Public Enemies


“Let me go!" Mia yelled between laughter as she tried effortlessly to run away from Brian's embrace, his arms were securely wrapped around her waist as he swung her around in circles.

"Never." Brian laughed back as he started spinning around with her, Mia’s hands instantly going to his arms for support, holding herself although deep inside she knew there was no need to worry, Brian would never let her fall.

Her heart raced a million miles per hour and it wasn’t only due to the fact that Brian was spinning her around like a dreidel in Hanukkah, but it was the way his arms were wrapped around her, and the way his chin rested on her shoulder, their faces next to each other, they were practically breathing the same air and everything about this drove her mad.

"Brian come on!" Mia laughed again as she threw her head back on his shoulder and looked up at the sky, the clouds spinning around her.

Brian laughed as he kept spinning around, trying to ignore the feeling of her skin against his, and the smell of the coconut tanning lotion coming from her body, replacing that vanilla soap he had grown to love in the past few days.
She was wearing a black bikini that hung onto her hips nicely, and Brian's question of whether her breasts were fake or not had been answered hours ago with a slap in the face and a glare from those pretty green eyes.

"Okay I’m done." Brian replied after a few seconds and placed her down, holding onto her as to not to loose his balance, and with a short step backwards they both lost their balance and fell down on the sand into a pile of limbs, Mia erupted into a fit of laughter as she turned her body over and laid on top of Brian, not even getting off of him to check if he was okay.

"That’s what you get." Mia laughed softly as she rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes as if to get rid of the dizziness that she was currently going under, but it was much more than that; it was having Brian so close, their faces inches apart, and she knew that if she didn’t turn away or did something in that moment they would be making out on the sand.

"Shut up." Brian laughed softly as he dropped his head back on the sand and rested his hands loosely on her lower back, feeling the smooth skin on his fingertips and it took every ounce of will power not to flip them around and kiss her right then and there.

"If I weren’t so goddamn dizzy I would punch you right about now." Mia muttered into his chest and Brian chuckled as he sat up slightly, propping his weight on his elbows as he looked down at the girl laying down on his chest, her long hair flowing down her back and covering her face up.

His eyes then wandered up to the house, where he was positive Jimmy was watching them and a sense of guilt washed over him, Jimmy was his best friend and by doing this he wasn’t sure wether he would loose his friendship or actually make it stronger because, come on, Mia is like Jimmy’s baby sister, and getting her approval would be like entering Jimmy’s ranks of higher gods.

"Brian?" Mia asked softly snapping him out of his daze, and with a smile he looked down at her questioningly, "Thought I’d lost you there for a minute."

"You did." Brian chuckled as he kissed her forehead and sat up, sending Mia sliding down to his lap, her legs on either side of him in an awkward straddling position.

Their eyes met with each other and Mia bit her lip softly as her eyes wandered down to his lips, she analyzed them carefully as she nibbled on her lip softly.
Brian’s eyes also travelled down to her soft, plump lips and the way her teeth nibbled on them made him want to be the one nibbling on her lips instead.

"You’re thinking about it too aren’t you?" Mia finally broke the silence and Brian’s eyes wandered up towards hers and he raised an eyebrow slightly, "Kissing."

Brian chuckled softly and shook his head slightly, this girl could read him like a book, and there was really no point in denying it, Mia shot him a grin as he took him by surprise and pushed him back down on the sand, leaning forward and resting her hands on his chest, her hair falling across her shoulders.

"We shouldn't be doing this." Brian pointed out as he wrapped his hands around her hips and then ran them up her sides, not being able to resist the urge to feel her skin under his fingers properly.

“We’re not doing anything." Mia shrugged in return and bent down slightly, leaving their lips inches apart from each other, she breathed the air he exhaled and vice versa.

Brian couldn’t do anything, she had him backed up against the corner, it was either kissing her or pushing her off, and the latter didn’t seem quite what he wanted for he relished in the feeling of her against him, as close as she could muster, and in a split second the decision was made and now Mia was pinned against the sand, her hair all over the place as Brian pressed their lips together and groaned in satisfaction.

A soft sigh escaped past Mia’s lips as she returned the kiss, moving their lips together slowly, her hands tangling up in the mess of black locks as his strong hands gripped her hips and then moved down her thighs, hitching one of her legs over his waist, his fingertips moving up and down in slow patterns.

Jimmy watched up from the window and he felt a growl escape past his lips before he stormed towards Matt’s study, he barged in, not caring if he was with anyone at the moment and looked at Matt, and if he could, there would be steam coming out of his ears.

"Something wrong?" Matt asked as he looked up at Jimmy, his eyebrows raised in an amused manner as he watched the tall man pace in front of him, trying to find the correct words.

"You need to do something, anything! Even so, I give you full permission to do whatever you want!"

"I am not following you Jimmy." Matt chuckled as he stood up and made his way over to Jimmy, who was still fuming as he paced around the room, running his hands through his hair.

“I know you like Mia, why wouldn’t you? Anyways, that’s not the point, I don’t want her anywhere near Brian, Matt. And she likes you too so there must be something you can do, I don’t care if you date her, I just don’t want Brian dating her."

Matt stared at Jimmy for a few seconds, trying to comprehend if he actually processed all that he had said; Jimmy was asking Matt to break Mia and Brian apart, and he was giving him full permission to do whatever he wanted to do.

"Jimmy this is insane." Matt chuckled and shook his head as he turned away, and Jimmy grabbed his arm and spun him back.

"I need you to do this for me Matt." Jimmy sighed, "You know how he is, I don't want her to get hurt just because Brian thinks of her as another one of her bimbos."

"You do realize she’s going to be pissed if she finds out right?" Matt asked as he rose an eyebrow at Jimmy, still not quite grasping what he was asking him to do.

"Well she better not find out then right?" Jimmy smiled before walking out of the room and leaving Matt to himself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello, I Love You - The Doors
nine days later but here it isss.
I apologize if it's short-ish but I didn't want to put more into this chapter (:

comments, suggestions etc are always appreciated.
what do you guys think of Mia?