Status: comes and goes.

Me, My Prussian Blues (and That Guy With the Horns)

Dear Brain

Dear Brain,

All these years we've grown and developed together. We've talked, played, and shared the deepest sides of ourselves. But not once have I ever thanked you as a friend, and not as a tool. I hope it's not too late for me to patch up that rough spot now. For what it's worth, here is my gratitude.

Thank you for telling me what to do when no one else cared.
Thank you for being there when no one else was.
Thank you for bringing me a little piece of my childhood whenever I'm having a tough time.
Thank you for reminding me where I need to go whenever I lose myself.
Thank you for helping me through the toughest exams even when I'm pulling my hair out.
Thank you for steering me around the obstacles everyone else stopped at, and then bragging about it.
Thank you for ambition.
Thank you for inspiration, on those rainy days when lazing around the house seems like the best option.
Thank you for REM, when all I need is a good taste of insanity to set me back on the desired path.
Thank you for bearing with me when I need a false personality.
Thank you for being amused at the smallest of things, whenever I am overwhelmed by life.
Thank you for strength and movement.
Thank you for reality, when I'm just about to believe it.
Thank you for madness, when things seem too predictable.
Thank you for hanging on, even when I'm ready to leave.
Thank you for giving me the will to find the way.
Thank you for believing me, when I was being consumed.
Thank you for laughing at me when I took myself to seriously.
Thank you for creating a future around my surroundings, and then starting over when I move on.
Thank you for perception, even when my senses fail.
Thank you for rejecting false idols, even before Rock It.
Thank you for doubt; I don't know where I'd be without it.
Thank you for distrust, because it's done me no harm.
Thank you for loving me in my head.

It's gonna be tough, pal, but we'll make it out alive. I promise.
♠ ♠ ♠
To keep myself from harm.