Our World Is Spinning


“Where are you taking me?”

“Stop whining, Lace, and just relax.”

“I’m serious, Kennedy, tell me where we’re going! This is really beginning to freak me out…What if something attacks us? What if there’s like, a murderer on the loose and he’s—oh, stop laughing!”

“Have you been watching zombie movies with Garrett again?”

“Oh shut up! Can you just tell me where—shit.”

“I told you.”


“I know, Lacey, I know.”

“This—this is unbelievable! I mean, wow, Kennedy, where did you find this place? It’s gorgeous!”

“Just like—”

“Do me a favor, Ken, drop the cheesiness…”

“Alright, but just for you Lacey.”

“Seriously, Kennedy, where the hell did you find this place? I thought they had closed off this section of the field because of like, snakes or something…”

“Well, I—”

“Ohmygod, Kennedy Brock did you bring me here even though there are snakes? Ohmygod, ohmygod, get me out of here! Get me out of here!”

“Lacey, calm down—”

“I’m going to die from a snake bite and it’s all your fault! Holy crap, Kennedy, what the hell were you think—”

“Calm down, Lacey, there are no snakes. I promise you, it’s perfectly safe here.”

“Are you sure? ’Cause I think they—”

“You are the most neurotic person I have ever met in my life. You are so lucky I love you for it, though.”

“…was that supposed to be a complement?”

“Yes, that it was. Now, are you ready to relax? Here, babe, just…sit down right there. Yeah, in the chair. Are you ready?”


“Yeah, Lace?”

“Where did you get the fireworks?”

“From Tim…”

“And where did Tim get the fireworks?”

“I dunno…”

“Are you aware that those are illegal?”

“Can you just relax? Half the fun is in doing something illegal for a change!”

“Kennedy Brock, you put down that lighter! I refuse to go to jail because your sick idea of fun revolves around illegal fireworks!”

“Oops, too late! My finger slipped…looks like we’re going to have to enjoy them, despite the whole ‘illegal’ thing.”



“Kennedy! We’re going to get arrested!”


“I’m going to go to jail, oh my god!”


“My mother is going to kill me—”


“—I’m going to lose my scholarship!”



“Dance with me.”


“Just…c’mon, take my hand.”

“If you think I’m going to dance with you—in a field of snakes—while there are illegal fireworks going off over my head, you are INSANE, Kennedy!”

“Please, Lacey?”


“Are you seriously refusing to dance with me? What happens if I get bit by a rattlesnake right this second, and the last thing you did was call me insane and refuse to dance with me, after I set up this date?”

“You are not going to—”

“But what if I do? I could drop dead any second! Now, with my possibly-dying wish, I want to dance with you, kiss you, and tell you I love you while the fireworks—”

“Illegal fireworks.”

“—Illegal fireworks go off over our head at exactly two-thirty in the morning.”

“I don’t see why I have to—”

“I could be dying, Lacey!”

“Fine! Fine, you loser, I’ll dance with you!”

“Then get over here, silly!”

“I hate you…”

“You love me.”

“I don’t even know why!”

“But you still love me.”

“…hey, Kennedy?”

Yes, Lacey? What now?”

“Do you think anyone could see the fireworks from the city?”

“Possibly. Now shut up and enjoy the show…”

“Hey Kennedy?”

“No, Lacey, there are no axe murderers, no bears, no snakes, no spiders, no rabid monkeys, nor zombies that are going to either kill us or ruin this date!”

“I was just going to ask if I could light then next one…”

“You? Miss But-They’re-Illegal-And-I-Could-Get-Arrested?”

“Fine! Nevermind!”

“I’m just kidding, Lace! Here, light this one…”

“Oh my, I’m actually really nervous about this…”

“Just relax, babe, and light the fuse.”

“Okay, here goes nothing…Did you see that? Do you see how pretty it looks? Look Kennedy! Look at that!”

“I’m looking, Lace, I’m looking!”

“Oh my god, everything’s so pretty!”

“See? I told you this was going to be fun!”

“I feel so wild! I mean, I feel like I’m on top of the world!”

“I know what you mean, Lacey.”

“Hey Kennedy?”

“Yes, my darling, neurotic Lacey?”

“I love you and this illegal date you took me on.”

“I love you, too, Lacey.”

“But if we get arrested, I’m dumping your sorry ass—why did you kiss me? Not that I minded, but...”

"I finally found a way to make you stop! My god, it's a miracle!"

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"Oh, shuddup, Brock, and light s'more damn fireworks."
♠ ♠ ♠
Word count: 756

This was shit, and I apologize.