Sequel: The Story Left Untold
Status: Done. :) Sequel won't be released until this story gets 300 comments. Btw, whoever gets the 300th, I might award you with a layout :)

Take My Hand

Alcohol and an Alter-Ego

Zack took a step back waiting to strike a punch but I pushed him away. Damn was he hard all over.

“Chris I think you need to go,” I said but I was facing Zack and looking up at him with fear in my eyes.

I didn’t want to destroy any relationships by reconnecting with Chris. I haven’t even made friends with him yet and here’s Zack ready to beat the shit out of him.

Chris didn’t move or say anything so I turned around and watched as he and Zack had a glare-off. It was intense. I huffed as I stayed right in between them. Neither of them broke the stare so I tried to break the ice. I fully turned to Chris and made him look at me.

“Look Chris, I meant what I said when I told you to stay away from me. Reconnecting with you will only mean trouble for you. You don’t want that and neither do I so I think it would be best if we never spoke to each other again.” This wasn’t me speaking just so you know. It was the alcohol in my system.

“But Brit-”

“Chris, I’m serious. You’ll find some other girl out there. I mean you’re in a band and I’m sure girls will be throwing themselves at you so you don’t have anything to worry about,” I told him. I can’t believe I was actually trying to boost his ego. I was being nice. This was bad.

“You just don’t get it, do you?” he asked me angrily.

Zack started to take a step towards him but I blocked his way. His chin rested on my head as I tried to push him back.

“What do you mean?” I asked turning my attention back to him but Zack was being really stubborn. “Zack, stop moving,” I whispered to him as I waited for Chris’s explanation.

“You’re the only one I want Brit. You know that,” he said and Zack snorted. Chris sent him a glare but I doubt Zack was scared.

“Chris, stop lying to yourself,” I told him as I thought about what he said.

Seriously? When did he figure that out? When he was fucking every single girl in school? Oh wait, that never happened.

“I’m not!” he said in an aggravated tone.

“Hey! you better watch your tone with her,” Zack said being overprotective. I elbowed him in the stomach but I doubt that hurt him. He had his abs to protect him.

“This doesn’t concern you,” Chris said aggressively.

This was definitely the ‘Oh shit’ moment that was bound to happen but didn’t in the table and what’s worse was that when I looked behind Zack, Jack got up from the table and walked our way.

Should I start popping some popcorn or grab a chair? No way in hell was I going to let this happen. But just when I was about to stop it all, Zack pushed me to the left making me trip on my feet. Luckily, the bus was there to break my fall.

Zack sent him a big blow to the face and Chris’s lip started bleeding. He spat blood at the side as he got back in the game and tried to pound on Zack. I was about to get between them to stop it – why the hell would I get in there to go all violent? – but Alex held me back.

Jack arrived at the scene and soon a crowd circled Zack and Chris. Alex pulled me away from everything no matter how much I fought to get out of his grip.

“Don’t worry Brit, Zack won’t kill the guy,” he joked but I just looked at him as if he was the most cold-hearted man out there.

“Alex, they’re practically out there to hurt each other and you’re telling me not to worry?” I scolded as he set me down behind the bus.

“Seriously we planned this out-”

“Alex, you need to stop this. If you won’t, I will,” I said running back to where the circle was.

They were all chanting and encouraging them to actually beat each other to death. This was wrong in so many ways. I tried to squeeze into the crowd but no one gave way. Luckily, a security guard came over and halted everything by blowing hard on his whistle.

“Break it up, break it up!” he yelled and everyone gave way. “Someone call a paramedic. It seems this man over here needs it – badly.” He said placing Chris’s arm over his shoulder and bringing him to the first-aid tent.

Everyone cheered for Zack as soon as he came out with nothing but bleeding knuckles. Guys got him buckets of ice to soak his hands in. I couldn’t take all of this anymore and I didn’t really feel like partying so I just grabbed a bottle of vodka and walked to the bus cold and alone.

Maybe I was supposed to be happy because Zack beat the shit out of the guy that left me for some slut and never spoke to me the whole year last year but it was my problem, not his. I was supposed to be the one who would deal with it. This all just seemed so wrong.

I walked to the couch of the bus and turned on the TV and placed a random movie in the DVD player. I sat back on the couch and twisted the cap of the bottle of vodka I had open. I started drinking its contents waiting for that familiar burn to wash over my throat. I never really understood why I liked that feeling but it was sorta comforting for me when I was down about something. But in this situation, ‘down’ was an understatement.

These mixed emotions were starting to mess with my thoughts and suddenly, I just didn’t want to think about these things anymore. So I turned to my bottle of vodka and drank more than half of it in 3 gulps. This wasn’t something new for me. My mom was a total pain in the ass sometimes and I knew exactly where they kept their alcohol so I’d just grab a bottle and then keep it in the cabinet under my sink in the bathroom so no one would know what I did.

I wasn’t paying attention to the movie anymore as I consumed the whole bottle. I felt woozy and the room was spinning but I felt high and the party was only heating up outside. Music started blaring and I stumbled out of the bus and made my way to where the music was coming from.

I saw Vicky who was prowling around the cooler filled with drinks trying to find a bottle of something that contained alcohol probably. I walked slowly towards her and watched as she grabbed a beer and opened it with a bottle opener.

“Hey guuuurl,” I slurred as I leaned on the table for support. I was losing my balance but I was still aware of my surroundings. At least that’s what it felt like.

“Oooh, someone’s back for more,” she slurred in the same way I did and we laughed at how silly we both sounded.

“I wanna dance!” I said grabbing her hand. I brought her to where everyone was dancing. She hooted as we started dancing to the beat.

The vodka brought up so much of my confidence and I didn’t care about all the people who were staring at me because frankly, I didn’t care.

“May I have this dance?” Jack asked as a slow song played.

Vicky wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at me. I stuck my tongue out to her.

“Girl, I think Gabe’s not the only one wasted here,” he laughed as we swayed to the slow beat of the song.

“Shut up, I can hold my alcohol better than he ever can,” I said getting cocky. I wasn’t used to bragging but alcohol can bring the opposite side of me and it felt good. It felt real good.

“Sure you can,” he said in disbelief.

“I downed a whole bottle of vodka in the bus in 15 minutes,” I whispered into his ear. “So I think I can control myself better,” I said with a laugh as I buried my face into his chest and he held me close.

“Fine, I take back what I said,” he mentioned in surprise. I laughed at him and then a faster song started and then we were on each other grinding the song away.

All these feelings started to rush over me and there was this part of him that wanted to just undress him out here and do him on the floor and not care but I still had some kind of sanity in me telling me that I would really regret it so I decided that it would be better to do it in the bus since it was more proper.

Once I turned back to face him, I started whispering in his ear just how much I wanted him.

“Brit, I don’t think-” he started but I crashed my lips on his aggressively and changed his mind. I knew he wanted to take it slow but I wanted him. No wait, scratch that, I needed him.

I pushed us to the direction of the bus but grabbed another bottle of vodka before fully getting on the bus. We were just making out in my bunk since Jack wasn’t drunk yet. So when he gasped for air, I opened the bottle and drank its contents and took my shoes off.

“Whoa, whoa, slow down there,” he said taking the bottle away from me.

“Oh come on, don’t be a party pooper!” I said loudly. He shook his head at me as he downed a really big amount. I smiled evilly as he set the bottle on the floor and kissed me with more confidence.

It was getting really warm in the bus so I started to shed off my plaid button up. Jack watched me as I revealed the white camisole hidden underneath. His big smile turned into a disappointing smile and I laughed at his reaction as I grabbed the vodka from the floor but Jack took it away from me and drank more.

“You wear too much clothing,” he slurred and I just responded by kissing him aggressively. He fell back into my bunk but he turned us around so that he was on top of me.
Suddenly he stopped and ran out of the bunk. Please tell me he wasn’t freaking out on me.

“Jack where the fuck are you going?” I asked putting my bare feet on the floor of the bus and leaned my head outside so I can see what he was doing. I got up and grabbed the bottle from him and finished more than half of it.

“I’m looking for a condom!” he yelled looking into one drawer and his eyes opened wide as if he just found a chest filled with treasure.

I laughed at him and ran back to my bunk and closed the curtain. He ran after me but stopped after a few strides before opening the curtain. He was stripped down to his boxers and the wrapper of the condom was on the floor. That was quick.

He got on top of me and trailed kisses from my neck to my lips. I let out a soft moan as he played with the hem of my camisole. He took his lips off of me as I threw the piece of clothing off of me and to a random corner of the bus. We switched positions so now I was on top. I still had my shorts on so there was no physical contact. But I didn't have to be completely naked to know that he had a big, hard boner.

I grinded on him to tease him. He moved his lips away to catch his breath but the air wasn't filling his lungs due to the pleasure he felt. I kissed his torso, trailed up his neck and then to the side of his lips. He reconnected our lips and tugged on the button of my shorts. My shorts came off quickly and I ended up making out with him with in nothing else but my underwear.

Soon, they all came off and he placed my head on the pillow and got on top of me. He grabbed the blanket that seemed to be too small for both of us to fit in as he took off his boxers and threw it on the ground where probably most of our clothes were. I smiled as he kissed me.

“Baby, we’re gonna be doing this all night long if you don’t stop turning me on,” he told me in between kisses as I placed both my hands on his chest and made them slip down to where he was most hard. I bit my lip as I touched him. He moaned like a sissy girl, obviously not expecting that from me.

I wrapped my legs around his torso and placed my arms around his neck as he let himself inside of me. I wasn’t really big on moaning even when I was drunk. I kissed him hard as he started to rock back and forth to get things heated up. His hands rubbed up and down my sides. He didn’t grope me or anything which wasn’t really something that I expected but I guess it’s good to know that he knew how to respect me even when we weren’t ourselves.

“God, Brit stop making me want to fuck you hard!”Jack shouted as I laughed. I just grabbed his neck and kissed him. This felt right and I knew it.

We shifted into another position and didn’t stop grinding on each other until about 3 in the morning. I smiled at Jack who passed out right after he got himself off of me. I got my underwear and rewore them. I didn’t want people to see me naked in the morning if they were planning to take a peek inside the bunk.

I shook Jack up and told him to throw away the condom that held a lot of gross fluid. I wanted to just throw up right there at how gross it looked but I pushed the feeling away as soon as he got up and threw it away. I asked him to wash his hands with soap and he groaned as he did so. I handed him his boxers and he kissed me sloppily.

We got back into my bunk and I cuddled into his bare chest. He closed the curtains and placed a hand around my waist and we both slept peacefully.

This was by far the most amazing night on tour.
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so...what'd you think? :)) haha
feedback on this would be awesome.
thnx to all those who have commented on this story. It means a lot to me and i appreciate all the kind words. :) this is by far the best story out of all the others I created.

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btw, you guys should check this story out: I'll Never Compare to You
I promise, you won't be disappointed ;)