Sequel: Aliens and Vampires
Status: comments help me write faster

Cats and Dogs

The Pack


“Jakie has a girlfriend, Jakie has a girlfriend,” the pack’s thoughts kept floating through Jacob Black’s mind as he circled Emily’s house.

“Shut up,” he sighed mentally but his anger only fueled their amusement. “That’s not funny.” The fact that he had imprinted on the weird girl, should have been his business, not his pack’s.

“No, he’s right,” said Embry, “that’s not funny, that’s hilarious.” Jacob mentally growled but that didn’t stop Embry from continuing. “Mister ‘I’m not going to imprint because I love Bella,’ has finally seen the light.”

“Embry, I’m about three seconds away from removing your watermelon sized head from your body.” Growled the annoyed wolf, he had a job to do and hearing them go on and on about his personal life wasn’t helping the situation.

“Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on,” sung Sam, Paul, Seth, Jared, and Quil. Jacob wasn’t amused and jumped when a branch snapped behind him.

“What happened?” asked Sam when he noticed that Jake hadn’t gotten on to them about singing the Titanic theme song.

“Thought I heard something,” explained Jacob. He actually knew he heard something but when he turned to look at the spot the noise had come from, he found absolutely nothing. “It was just my imagination.” Even as he said that Jacob started walking in the direction that the sound had come from.

“Alright then,” said Jared in a way that made it perfectly clear that there was another subject he wanted to discuss. “Jake, even you have to admit that Alaivera is beautiful.” Jacob inwardly groaned and waited for the next idiot to speak up.

“Yeah, Jake” said Sam, “six foot one, blonde hair and blue eyes. If I didn’t have Emily, then I’d definitely be on her doorstep. You know what I mean?” Unfortunately, he did.

“She’s too tall” said Jacob, “Her hair’s too light, and her eyes are weird.” There was another snap somewhere out in the forest and Jake once again turned to find nothing there.

“Oh, you’re just upset because she’s not 5’4”, with dark hair and eyes,” said Paul. “Seriously Jake, you need to get over that girl. She’s starting to mess you up.”

“I love her!” he exclaimed. “She’s not someone I can just ‘get over.’ Damn! What the hell is making that noise?” Jacob turned suddenly to face the blonde haired girl that his friends had just been talking about.


I couldn’t stay in that house, men I could deal with, but females were impossible, so when Emily asked me to sit down I turned her down and ran out of the house as if the fires of hell were licking at my ankles.

Jacob’s scent hit me like a truck the moment I stepped out into the forest that surrounded Emily’s home. If it were during the day then I would have gone straight to my house in order to avoid the wolf, but since the sun was already setting, I knew I could handle myself.

Normally I’m nocturnal, only coming out during the day if I absolutely have to. The night works well with my eye sight, and the moon has always given me a sense of security that I never got from the sun.

Slowly I started to walk in the direction of the constant growls and whines were coming from, finding the large and frustrated wolf, within minutes. He seemed to be having a silent conversation and I remembered that in most of the werewolf packs I had met, the members were connected while in animal form.

For the next few minutes I broke sticks under my feet and ducked out of the way before Jacob saw me, he may have disliked my game, but that’s what he gets for being a cat hater. When he let out a loud whine and spun around to find the source of the sound, I decided that he had been tortured long enough.

“Hi Jake,” I said and waved before sitting down on the ground and resting my head in my hands. “Whatcha doing?” He looked at me with shock visible in his eyes for a moment before snarling and barking at me.

“Relax,” I ordered, “girls freak me out so I couldn’t stand being in Emily’s house for a second more.” Jacob glared at me like I was pure concentrated evil before howling and running away.

“And that’s the big bad wolf,” I told myself as I lay down in the fallen leaves. “He runs away from Little Red Riding Hood.” I looked up through the cluster of trees and gazed at the hundreds of stars as I listened to the sound of several people running my way.

“Why aren’t you inside?” asked Sam as the pack came up to me in human form. “We told you to go to Emily’s.”

“And I did,” I said “I just didn’t stay there. I already told Jacob that girls freak me out. You guys have really bad hearing for wolves.” I closed my eyes and smiled at the silence that covered the section of the forest like a blanket.

“What are you talking about?” asked one of the boys that I had yet to learn the name of.

“Fine, let’s play it your way. I’m Alaivera, you are.” Without opening my eyes I held my hand out in his direction and he took it.

“Embry,” said the boy and I moved my hand to the left where it was taken by another person.





“Leah,” I opened one eye when I heard the female’s voice but closed it again when I saw that she was glaring at me. At least the hate was mutual.

“Now that you know everyone,” said Sam “it’d be in your best interest to tell us what the hell you’re talking about.” I laughed softly and reached into my pant pocket, pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to him.

“Hey Seth,” I said tapping his leg with my foot. “Move three inches to the left you’re blocking the moonlight.” He quickly did as I asked and someone growled as if that was some kind of crime.

“How could you even tell?” asked Quil. “Your eyes are closed.” No way! I hadn’t realized that. I’m forever in the debt of a dog.

“I just can,” I answered simply. “Done reading yet, Sam?” There wasn’t a lot of information on that sheet of paper and he should have finished it up by now, even if he was a canine.

“Where did you get this?’ asked Sam and I heard the rustling of paper as if he was shaking it back and forth. Quil should properly inform him of inability to see.

“Came to me in a dream,” I answered honestly. “I wrote it down, and already checked in with the Cullens to confirm it. By the way, they hate me too.” It’s a personality thing, hardly anyone really likes me. I’d be bothered with that if I actually liked people.

“We don’t hate you,” said Jared. “Sure you’re crazy if you believe in werewolves, but we can’t hate you because of that.” I was happy that they denied it; that made it even more fun for me.

“Whatever,” I said standing up. “Give me that back.” I took the paper from Sam’s hands and started walking back to my house. “Talk to you guys later. Stay fury.”

“That animal’s still out there!” cried Seth and I waved my hand carelessly.

“It won’t hurt me, I’m a cat person.”