Sequel: The Story Left Untold
Status: Done. :) Sequel won't be released until this story gets 300 comments. Btw, whoever gets the 300th, I might award you with a layout :)

Take My Hand

You Can't Always Get What You Want.


“So what does she think of you now?” Gabe asked as soon as I walked by Cobra’s merch tent. Apparently, they left Gabe alone to handle merch. Poor man.

“I don’t know,” I told him toying with some shirts they placed on the table. “I bet she’s scared of me now,”

“Didn’t you tell her?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well I was going to but then I didn’t get the chance to.” I said sitting on the monoblock chair on the side. “She threatened to scream if I didn’t let her go,”

“Pussy,” he teased and punched him in the stomach.

“Try being in my shoes,” I told him and he rolled his eyes.

“What the hell did you do anyway? Lick her face?” he asked and I rolled my eyes at how stupid his assumption was.

“Why the fuck would I lick her face?” I asked with a laugh.

“To seduce her,” he said wiggling his eyes suggestively.

“Dude that would be totally out of line,” I told him. “Besides, it’s all good now since the plan isn’t working,” I said and he nodded.


“But I wanted a double scoop!” I whined like a little kid as Jack came back to the booth that I sat in.

We were out in a small ice cream parlor down the street. It was deserted which was good because no one would be screaming in Jack’s face asking for a picture of for his signature. I didn’t know why I sorta felt jealous but I was going to get used to it soon. At least I hoped I would.

“I thought you wanted one!” he exclaimed and I narrowed my eyes at him as I looked into his cup. That bastard got three scoops and left me with just one.

“Scoop stealer,” I said taking my cup of ice cream which had only one scoop in it.

He smiled like a mad man and put his hands up in defense. He had chocolate syrup all over his face and it looked cute. I laughed at him and he pouted at me.

“What are you laughing at?” he asked in a 5-year-old kid’s voice as he crossed his arms making himself look even more adorable.

I grabbed my camera which was on the table beside me and snapped a photo before I grabbed a tissue and wiped the syrup of his face.

“You eat just like a kid,” I said eating my first spoonful of ice cream.

“Speak for yourself,” he said and I reached around my lips and tried to wipe it all off. He was laughing like crazy and I started to think that maybe he was just kidding. “You missed it,” he said getting up and sitting right next to me.

“Where is it?” I asked grabbing a tissue paper but Jack didn’t let me. Instead, he brought his fingers to my chin and kissed me.

“There, all gone,” he said sweetly as I tasted the chocolate from his mouth. “You taste yummy by the way,”

I laughed at him and blushed slightly. “Well so do you,” I said and he smiled.

We started eating more of our ice cream and I finished before he did so I started taking loads of pictures of him trying to pose silly as he made the ice cream fall into his mouth without getting himself dirty but that was sorta inevitable seeing that he is Jack and can be a little clumsy.

“Jack if you don’t start eating properly, your shirt will be filled with syrup and ice cream,” I told him handing him a couple of tissues.

“All done,” he said and I dipped my finger into his cup and stroke the tip of his nose. I snapped another photo.

“Let’s go then,” I said wiping my finger with tissue paper and getting up.

“I need to go to the little boys' room first,” he said and I smiled and nodded.

I began staring at the tubs of ice cream when the bell attached to the door went off signalling that someone came in the store. I looked back to see who it was but then I wished I hadn’t because Chris was there with another girl.

I turned back wishing Jack could hasten up a bit so we could leave.

“So what flavour did you want to get, Babe?” he asked the blonde girl next to him. I felt so sorry for the girl but maybe she matched him perfectly.

“I was thinking Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, but I don’t know,” she said. Chris was probably doing this to make me feel jealous but it wasn’t working.

I’ve seen him waste his time with a lot of girls in school that I sorta got used to it.

“Psh, that flavour is for dumb babies.” Okay, now he was just pissing me off.

Jack where the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing in the freaking bathroom? I wanted to shout loudly but I knew that that wouldn’t be a good thing.

I went outside and waited for Jack there since I didn’t want to hear his fucking voice anymore. It just pissed me off too much. Sadly, I didn’t get a good look of his face to see just how much damage Zack had done.

“Couldn’t take the heat in there?” his voice rang through my ears as he stepped out alone.

“Shut the fuck up, Chris,” I said calmly as I looked away from him.

“Is someone jealous?” he asked sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. I really felt sorry for this guy for being too conceited.

I slowly turned to look at him and almost gagged when I saw his face and wondered what the poor girl saw in him. I stifled my laughter but it came out as snorts. I bit my lips as I saw him narrow his eyes at me.

“Yeah, you laugh now but this isn’t over yet,” he said.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Finally, Jack decides to come out.

“Just leaving,” he said and I rolled his eyes at his attempt to be cool.

Jack bumped into him as he walked towards me but they both just shrugged it off.
I smiled at Jack and he wore this concerned look on his face.

“Are you okay?” he asked and I nodded as I laughed out loud.

“You should’ve seen his face,” I said in between laughter as Jack joined in.

“Yeah, it was pretty banged up,” he said and I nodded.

“Remind me to thank Zack when we get back to the bus,” I told him and he nodded.

“What did he want from you anyway?” he asked placing all the laughing and jokes aside.

“Well, he wanted to show off his new girlfriend to me but I was hardly anywhere near jealous. I felt really sad for the girl though,” I said and he placed his arm around my shoulder and I placed my own around his waist.

“I feel sorry for her too,” Jack said letting the subject slide.

We walked back to the venue in silence and every thought that I tried to push aside started rushing back into my head. I didn’t want to have to deal with Alex but I guess I’d have to learn how to keep a straight face.

I told Jack that I’d take a walk around the venue to go take more pictures of bands I’ve been dying to see. Since nobody’s performing, it would be less of a hassle and more fun. He laughed at my enthusiasm but let me be. Little did he know that I actually asked because I didn’t want to face the person who I didn’t want to see.

The day went by sorta fast but all the things that happened today still lingered in my head. I just wish life was less complicated but we never get what we want.
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Okay, I know, I know, some of you might be confused but it'll all pan out soon :)
I didnt really like this chapter and I wish I could do more about it but nothing's really coming out from my head since I'm too excited for tomorrow. But I still hope you guys enjoy this chapter :)

thank you to all those who shared their thoughts on this story and I hope I hear from more of you soon.
