Sequel: Aliens and Vampires
Status: comments help me write faster

Cats and Dogs

The Goddess

“So, how’s Jake doing?” I asked as I rearranged the cards in my hand and tossed a few chips into the rapidly growing pile in the center of the table.

“Not good,” Paul replied without looking up from his own hand. It had been four days since Jacob had left through my front door and I hadn’t seen him since.

The pack and I were currently playing a high stakes game of poker. We had four different colored chips and each one was worth a different amount, red was a penny, blue was nickel, green was a dime, and white was an entire quarter. Oh, yeah, we were in the big leagues now.

“That boy hasn’t gotten out of bed all week,” added Leah as she called Sam’s bet of a single green chip. “I tried to ask him about it and all I got was a moan of pain and a lamp to the forehead. Apparently he’s not feeling well.”

I should have felt sorry for Jake, he was sick after all, but all I could think of was how funny Leah’s face must have looked after she was hit with a lamp. I know, my mind is a strange contraption.

“Maybe I’ll go over there and slap him around a little,” I told them seriously and even though my gaze didn’t stray from my cards I still knew the pack was staring at me as if I was the biggest idiot on the planet.

“It’s physical contact,” I explained without looking up. “Trust me, his wolf will love it. Plus it’ll help both of us feel better.” He won’t be ill any longer and I’ll release some pent up violent energy, it’s a win win situation.

“You’re a very strange person,” said Sam as he laid his cards down with a smirk on his face. “Three of a kind.”

Embry groaned and threw his hand on the table, followed by the rest of the pack. “You’re a cheater,” he said and leaned back in his chair with a very unhappy look on his face.

“Well, whatever you do, you better do it quick. We’re not kidding when we say he looks like hell,” said Jared with a sigh and longing look toward the pile of chips that couldn’t have been worth more than two dollars.

“I don’t know why we play this game,” Sam said and his gaze locked onto mine as if he was just waiting for me to fold. “You might as well just give me all your money and save us some time.”

“Well, let’s see what my full house has to say about that,” I placed my cards on the table softly and Sam tried to glare at me but only managed to look constipated.

“Yes,” I said to the silent table, “being amazing at everything is all it’s cracked up to be.” I slid the pile of plastic chips toward me and laughed like a crazy person.

“You’re a cheater,” said Sam finally, “and I hope you know Emily’s going to kill me if I don’t win that back.” Sam must have been on really thin ice if his fiancée would kill him over fifty cents. Just saying.

“How is she doing anyway?” I asked as I handed everyone except Sam their money back. I know, I’m an insanely nice person.

“Do you really care?” He asked with a small smile at my antics.

“No.” I don’t like women, what part of that didn’t he understand?

“Crap,” said Seth suddenly and I whipped my head to the side to look at the cub who was staring at his watch as if he was trying to change the time with his mind power.

“What’s wrong?” asked Quil. I could tell a joke was on the tip of his tongue and he was trying insanely hard not to voice it. “Are you going to turn back into a mouse at midnight?” Apparently he wasn’t trying hard enough.

“No, 1am,” Seth corrected sarcastically. “But that’s not the problem; did everyone forget that we’re supposed to be on patrol tonight?” Young readers, I can not repeat the words that tore themselves out of the mouths of the werewolf pack, simply because I don’t think they were real to begin with. That, by the way, is how you know when someone’s surprised; they start making up words.

“What time is it?” Tonight was the last night of the full moon and I would not go feral because of my amazing poker talents.

“Eleven thirty,” said Seth and a few of those unknown words escaped my lips as well.

“What’s the matter?” asked Paul. “I know why we’re freaking out, but what do you have planned?” I really didn’t have time to come up with an excuse so I nearly fell over in relief when Embry spoke up.

“Oh, we have to e-mail her summer assignment to her home school instructor.” He said and to avoid any other questions he added. “Alai’s not very good with computers so I have to help her.”

“Em, we can smell the lie,” said Leah and everyone’s gaze immediately hardened. Maybe he should have let me handle it.

“Yeah, he doesn’t have to help me,” I said and since my lying ability is absolutely amazing, they believed me. “He just hates patrol and would rather stay with me as I mentally abuse him.” Their eyes softened, their shoulders relaxed, they wouldn’t give me any problems.

“Cool,” said Sam and he gestured for everyone to leave the house. “Leave him sane,” was all he said and the pack was off.

“I hope you’re aware of the fact I never agreed to what Sam said.” I told him and I turned to the overly excited wolf. He was currently jumping up and down as if he was four and had to use the bathroom.

“I don’t care, I get to see the weird ritual thing.” I didn’t say that, I had never even brought up the subject of him watching. Why did he have the warped idea that I would let him?

“Em, I don’t think that’s a good i-“

“Bring him,” it was an order, not a request. The goddess’ voice was one I heard often but something seemed to be off with it now. Almost as if she was confused, which I had never thought was even possible.

“Fine,” I said after several seconds of silence that I knew must have been freaking Embry out. “Stay out of my way and say nothing.” He nodded frantically and I was instantly reminded of a dog following a ball that someone was moving up and down; so many jokes came to mind but I stopped myself since dog jokes were just too easy.

“Go get the bag,” I pointed to the book bag that still hung near the door and walked out without waiting for Embry. He’d catch up if really was as excited as he seemed to be.

“We’re going to perform a ritual, we’re going to perform a ritual,” sang Embry as he came to walk beside me as I made my way through the forest. I knew it was dangerous to be doing this where the pack was most likely doing their rounds but I really didn’t have a choice in the matter. I had to do it or possibly live the rest of my life as a mindless animal.

“If you don’t shut up then I will shove something down your throat and force you to,” I was not a very happy cat-person and I really didn’t want a strange dog singing a random song directly into my ear.

“Are you feeling a little catty?” asked Embry and I was tempted to smack the man. That wasn’t funny, okay, it was; but I wasn’t in the mood right now.

“Yes,” I said as I tried not to laugh. "It's what happens when I hang out with dogs."

"Phew, it's a good thing I'm a wolf." He replied and I nearly collapsed with the supreme force of my laughter.

"Yeah, good thing." I told him sarcastically just as we walked into the small clearing that I had used for the ritual a month ago. "Just stand over there and stay out of my way." I ordered and took the bag from him, my anxiety over having been ordered to bring the wolf, starting to effect me again.

"Okay... no problem." Said Embry and he slowly backed up until he was a good twenty feet away from me. Some would call that a safe distance, not all, but some.

I quickly got to work creating the circle of rocks and setting up everything in order for the ceremony to work properly, unaffected by Embry's fascinated gaze that watched my every move.

"Please Em," I said as I kneeled down in the rock circle, "don't talk." My goddess my have wanted him to be here but I could almost guarantee that she didn't want him talking.

"Not a word," he promised and if I wan't busy mentally preparing myself then I would have pointed out that he had just spoken and that his promise meant absolutely nothing now.

"Good," I replied and started the ritual I had performed for more than seventy years.


Everything was normal. The candles glew brighter than physically possible, the wind blew from all directions as if some unknown force was directing it, but that all changed as I placed my cut hand on the stained stone in front of me.

After I said the next part needed for the ritual, my hand seemed to be glued to the glowing stone. Embry looked at me with concern written clearly on his face as I tried desperately to remove my hand without success.

"Alaivera Carden," the smooth female voice of my goddess rang through the small clearing, it wasn't in my head this time, that much was made clear when Embry looked as though he was going to wet himself.

"That's what they call me," I answered even though it wasn't necessary; come on people, when have you known me to not do something simply because it wasn't necessary? "You mind releasing me?" She laughed, it sounded like nothing I could ever describe but it was definitely a laugh.

"Sure thing sweetie," my hand became unglued and my surprise managed to wipe out my urge to laugh at my goddess calling me "sweetie." That was hilarious.

"Thanks," I said sarcastically as I stood up. Embry was still standing a few feet away and looked to be about five minutes away from passing out.

"Contrary to what you believe, Alaivera, I am not unnecessarily cruel." That's the problem with divine beings, they always know what you think, feel, and whole heartedly believe.

"Sure, mind telling me why you're suddenly talking to me like a person." I placed a hand on Embry's shoulder and he immediately relaxed, of course that was after he jumped three feet in the air and screamed like a little girl.

"You are the youngest of my children," the voice replied. "And I will not stand by and watch my kin ruin the life I have planned out for them." Well, that cleared up everything.

Embry looked at me out of the corner of his eye, the question "What the hell did you do?" cearly written on his face.

"I don't know," I whispered.

"Jacob Black," said the goddess as if answering the same question I had failed to. "He is yours as much as you are his. The bond needs to be completed for both of you to live the lives you were meant to." Wind started swirling around Embry and I as if the woman was mad or frustrated.

"He hates me," I argued once I could once again talk without taking in a mouth full of leaves and dirt.

"No," she said simply and I looked at Embry as if it was his fault. I mean seriously, he is the boy's friend, he should have informed me of this. "But he will unless you try to convince him otherwise." Right, like that would happen, me convince Jacob of anything.

"Jake is as hard headed as a bull, it's impossible to make him rethink anything, especially his feelings." Said Embry as if this wasn't his first time talking to someone/something not of this world.

"It'll take time," she agreed, "and it won't be easy, but it must be done." I was tempted to ask "why" since I was perfectly okay with continuing the battle of wits between Jake and I. Because if nothing else the boy was fun to fight with.

"One month," she said after a short pause. "Complete the bond in one month or suffer the fate you've been trying to escape." I swear to whatever god that wasn't currently talking to me that my heart truly did stop when those words left her mouth...or whatever it is she has.

"That's impossible," I choked out, "he won't agree to it." The only thing I got in response was silence, there wasn't even a rustle of leaves to signify that she was still there.

"Please tell me that my idea of what completing a bond is, is completely wrong." Said Embry after the two of us had been standing in the middle of the clearing for several minutes. At first I had no idea what he was thinking of and then it hit me...ew.

"Completely." I agreed as I nodded my head rapidly in order to get my point across. I didn't want him thinking about Jake and I like that. "It's just both people realizing the soul mate bond and VERBALLY agreeing to tie their lives together. Sort of like getting married only way more permanent." The wolf just looked at me as if I had grown a second head and started to calmly fix it's hair.

"You are going to marry Jake?" He asked slowly. "That's not going to end well." I could have told him that much, did he really feel he had to tell me?

"No, I'm most likely going to go feral since there's no way he's going to go along with it." Strange how I wasn't nearly as freaked out as someone should have been.

"Maybe he'll-" started Emby but was interupted by Seth's voice calling out from the forest.

"Alai!" Like I said, they always find me, every time, every single time I step foot in this area, wolves end up finding me.

"We should probably go to him since I know you don't want him to see that." Embry pointed to the ritual set up and smiled as if it was some kind of inside joke.

"Good idea." I agreed and grabbed his arm before pulling him in the direction in which Seth's voice was coming from.

"Alaivera!" The boy called out again and before we could have called back a response, Seth came running out of the trees and ran right into Embry, causing him to fall back onto the ground.

"Oh there you are," he gasped as he picked himself up and stared at the two of us like a severant would his master. "Um...Cullen called us all over to the territory line and said he had something to tell us but wanted to wait until you were there before he said it." I died. I only have eight lives left, I hope Seth felt proud of himself.

"Which one?" Was the only thing my mind managed to put together. "The doctor, steroid freak, emo, or pansy ass?" Seth looked at me much the same way Embry had done a few minutes ago.

"The...Pansy Ass?" asked Seth as if he had no idea whether or not he got the name right. "That is Edward right?" Yep, he got the name right.

"Okay," I turned to Embry and summed up the whole situation in four words. "This. Is. Not Good."
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I am posting this while I'm on my awesomely amazing vacation, so you better be thankful.

Just a heads up, the next chapter will be the halfway point. Stuff will happen