Status: Hi guys

Change or Die

But Who's Keeping Score?

Alexa's PoV

I've been here, what, less than two days? Yet, I was already accustomed to the noise and frenzy present in this abnormally large house. The only reason why I'm saying this is because when I woke up after unsuccessfully trying to run away yesterday, it was... quiet and kind of.. somber.

I expected a wake up call from Charlie or Indy, but I knew Charlie was... still in her room, and I knew Indy was tending to Zacky. Hey, I never knew that vampires would get extreme migraines and shit from staying out in the sun for, like, 15 minutes. I did feel pretty bad but then again, could you blame me? I wanted my normal life back. I hated staying in this house with these stupid, crazy vampires. Especially when one's a conceited, arrogant, asshole who walks and talks like he owns the place.

Speaking of Mr. Rude and Obnoxious Asshole, he had been going out a lot more according to Matt, and seemed to drinking himself into oblivion more often than not. I knew this because he was complaining about how he always had to go out to find Brian before sunrise every morning to make sure he got home nice and safe and not get all toasted like Zacky.

Oh, right.. Zacky.. After a few moments of contemplation, I decided that I owed him and Indy an apology. I figured I should also tell Charlie that I forgave her for almost breaking me in half, but decided facing Indy and Zacky first would be easier. There was going to be a lot heart-to-heart today; I wasn't looking forward to it.

I really wasn't sure about how Indy was going to react to it, though. It was weird seeing her worried and well.. not happy. Libby told me that Zacky was going to be fine, but Indy really made it seem like she was crushed.

"She's just upset she won't have her personal jungle gym around for a few fays." Libby had said.

It was meant to be a joke.. But at the same time, it was partially true.

"I still should go say sorry, huh?"

"It'd be for the best." she agreed, nodding.

So here I was now, on the way to their room. I honestly had no clue as to where I was going, but I didn't have to look far. Zacky's and Indy's room door was slightly ajar and I could hear Indy's voice from it.. And.. What was that? I think Zacky was talking back to her!

"You're hungry.."

"It's okay, Zacky. I can wait it out a few more days."

"Just bite me.. Don't want you hungry."

It was hard to hear because he mumbled and talked so quietly. When I realized I had to strain to listen, I felt a bit weird eavesdropping on them and decided to make my entrance now and knocked softly on the door, though it was already open.

"Can I come in?" I asked quietly, feeling strange disturbing their quiet moment.

"Yeah, sure." Indy said, audibly trying to sound upbeat. Maybe she really was mad at me..

It was my first time in their room. And I must say, it was smaller compared to most of the other rooms and much more cozy. It was bright (Well, as bright as a vampire could stand) and cheery, with pale yellow walls and heavy cream-colored curtains. There were various pictures of the two of them and of everyone else, too. Happy as it was, it made me feel even more out of place.

"You can sit, you know." Indy said, giggling slightly.

I sat down on the edge of their bed. Zacky wasn't as burnt looking anymore. His skin had returned to a normal color, but he looked tired and weak. It didn't look right at all, seeing the two of them not touching.

"So, do you need anything?" she asked, checking Zacky's temperature and then frowning.

"Just, uh, wanted to say sorry... If I knew he'd get sick like this, I wouldn't have tried to escape-- Okay, I still would have tried but, you know, the thing is I'm really sorry and I hope Zacky gets better." I mumbled, playing with my fingers and shifting around. I felt weird apologizing to them. After all, I barely knew them.

Indy laughed and Zacky smiled. "It's alright!" she said. "He'll get better in, like, two days! It's not life threatening or anything. You have nothing to worry about. I'm just glad you apologized!"

"O-oh.." I said, kind of shocked. "So... we're good now.. Right?"

"Mhm!" she nodded, clapping her hands together once.

"Alright so.. I'm going to go outside.. I should talk to Charlie."

Before I left, she stopped me and said, with her arms outstretched, "Hug! Because we're friends again!"

Okay, so Indy was a bit odd... maybe really odd, but she and Zack were definately becoming people I think I might actually be able to trust. She squeezed me tight when I hugged her, I was kind of afraid she'd break my ribs, and after telling Zacky 'Get well soon,' I left their room and headed to Charlie's.. Wherever that was.

"Someone seems.. Lost."

Oh, great. Of all the people that could have found me in this gigantic house, it's him. I ignored him and tried to continue walking.. But I didn't really feel like getting more lost.

"What's wrong? Pinky can't find her way around the house? Aren't mice trained to run around mazes? Or maybe you need motivation. Would you like some cheese?"

Haha.. Very funny..

"Whatever, Bran Flakes! I so don't need you here bugging me. I'm looking for Charlie, thank you, and if you would please excuse me.."

"Bran Flakes? Princess, you're going to have to get more creative if you want to offend me."

I rolled my eyes and huffed. "Whatever. You're just a self-centered airhead who needs to get his head out of his ass!"

"At least I can find my way around the house. Do you have any idea as to where we are?" he asked, smirking. God if I could just slap him..

I narrowed my eyes and said, "So what if I can't find Charlie's room? I'll get there.. eventually."

"Well, just to let you know before you waste your energy, Charlie's room," he said, pointing at the door right in front of me, "is right there."

He added in a patronizing tone, "Alright? Think we can find ourselves around the house now?"

Glaring, I kicked his shin as hard as I could and made a beeline for the room. Outside, I could hear him swearing and saying, "You better watch it when you get out of that room, Emerson!"

Last name basis now, are we? Wait.. What the fuck? How the hell does he know my last--

"Uh.. Lex? Do you mind...?"

That damn--

Guess where I was? Matt's and Libby's room. Fucking liar lied to me!

I was so mortified. I had just walked in on two strangers who were just about to fuck each other's-- never mind. At least they weren't all naked...

My eyes widened as I stammered, covering my eyes, "Shit! I-I'm so sorry! Brian, that ass, he- FUCK. I'm just gonna get out."

I realized I was trap. On one side, Libby and Matt were probably just as humiliated as I was, but probably still horny. I couldn't stay in here... And on the other side, Bran Flakes was just about ready to break my body in half! And I was still healing, too..

Without thinking, I yanked the door open and dashed outside, trying to get passed Brian. However, he was too fast and caught me by the collar of my shirt. Damn collar. I'm gonna fucking rip it off after this--

"That wasn't a very smart thing to do, Princess." Brian spat, the anger all too evident in his eyes.

"Well, you were being an asshole! And anyway, you already got your revenge! Matt and Libby were this close to fucking!" I yelled while trying to squirm away.

I thought I was as good as vampire food, I really did, until a voice from down the corridor, made Brian reluctantly release his hold on me. "Let her go, Haner."

My savior! I thought dramatically as I stuck my tongue out at him, kicking him again and running to the voice, which belonged to Jimmy.

"Dammit, Emerson, that hurts!" he growled glaring at me from down the hall.

"Be a man, Bran Flakes! Be a man!" I yelled.

He was about to say something when Jimmy cut him off. "If I were you, I'd leave."

Bran Flakes narrowed his eyes and I really thought there was going to be some sort of cat fight, but he stalked away, after rolling his eyes. I couldn't help but think in my mind: Lexie: 2, Bran Flakes: 0

When Jimmy sighed, my attention snapped to him and I asked, "So, uh, how's Charlie?"

"Not that good.." he muttered, walking to wherever. I decided to follow him.

"So.. Will it be okay if I talk to her?" I asked.

He shrugged. "You can try to. No guarantees you'll get a response."

"I think I'll give it a shot."



Charlie hadn't been in her room and Jimmy was as worried as fuck. He noticed the library, yes the library, door was open and relaxed so much when he saw Charlie sitting in the chair, looking out the window.

"Please call me after you're done." he said, leaving us two alone.

God, I liked it better when she was loud and hyper and annoying. This is like a lose-lose situation for me. If she continues being like this, I feel bad. If she gets better, I'll be bothered day and night, day and night... Damn you Bran Flakes. I must say, for putting me in this situation, it's Lexie: 2, Cereal: 1.

I took a chair and set it next to the small girl. "Don't feel bad, Charlie."

Her blank stare was still at the window. I sighed and tried again. "I know what happened before was an accident and I know Brian's a jerk. You should have seen what happened earlier. I so totally served him by kicking him twice because I got lost, right? So-- you're not listening.." I finished dully.

I was glad I chose to apologize to Zacky and Indy first. This was so difficult! I didn't think I would ever get out of the library until Jimmy came in and softly told us it was time for me to eat lunch. Yeah, it was only lunch time. The day wasn't even half over and I had a depressed girl sulking in the library and a jerk of a vampire out to get me somewhere in this house!

While eating my pasta, the only thoughts running in my head were, Stupid vampires. Stupid birthmark. Stupid Bran Flakes. I never liked the taste of Bran Flakes in the first place. Worst fucking cereal ever.

"You know, Princess, glaring at your food won't really do anything. You'll probably make yourself uglier by adding more wrinkles to your forehead." Looking up, I saw Brian leaning against the doorway, smirking.

"Fuck. You." I said, not wanting to talk to him.

"Sorry, babe. I'm the one that does the fucking around here."

"That didn't make sense, dick."


Then, an idea struck me.

"So Haner," I started coolly, "How'd you find out that my last name was Emerson?"

Hah! I saw it! That look of shock in his eyes even though it was only for a second. Not so high and mighty now are you? He stood up straight and cleared his throat before speaking. "E-everyone knows your last name, Emer-- Princess."

"Whatever." I replied, mocking him from only a few moments before.

Smiling smugly, I got up to put my bowl in the sink and washed it without another word to him. I totally kicked his ass this time.

Lexie: 3, Bran Flakes: 1

After cleaning up, I saw that Brian was still standing by the doorway. With a triumphant smirk, I walked past him, letting my shoulder brush against his just slightly, whispering, "See you around, Haner."

I was too absorbed in savoring my little victory to realize that he knew my last name until I reached my room and shut the door. I frowned and scratched my head, a bit confused at the situation.

Not that I care.. Right? Right. Totally. Of course.

Shaking off the weird feeling I had, I decided to go back to Charlie. I had a general idea of where her room was and found her after only a few minutes of aimless wandering. I didn't make any progress, honestly. It was disheartening, yes, but I really hoped she would come around soon.

So after another failure attempt to get Charlie to talk to me, I was out of her and Jimmy's room, sighing while making my way back to my own room. What was I going to do now? I was going to be so bored living here. Of course, my only source of entertainment used to be Indy and Charlie. That turned out just great, didn't it?

I let out a groan and heard a voice behind me. "What's wrong?"

It was Libby. Her hair was wet from showering. "Just.. Bored.." I muttered.

"Oh.. Sorry about that.. Things should get back to normal in a few days at most. But, uh, if you want.. I can.. Take you out tonight..?"

I raised an eyebrow. Libby was obviously in a very giving mood today. Maybe it was because she and Matt just-- right.

"Sure.." I said slowly. "That'd be.. nice. Where are you gonna take me?"

She shrugged. "Not sure. Maybe we can get you some clothes. Indy might want to come.. But then again she doesn't really like going anywhere without Zacky."

We were now on our way downstairs to the living room. "What's with her anyway?" I asked. "Why's she so.. You know.. Stuck to him all the time."

Libby gave a slight laugh as she answered, "I'm not too sure, but it has something to do with their lives when they were both human. But whatever. What happened earlier with Brian?"

"Oh.." I said, trying not to blush while thinking about the events in the last few hours. "He was being his usual pompous self and told me your room was Charlie's room.. So I kicked him and ran in.."

"..You kicked him?"

I nodded. "He deserved it."

"And how'd it go with Charlie?"

"Not that well."

"That's expected.. She'll come around in a few days." she said with a sigh. "It happens... every once in a while."

"Oh joy. So I should expect this again in, what, 10 years?"

"...Something like that. I know this is off topic but, she and Indy didn't exactly get along when Charlie showed up."

"Really? Aren't they, like, good friends now?"

"Yeah, well, Indy used to be a big crybaby, she still is actually, and Charlie couldn't handle her being upset all the time, especially since she was..well, kind of like she is right now. Once she snapped out of it, though, she was really pissed off at everyone, especially Jimmy, believe it or not. Indy was pretty traumatized for a few weeks after she got turned, too, and I guess Charlie pretty much trying to kill someone all the time freaked her out again.. Charlie was always trying to get the two of them to separate, and I think you can guess what happened."

"She cried?"

"Yeah, pretty much. She would burst into tears when Charlie pulled Zacky away from her and it would take forever for her to calm down. I actually felt more bad for Zacky than Indy at times because he had to deal with it almost everyday."

We talked a bit more about the other's histories and it was pretty interesting. I learned more about Indy, Charlie, and Lacey, who I still have to meet, more than anyone else, though. Our conversation soon shifted to Brian.

"So why's Bran such an asshole anyway?"

Libby rolled her eyes and said, "I wonder when the day you guys call each other by your real names will come."

"Probably never. If he continues to be such a prick."

"That's just Brian, though. He can be nice... Sometimes.."

I snorted. "Right. I'll believe it when I see it actually happening."

"I figured you'd say something like that.. He's just peeved that he doesn't get to choose his lifelong partner."

"Well that's pretty dumb. You're supposed to be happy with your partner, aren't you?" What a weird ass. He must be some sadist or something, purposely making the rest of his life miserable. Ugh.


"Exactly. And he's the one preventing that from happening, not me. He started it, being such a douche and all."

It got quiet for a while when I remembered the whole deal with my last name.

"Did you ever tell Bran Flakes my last name?" I asked.

"No.. Why?"

"Well he called me Emerson today and I realized no one ever told him anything about it. So I got curious."

"Hey! I have no clue what's going on but that sure sounds like you're making progress--"

"Don't," I cut her off. "Even say it. We have made no 'progress' whatsoever and I don't think we'll be making any soon, either."

"Keep telling yourself that."

"Oh, I intend to."


"Dammit! Watch where you're going will you?"

"Oh, fuck off. Don't be such a priss, Cereal."

As you can tell, I've had the unfortunate luck of bumping into Brian. We were gathered in the living room doing whatever, except for Charlie and Jimmy, when I decided that I wanted to go to bed.

"I'm not being a priss, you're just too inconsiderate--"

"Me? I'm inconsiderate? Look who's talking! You're the one acting like the whole fucking world revolves around you! You know, my life could be a lot easier if you stopped being such an egoistical jerk!"

"Both of you shut the hell up!" Matt yelled, causing both of us to fall silent. We glared at each other for a few minutes.

"You should have just let her go to bed, Bri." Indy chirped in from behind Zacky, her voice slightly muffled. Yes, he had gotten better and he was standing up, also about to turn in.

Brian was about to retaliate, but glanced at Zacky and stopped himself from saying anything.

"Thank you, Indy." I said. "You are absolutely right. However, Bran Flakes here seems to always want to pick a fight with me for some strange reason. I think we can safely conclude that Brian Haner is simply an attention whore.. Seeking attention."

"Shut the fuck up, Emerson." he glowered.

"What was that? Emerson? You never did tell me how you got my last name, you know."

Oh yeah, that's right. I just went there. Bitch.

He didn't say anything and I took that as my chance to escape, feeling good about myself. What a nice way to end the night.

Lexie: 4, Haner: 1
♠ ♠ ♠
It seems that I always give you guys fillers... I am sorry, but hopefully the next chapter I write is fun. But.. WHATEVER. HERE YOU GO.


catgirl87 (I love how you actually seem to analyze parts of this story. Yeah, I guess Brian's gonna fall in love with her. I mean, that's the main part of this story. It's the stuff in between that counts.)

EmiliaSaisRawr (Your username is hard to type. I had to keep going back and forth. But it's okay. You comment and you're nice. Have some cake.)

Ryan Dunn. (Alexa's a big girl! But, she should show some vulnerability.. Just not now.. Thank you for your comment!!)

juggalette_ninja (Thanks. I like the plot, too. Your username's crazy. I hope I spelled it right. Sorry for the wait, I'm a lazy ass.)

Ultraviolet Light (Brian IS mean isn't he?! And don't you know? Vampires are allergic to the sun!)

Norah Lullabye (HAHA, that line IS pretty good.. If I do say so myself. And all is forgiven for the lack of comments. You're one of our best commenters.)

DOtheDEW (Oh my. I'm afraid you're going to have to face Indy for claiming Zacky. She can get real possessive at times.. LOL. Well, thank you very much for the comment. Much appreciated!)