.

"Um.. Um.. Please get off of me." I managed to get out as politely as possible. If this girl was crazy when she was happy, I so did not want to see her angry.

"Oh!" she laughed. "Sorry." I blinked at her, she still hadn't moved from her spot.

The tall one, Jimmy, I believe, sighed and came over to pull Charlie away. Note to self: Stay away from this one. Could be dangerous.

"So where's princess going to--"

"I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't call me that." I snapped, interrupting Brian.

"I'll call you whatever I want." he retorted stubbornly.

"Then, I guess I have a right to refer you as Ass?"

"You have no rights--"

"Don't lie, Brian. She's as free as we are here." Libby said.

"As long as she doesn't try to escape." Matt added.


Brian rolled his eyes. "This would be so much more easier if--"

"Shut it, Brain!" Charlie interrupted, laughing wildly.

"I've told you so many fucking times to stop calling me that!" Brian yelled.

"Brian is a brain! BRIAN IS A BRAIN!"

She laughed and danced around, but then stopped abruptly. "HOLY CHEESE WHEEL! That makes Lexie, Pinky! Oh. My. PIE! I have to tell Johnny!"

Johnny? Great. There's another one, too? What, are there like a million other creeps in the house? I wouldn't be surprised. This place is. Fucking. Huge.

And Pinky? What the hell kind of nickname was that?

Charlie seemed to notice my confusion and said, "Don't you know? The cartoon! Pinky and the Brain! Brian is a brain and you're Pinky!!"

Oh, wow. So now I'm being compared to a moronic white lab rat.

"Come on James! We must go tell Jonathan and Lacey the news!" she said, grabbing his hand and skipping up the stairs. Strangely, he skipped with her.

From upstairs, I heard a distant, "Hi, Indy! Hi, Zacky! Pinky's downstairs with the others!"

Soon, Indy and Zacky were coming down the stairs and joined us again. Indy looked less pale from before, but was still pretty pallid compared to the others.

"What took so long?" Libby inquired, eyebrows raised.

Grinning, Indy replied, "I fell asleep after I fed."

"Typical Indy.."

She giggled and climbed onto Zacky's back. It was strange seeing the two of them together. Indy would constantly be climbing on him, clinging on to him, and he didn't even seem to notice when she literally was all over him. He'd actually help at times by supporting her with his arms.

Of course, to a normal guy she would be a very tiring person and the guy would collapse after maybe a couple of hours. But, hey, I'm not stupid. I've figured out by now that these guys were a bunch of bloodsucking... er.. I wouldn't necessarily call them beasts or monsters.. But whatever. Long story short, they're vampires. And that makes me wonder. Are all those myths true? Time for a little debunking.

"So.. Vampires, huh?"

"Oh, look. Pinky's finally figured it out." Brian said sarcastically.

"Shut up Brain. Ugh, I'm afraid your nickname doesn't suit you. You look like a total pinhead!"

"Ooh, feisty!" Indy said. "Can she stay in our room? Please? I promise to take care of her!"

Oh, hell no.

"Sorry, Indy." Matt said. "Lex has to stay with Brain-- I mean Brian.. Sorry, dude." he said, apologizing, yet smiling.

"Whatever." Brian muttered. "And Princess isn't staying with me."

"I thought I was Pinky.."

"I don't care."







"Hah! I win, you lose. Lexie one, Brain zero!"

"That's not my name and who the hell keeps score anyway?"

"I do. Deal with it."

"I'll do whatever the hell I want."

Watching us argue back and forth, Libby said to Matt, "I'm guessing she'll have to stay in the guest room?"

"You guessed right."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay for chapter two!

Norah Lullabye (OH EM GEE FIRST COMMENT. You. Get. Cake.)
Ryan Dunn. (We'll be sure to put up more cliffhangers. Just for you, you special thing.)
Ultraviolet Light (Thank you for liking it and subscribing. Thank you, too, for the fact that you actually take the time to read my author's note. You're sweet.)

ALL RIGHT! Give yourselves a pat on the backeven though there are 13 subscribers and only three comments.