Public Enemies


"I need to stop doing this shit." Mia groaned as her eyes fluttered open and she dropped the bottle of vodka next to her, "Fucking drinking at 3 in the mother fucking morning."

She rubbed her eyes, smudging her make up slightly as she sat up, carefully pulling her hair into a messy bun before standing up, letting a slight whooping sound as her knees buckled slightly, a laugh escaped past her lips as she looked around the living room.
Her eyes fell upon the couch and she could feel her stomach twist and turn as she remembered the dream she had about Matt.

"You're fucking insane Mia Sullivan." She muttered to herself as she shook her head, "You barely know the guy."

Picking up the empty bottle she sighed slightly as she grabbed her phone and walked towards the kitchen, her warm feet colliding with the cool hardwood floors, making her shoulders shiver slightly as she tried to walk faster in hopes of getting rid of the feeling.

Pushing the doors to the kitchen open her stomach grumbled slightly, making her sigh in annoyance as she walked towards the fridge, dumping the bottle inside the big trashcan before opening the fridge and browsing for something to eat.

Brian groaned as he walked into the house, dumping his coat on the foyer and sighing as he took the bloody shirt off before placing his gun inside his jeans, right in his lower back and directed himself towards the kitchen, his footsteps bouncing off the wall.

He frowned slightly as he saw the doors to the kitchen open, and walked in just in time to see Mia bend down and look into the fridge, her barely covered ass almost begging him to come and slap it, and it was just then when he remembered exactly why he was back at the house in the first place.


"Fuck!" She yelled in response as she jumped slightly, barely missing hitting the back of her head on the fridge; pulling her head out she turned around to glare at Brian, "What in fuck’s sake are you doing scaring me like that?!"

"Sorry." He chuckled in response as he made his way towards her, "I didn't mean to."

"Jerk." Mia muttered as she slammed the door to the fridge close and leant against it, finally realizing that Brian was standing shirtless a few inches away from her as he leant over the sink and washed his face, "What happened?"

"Things got rough." Brian sighed as he finished washing the blood off his arms and chest, "Jimmy's in the hospital, don't worry, he's okay, but he wanted me to pick you up before anyone came to the house."

"What did he do?" Mia sighed as she jumped on the counter making Brian laugh and shake his head as he dried himself off with a towel.

"We didn't plan it enough, now get changed, I'll meet you at the foyer." Brian smiled slightly and walked out before his hormones could do anything else, it was bad enough seeing her bending over and picturing things no decent woman should do, but having her an arm distance away and being able to fuck her on the island in the kitchen was even worse.

Mia watched Brian walk out as she bit her lip softly, her eyes wandering down his strong back and to the gun safely placed in his lower back, the jeans he wore riding dangerously low on his hips and the kitchen towel draped over his right shoulder.

"Well, that's another one for Pandora's box." Mia muttered as she jumped off the counter and walked up to her room; dressing in a simple pair of black sweatpants, a white tank top and a warm hoodie, pulling the hood over her hair and quickly fixing her make up.

"Mia!" Brian yelled from downstairs as he grabbed the keys to his black Escalade, "Hurry the fuck up woman!"

"Keep your panties on Haner!" Mia laughed as she grabbed her phone and jogged down the stairs.

"Shut up." Brian laughed back and shook his head as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and led her out, locking and setting the alarm up on the house before walking towards the Escalade neatly parked on the driveway.

"Fine, whatever Brian." Mia grinned as she tried to hide the silly smile that came over her face the minute his arm settled around her shoulders, and how natural it felt to have him hug her like that.

"Oh my God the pain!" Jimmy groaned as his leg twitched painfully, "I am gonna kill the fucker who shot my leg!"

"Johnny already did that." Zacky chuckled as he stood up and stretched, "Come on short shit, let's get some coffee."

Johnny rolled his eyes as he followed Matt and Zacky out of the room, leaving Jimmy to moan and complain by himself.

As soon as the door shut, it opened again, and in walked a petite girl, who was wearing a nurse’s uniform, yet didn’t quite look like a nurse, Jimmy could see tattoos poking out from under her sleeves, an industrial piercing going through her right ear and as she yawned he saw the shiny ball of a tongue piercing.

"Good night Mr. Sullivan, how are you feeling?" She asked as she grabbed the charts at the foot of his bed and made sure everything was in order.

"I'm quite obviously in pain." Jimmy mumbled as he grudgingly tugged at the uncomfortable hospital covers, "Listen, did my friends put you up to this?"

"Excuse me?" She asked, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow and setting the clipboard back on its place.

"Did my friends put you up to this? You know, like the strippers that dress like cops and shit?" Jimmy rolled his eyes as he hitched himself up higher in bed and looked expectantly at the girl.

"Let me get this straight." The girl laughed as she rested her hands on her hips, "You think I'm a stripper your friends sent as a joke?"

"Pretty much." Jimmy shrugged in response as Brian and Mia walked into the room, their mouths gaping slightly at the present conversation.

"Wow, I've gotten different kinds of jerks and then you." She rolled her eyes as she stepped over towards him and fixed his meds, "Hopefully you'll stop being a jerk by the next time I'm here, or I swear to God you will live without meds for a week." She growled lowly before walking out of the room, nodding politely at Mia and Brian.

"Wow." Mia laughed as she walked into the room and slumped on the couch, "Nice going Jimmy."

"What the fuck where you thinking man?" Brian laughed too as he took a seat next to Mia.

"Wait... She wasn't a stripper?" Jimmy groaned as he rubbed his face and looked back at Brian.


"Fucking hell you could’ve told me sooner!" Jimmy yelled as he turned to look at Brian and Mia who had amused looks on their faces as they looked at the man laying on the uncomfortable hospital bed, “Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Why are you so worried about what you said?" Brian smirked as he got comfortable in the couch, draping his arm behind Mia's shoulders, his fingers grazing against her right shoulder blade.

"Because...” Jimmy paused as he looked around the room, "I don't want to sound like a jerk."

"Oh my God." Mia laughed as she shook her head, "Unbelievable Jimmy, un-fucking-believable."

"What?" Jimmy and Brian both asked clearly confused which only made Mia laugh harder as she held her stomach, this was almost too good to be true.

"You like her!”

“Oh come on." Jimmy scoffed as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms across his chest in a defensive gesture, "I don’t even know her name how could I like her?"

"Well, you know that no one has talked to you that way before and that’s a turn on." Mia smirked as she stood up and walked towards him, patting his injured leg lovingly and earning a groan of pain in response.

"You fucking bitch." Jimmy growled as he reached forward to punch her arm and Mia laughed again as she jumped back.

“Come on Mia." Brian laughed as he stood up, "Let's take you back home."

"Get her out of here." Jimmy whined slightly and Mia laughed again as she placed a kiss on his forehead and ran out of the room before he could attempt to punch her again, "Brian."

"Yeah?" Brian turned to Jimmy a small playing on his lips as he saw Mia walk out.

"No funny business."

Brian walked out with a smirk and Jimmy groaned slightly as he recognized the look in his eyes, Brian was not going to let go of Mia that easily, and he knew it, but Jimmy was not going to let it happen without a fight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not Myself Tonight - Christina Aguilera
so I'm sick.
that would be all.

enjoy lovelies (: <333