Sequel: The Story Left Untold
Status: Done. :) Sequel won't be released until this story gets 300 comments. Btw, whoever gets the 300th, I might award you with a layout :)

Take My Hand

All I Can Do Is Just Laugh.

Days passed by fast since that day where Chris reappeared and almost ruined my summer. Luckily, Jack was awesome enough to make me feel better about everything. He did that by watching old time favorite movies, going shopping, making prank calls and well just being the kids we were at heart.

Everyday seemed like a surprise with Jack even if all the things we did were ordinary and simple. He didn’t have to take me out on a really big and fancy date just to make everything seem fresh. He was the surprise. He was the one who made everything seem surprising and I loved him for that. I loved him as a friend.

I didn’t think I’d be able to say that but I don’t know with everything he and I did together, it would remind me of him as a brother. He wasn’t really the romantic type of person so there was no way I could take him seriously. He was more of the fun kind of guy who you’d see as like some kind of brother. He was protective in a way too. He sneered at almost every guy who looked at me. He might’ve been protective but he still knew how to have fun and keep me happy.

It had already been two weeks of fun and I don’t think I can ever get enough with him. He leaves me like an addict always wanting more. I don’t know how he does it but it works every time.

Tour was starting today but I felt really tired. Gladly, I packed all my belongings days before and they were now resting in Jack’s living room. I was planning to sleep all day when suddenly, the bed started shaking and someone jumped on me.

I groaned and rolled over but Jack rode on me and screamed for me to get up.

“Jack, get your fucking boner off of me!” I said pushing me off of me.

“Not until you suck it!” he joked and I punched him in the stomach.

He groaned in pain and rolled off of me. I laughed as he fell to the floor. I was about to help him up as I lent him a hand but then he pulled me down too and then he started to tickle my sides.

“JACK!” I said before laughing uncontrollably. “What…are…you…doing?” I managed to get out in between laughs.

“I’m tryna get you to pee on yourself,” he said laughing and I laughed harder.

“Stop it!” I screamed and he laughed and then stood up.

I just lay on the floor until he offered to pull me up. I didn’t really have any plans for revenge so I just took his hand and got up.

“YAY! WE START TOUR TODAY!” Jack screamed all of a sudden and then started running around his house like a hooligan. I let him be as I shook my head and got into the bathroom where my clothes were all laid out on the counter where the sink was located.

Fortunately, for me, Jack keeps his bathroom clean. I bet if I wasn’t living with him, it wouldn’t be this clean. I stripped out of my clothes and got into the shower to bathe myself. Jack said I wasn’t going to get another chance to do this on the road so I guess now’s the best time to take a long, relaxing bath. I didn’t take that much time though since I was really hungry and I thought that if I were to stay any longer, I would pass out.

I dried myself up with a towel that I’ve learned to call my own and placed some clothes on. I brushed my wavy hair and brushed my teeth. Once I was satisfied, I got out of the bathroom and placed my phone in my pocket. I went down the stairs to get something to eat.

“Traitor, you were supposed to go screaming with me,” Jack said trying his best to act hurt.

“Oh, I thought that was a ‘Jack-only’ thing,” I said and he looked at me and furrowed his eyes playfully.

“Well, it wasn’t,” he said taking a bite of his peanut butter sandwich.

“Oh, I could’ve sworn I saw jackass all over it,” I said and laughed and he scowled at me before laughing along.

“You’re only lucky you’re a girl and you’re funny and cute,” he said and winked at me.

“Or what, huh? You’d act violently against me?” I asked taking a piece of toast that was left untouched on his place.

“Maybe,” he said in all seriousness and I cracked up.

After I finished that piece of bread, I walked over to the cupboard to grab a glass. I opened the fridge and grabbed the carton of orange juice. I placed some in the glass and drank it slowly.

Satisfied, I placed the glass in the sink and placed the carton back in the fridge. Jack just stared at me. When I caught his eye, he looked away. “Well, I’m gonna go change. The guys are gonna be here any second now and I haven’t packed yet.” He said rushing up the stairs to wash away the awkwardness. I smiled at what happened before going up the stairs to help him pack.

When I came up and got into his room, I stopped at the door since it looked like the whole place was hit by a hurricane. Clothes were everywhere, on the floor, on the bed, on top of tables, on the dresser, hanging on the door knob and the cabinet shelves were empty.

“How long is the tour going to be exactly?” I asked suddenly insecure about how little I packed. I’m a minimalist so I didn’t really think about bringing a lot of clothes with me.

“Just a month long,” he said. “But you already knew that,” he turned back to look at me as he stuffed his clothes in a bag.

“Why are you packing so many clothes?” I asked him looking around the room.

“Who says I’m packing everything?” he countered and rolled my eyes at him.

“How exactly did you get all your clothes flying across the room?” I asked him as I sat on the bed.

“I have secret magical powers,” he whispered grabbing a pair of socks that were beside me.

“Is that so?” I said trying to play along. I lay on the bed as he smirked. “I’m gonna miss this bed,”

“Me too,” he said jumping on it as soon as he zipped his bag up.

My head was bobbing up and down involuntarily. Jack was about to fall on top of me but then regained balance and bounced off the bed. He bent over and hugged the unmade sheets. “I’ll miss you all,” he said kissing his pillows, the mattress and the blanket.

At this I laughed but it was cut short due to the loud honking of whatever it was that was going to bring us to the venue.

We both ran down the stairs like little kids. I grabbed my bags and ran out the door before Jack could come out.

“Brittany!” Alex said running towards me and hugging me.

“Geez, Alex it’s only been a week since we last met,” I said remembering the time where we all hung out at the mall just for fun.

“It seemed like forever,” he said letting go and I smirked. He helped me get my stuff on the bus.

We walked towards the bunks and he told me that I got the bottom one on the right side. Zack and Rian were both at the back playing with the Xbox but their heads shot up as soon as they saw me. They put the game on pause and came over to me.

“Hey Brit, are you ready for tour?” Zack asked as I placed all my bags under my bunk.

“Where’s Jack?” Rian asked before I got to answer Zack’s question.


“I’m here, honey!” he interjected imitating the voice of one of those old ladies with really high pitched voices.

“And I’m not sure if I am, Zack,” I said smiling at him brightly.

“Don’t worry, no one’s ever really ready, it just happens,” he said and I laughed.

“I call dibs on the bunk on top of Brit’s!” he exclaimed but then Alex came in running.

“Well, that’s too bad! It’s taken!” Alex said making a funny face where he sticks his tongue out and places his hands on either side of his forehead and moving his fingers back and forth.

I rolled my eyes at the conversation they were having and followed Zack and Rian back to the back of the bus where they continued playing Tekken 6.

Zack was on the verge of beating Rian when Rian stroke a power punch that totally drained the life out of Zack’s character. Zack went ballistic and I started laughing as Rian high-fived me. If this was how easy it was going to be then I don’t think I might have a problem in dealing with these guys. I loved tour already.

The bus started moving and Alex and Jack were almost done arguing about who gets what bunk. Alex got the bunk on top of mine which was cool with me. Jack said that he’d get the one beside mine and with that, everything was settled.

They walked into the back together and saw me and Rian in a battle. I was beating Rian and he was getting more and more devastated.

“Girl, where the hell do you get your skills?” Rian questioned as soon as I beat him again on the second round of our third fight.

“Well, I guess I was just born to win,” I bragged and he smirked. I gave the controller back to Zack and smiled at Jack who looked defeated.

I went up to him and hugged him because he seemed like he needed it.

“See, at least she loves me, Alex. I thought you used to but you’re just a selfish bitch,” Jack said and I looked at him before looking at Alex who had his jaw dropped and a hand on his chest.

I laughed at this and then went back to where the bunks were. I felt like lying down so I just lay there and plugged in my earphones and listened to some music. I was about to shut the curtains when all of a sudden, someone stopped me.

“Scoot over,” Alex said and I moved to the side to make space for him.

He lay down beside me and the bunk got really tight.

“Whatever happened to sleeping in your own bunk?” I asked him and he turned to face me.

“I don’t know, I felt like crashing here,” he said and I rolled my eyes.

“You should remind me to get you some All Time Low merch,” he said eyeing my NeverShoutNever! wristband intently.

“Are you jealous?” I asked wiggling my eyebrows as I held up the arm that had the NSN wristband.

“Psh, hell no,” he said and I laughed.

I didn’t understand why I just couldn’t stop laughing today. Was it because I was overly excited about what was about to happen? I looked out the window and saw houses blur past us we zoomed ahead of them. My heart was thumping really fast and I was just so happy to be here.

“What are you listening to?” Alex asked taking my iPhone away from me.

“Music, duh,” I said sarcastically and he looked at me and narrowed his eyes.

“I meant what song-” he paused looking at what was playing or at least that’s what I thought he was looking at. “Who’s Chris?” he asked and I tried to grab my phone back from him but he swiped his hand away. He was waiting for an answer.

“He’s no one,” I said silently looking back out the window.

“He can’t be no one,” he said. “He’s sending you mushy things. Is this kid your boyfriend or something?”

“No,” I said completely ignoring anything else he might have said. I was starting to get annoyed. Not at Alex but at Chris.

“Okay then,” he said letting it go as he gave my phone back to me. “You and I have to talk some time. That’s why I placed my number on your phone,” he said smiling brightly and I smiled back. His smile was infectious and contagious so I had no other choice.

We just lay there talking about random things when all of a sudden, Jack ducked down and saw us together. He gasped harshly before running to the back.

“Aww, come on Jack,” I said going over Alex so I could go look for Jack but he was now busy playing.

“Ha! Now I have your bunk completely,” Alex said sticking his tongue out at me.

“Put your tongue back where it belongs, Gaskarth,” I said jokingly.

“Where might that be?” he asked. “In your mouth?” he said answering his own question with another question.

“Smart, but I’m sure that’ll only happen in your dreams,” I said before running to the back.

He mumbled something inaudible but I was too preoccupied to care. I took my earphones and turned the iPod part of my iPhone off. I placed everything in my pocket before sitting in the booth with Zack who was currently strumming away to one of their songs. Jack got me addicted to his band as the days passed so that I could sing along to their songs. I thought it was stupid at first but then contemplated on it some more until I finally realized that it was kinda smart of him.

I started singing along to Dear Maria.

“When the lights go off
I wanna watch the way you
Take the stage by storm
The way you wrap those boys around your finger
Go on and play the leader
'Cause you know it's what you're good at
The low road for the fast track
Make every second last

'Cause I got your picture
I'm coming with you
Dear Maria, count me in
There's a story at the bottom of this bottle
And I'm the pen
Make it count when I'm the one
Who's selling you out
'Cause it feels like stealing hearts
Calling your name from the crowd”
I sang with all the energy in me. Usually I sounded pretty shitty when I sang but I gotta say I sounded pretty good.

“Wow, you got a nice set of pipes there,” Zack complimented and I blushed.

“Thanks,” I said sheepishly and then Alex came in.

“Fine you got your revenge, I’m not crashing in your bunk anymore,” he said sitting next to me.

“Why the sudden change of interest?” I asked him and yawned.

“Because you’re making me look bad,” he said and Zack and I laughed.

“Alex you’re getting kicked out of the band! Brit’s taking your place!” Jack screamed from the mini living room.

“What?! That’s not happening! I object!” he said all panicky.

“We’re not in court, Gaskarth and Jack’s right,” Rian added and I laughed at Alex reaction. He seriously looked like he was about to cry,

“Don’t worry, I’m not taking anyone’s place,” I finally took a stand but then received disappointed ‘awws” from Zack, Rian and Jack. I smiled and looked up at Alex.

“Oh thank God,” Alex said and I rolled my eyes and got out of the booth. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Um, I don’t really know for sure,” I told him.

“Sit down and hear me sing,” he commanded and I followed. He seemed nervous when I sat right beside him but then shook it off as Zack started the intro to Dear Maria again.

Alex sang the song in perfection and watching him sing right in front of me left me speechless. The way he sang seemed so flawless and he didn’t sound off key at all. He sounded like an angel compared to me. I could never replace someone like him.

“I still vote you off and have Brit on the band,” Jack and Rian said coming into the kitchen.

“Aww come on Jack, Alex sang it well,” I said knowing fully well that ‘well’ was and understatement.

“Alex? What did you do to her? Turn her against me?” Jack gasped.

Alex looked at me weirdly and I raised an eyebrow as Alex looked back up at Jack and nodded smugly.

“Oh you are so on, Gaskank!” He said narrowing his eyes at Alex.

“Bring it, Jackass,” Alex said getting up, not giving Jack the height advantage.

They looked like they were about to really brawl. I was going to stop them but Zack held me down with my arm. Jack was about to hit him. I shut my eyes not wanting to see it. Zack shook me and I opened my eyes just in time to see them get into a Rock, Paper, and Scissors war.

I laughed at how stupid they were being and then my phone buzzed in my pocket. Zack let go of my hand as I reached into my pocket and saw Chris’s name flashing on the screen. My smile turned once again into a frown and Jack was now celebrating as he won the war. I read the message this time, curious to know why he was texting me but I should never have done that because tears started brimming in my eyes. Jack saw this and grabbed my phone from me.

“We’ll need to get you a new number,” he said trying to comfort me.

I blinked back tears as I nodded sullenly. They all left us alone seeing that it was somewhat private but I really didn’t mind them being in here right now.

“It’s all gonna be okay,” Jack whispered in my ear and I believed him. I believed the words he said knowing that they were true.But were they really?
♠ ♠ ♠
Brit's outfit

Thank you so much to those who read, commented and subscribed. I love all of you guys. I wish for feedback so you know the drill ;)

I'm sorry if this was somewhat filler-ish but action'll come soon so stay tuned :D