Sequel: The Story Left Untold
Status: Done. :) Sequel won't be released until this story gets 300 comments. Btw, whoever gets the 300th, I might award you with a layout :)

Take My Hand

Make Yourself At Home.

The sun was slowly setting as I started pedalling back to my house. I did nothing productive in the park which was a really big downer. I really wanted to start shooting at several things but I just couldn’t bring myself up on my feet to aim and capture what I wanted to take a photo of. I guess there was no inspiration there.

“Brittany, where have you been?” my mother asked as soon as I parked my bike and got inside.

“I was just out at the park taking some pictures,” I said pointing at the camera for emphasis.

“Hmmm, well, anyway, Jack, the new guy next door was looking for you like an hour ago,” my mother said walking into the kitchen to finish what I think was dinner.

“Wait, w-what?” I stammered. He was looking for me? Why?

“He said that you should call him some time but I don’t know mayb-”

“Mom, please do not bring that up.” I said cutting her off.

I really didn’t want her bringing up my past when I was on the verge of moving on from that very harsh break up. I didn’t even know why it ended, I mean it all seemed so perfect but then, one day, he had a change of heart and told me that I was a mere distraction to him. Sure, he had tons of problems but did he have to leave it like that and move away to some place where he could get away from all of it? I thought I was actually helping him cope with them but I guess I was wrong.

“Okay, fine,” my mother said contently as she took a Tupperware filled with food out of the microwave. Great, we were having the same thing we had last night.

When my mother set the food on the table and placed some spaghetti from last night on my plate, I started playing with my food and making it swirl around the plate. My mother didn’t seem to notice so I just kept toying with it.

After a few minutes, my older brother, Stephen, came down the stairs and into the kitchen to eat his dinner.

“Where’ve you been, lil’ sis?” he asked as he sat right next to me on the table.

“Out,” I said vaguely. I didn’t really like conversations with the family. I wasn’t even close to my brother who was only like 20 – a year older than me.

“Are you going to eat that?” he said looking at my plate that was filled with pasta.

“No, I’m not hungry,” I said getting up and heading upstairs to place my camera bag in my room.

I felt my mother’s eyes behind my back when I went up the stairs. I didn’t think that skipping dinner would be such a big deal.

When I got to my room, I looked out my window and realized that it was directly in line with his window – Jack’s window. I put up the blinds and opened the window and let the soft breeze touch my skin. The lights in his room were on but I didn’t see him inside. It amazed me how he set his room up that quickly. Did someone else go over there and help him out?

I didn’t want to think about him having a girlfriend so I set my mind to thinking that maybe one of his friends came over and helped him out. But I just couldn’t take my mind off the thought so I decided to go over to his house. He was looking for me, wasn’t he?

I didn’t bother to tell my mother where I was going as I walked down the stairs, past the kitchen and the living room and out the front door.

I walked across the lawn and up his front porch and knocked on the wooden door to his new home. I trembled as I waited for him to answer. I was getting pretty nervous and I was starting to regret this visit. I waited a few seconds more and finally, relief washed over me as Jack opened the door. He smiled his goofy grin and let me in without another word.

When I got inside the house, I half expected it to be scattered with things and boxes but to my surprise, everything was in the right place and his house was clean and in order.

“Did you do all of this?” I asked turning back to look at him with deep curiosity. I never expected him to be the kind of guy who was prim and proper like this.

“No,” he laughed as he walked past me and sat on the couch in the living room in front of me. Apparently, he was watching cartoons before I knocked on the door.

I walked over to where he was sitting beside him but keeping just enough space for comfort. He was watching Chowder and laughing as Chowder made something blow up in Mung’s kitchen.

It was rather odd how he just let me in and then went back to what he was doing before I walked into the house. It was as if nothing happened. He acted so comfortable in the couch that I didn’t think he knew that I was actually right beside him.

I kept my eyes glued to the television, afraid that if I look at him, I might start blushing and embarrassing myself. Even with the space between us, I was feeling quite uneasy about the whole situation.

“You know, you should really loosen up,” he said all of a sudden. “I’m not gonna bite if that’s what you’re so worried about,” he said. He seemed a little offended which made me wonder… did I really give off that kind of impression.

“Oh, sorry,” I said trying to relax on the couch.

“You want anything to eat?” he asked and I really wanted to say yes since I was really hungry but…

“No, I’m good,” I said and he shrugged.

He went into the kitchen fixed himself something to eat while I just sat on the couch and watched TV. It took quite a while before he came back bringing two plates. He handed one to me and I just looked up at him like he did something wrong. It surprised me how rude I was being. I wasn’t normally like this. It’s just that there was no way I could be myself around him.

“You looked like you needed it,” he said and I just couldn’t believe how he read me so well. It was like words were written all over my face saying ‘I’m hungry’.

“Thanks,” I said taking it from him instead of handing in back to him.

He made me a peanut better and jelly sandwich and that just so happens to be my favourite kind of snack. Was this just a mere coincidence or was I just a really predictable person?

I took a bite and chewed the bread which was filled with a really thick layer of peanut butter and less of the jelly. It was creamy and I liked it. I smiled his way after swallowing as a sign of my gratitude.

“So, you don’t really talk much do you?” I asked breaking the silence. It was about time we started talking.

“Hmmm, actually I’m the kinda guy who could talk for days,” he said, “but if I did go on and on, I think you’d somewhat get creeped out and I didn’t want that to happen,”

I laughed at his statement thinking that it was weird of him to think that talking could creep me out. “Jack, you hardly know me,” I said as I took another bite of the scrumptious sandwich.

“I know and I want to get to know you, it’s just that I don’t know where to start,” he said and I swear he seemed just like a lost little kid who was trying to find his way home.

“Well then since you don’t know where to start, why don’t we start with you? Describe yourself.” I said and shifted in my seat so that I was facing him fully.

“Okay then,” he started, “Let me just start by saying that I’m in a band and I love music. I love cartoons and peanut butter and that I am not a neat person. And since you asked a while back, I had some friends over who help me set things up before we had band practice in the basement downstairs.”

He was in a band? That’s interesting.

“I hail from Baltimore, Maryland but decided to get my own place somewhere far from my hometown because people knew where I lived and it was starting to creep me out. I don’t like stalkers. I used to have a blonde streak in my hair but then decided to take it out because I got tired of it.” He babbled but stopped for a bit to finish the remains of his bread. “I really don’t know what else to say,” he said with his mouth full and I guess that was my cue.

“Wow, stalkers, huh?” I said giggling about what kind of stalkers he might mean.

“Hey, don’t laugh! It happened once but I’ll save that for some other time. It’s your turn now,” he said.

“Well, I’ve lived here practically my whole life and right now, I’m on a summer vacation. When school starts again, I’m going to be a sophomore in college and then well, I don’t know what happens after that. I have one brother and he’s a year older than me and I live with him and my mom. My dad is currently on a business trip and will not be returning until the end of June. I like photography and music but no, I’m not in a band. I like baking cookies too,” Now the last one was pretty random but it just had to be said.

“Well, now that we know each other a little bit more, how would you like to stay the night?” he asked and I raised an eyebrow.

“You’re kidding, right?” I asked him as I set the plate down on the table that was right in front of me.

“I’m not asking you to sleep with me or anything like that although that would be nice,” he smirked as he gave me a head to toe look, “but I just wanted you to watch movies with me. I get really lonely sometimes and besides it is getting kinda late,” he said.

I blushed as I was mistaken for like the thousandth time tonight. I can’t believe I actually thought of something else. Well this is embarrassing.

“Oh, umm, sure, why not?” I said sheepishly. I really didn’t want to decline his offer since I thought it was a great idea.

It was sad how he got lonely. I actually felt quite sorry for him. I’m sure Mom won’t mind me staying here for the night. Besides, his house is just next door to mine.

We started picking movies to watch and somehow, all that awkwardness I felt when I set foot in this house went away. Maybe it was because of the time we took to describe ourselves. Maybe that was what made me more comfortable. I had no bad feelings about the decision I made and I just hope nothing goes wrong.
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thank you so much to all those who commented :)
I hope I receive more as I continue to update this story :D
