Sequel: The Story Left Untold
Status: Done. :) Sequel won't be released until this story gets 300 comments. Btw, whoever gets the 300th, I might award you with a layout :)

Take My Hand

Listen To My Revelation.

I walked over to The Maine’s bus and just hung out with the guys and had a good time. They kept me occupied for a great amount of time but I knew that I had to make my way back at some point.

We were just in the middle of playing Go Fish when John started to get all cranky with Pat.

“Dude, stop looking at my cards!” he said and we all laughed.

Pat would do anything to win and sadly that meant cheating too. “I wasn’t looking at your cards! I was looking out the window,” he made an excuse but John just rolled his eyes and placed his cards on the table.

“I don’t wanna play anymore,” he said heading into the kitchen to grab a beer.

We kept the cards and switched to a movie. The hours were passing by slowly and I was getting really impatient. Maybe it would be different with Jack in the bus. Maybe I’ll be safe from Alex since I’d be talking to Jack the whole time but I still didn’t want to risk it. What happens if something happens and Jack and Alex would get into another fight? I wouldn’t want to ruin tour for them. As a matter of fact, I was already regretting my stay here.

“What are you thinking so hard about?” Garrett asked sitting next to me on the couch.

“Nothing,” I lied hoping that he wouldn’t push me to answer his question but he had his eyebrow raised and Jared was secretly listening to our conversation. “Well its not like I don’t want you to know it’s just that I don’t want to tell you because I know you’d be looking for an explanation which I don’t have,”

“Tell me anyway,” he said nosily. I sighed and turned my body so I was facing him fully. Jared came over and sat on the floor.

“I’m ready for the story, Granny,” he said and I laughed and smacked his arm playfully.

“I am not a grandma!” I yelled and they both chuckled.

“Just spill already,” Garrett said narrowing his eyes at Jared.

I told them about the whole Jack and Alex thing and how Alex secretly likes me. I told them that I was considering leaving and crap like that and they all looked at me like I was crazy. But one thing I realized was that they weren’t as surprised as I was. It was like they already knew what I was going to say.

“You guys don’t seem that surprised,” I stated and looked at their alarmed faces.

“Of course we’re surprised it’s just that-”

“Knowing Alex, things like this happen a lot,” Garrett said finishing off Jared’s sentence. Jared nodded in agreement but I still think that there was something they were both hiding from me.

I eyed them suspiciously but they didn’t break. They had their poker faces on and I just shook my head and erased the thought from my mind.

“Well, I guess I’m gonna go head back to the bus,” I told them and they both pouted at me.

“Aww, why don’t you just stay here?” Jared asked.

“Sorry but I left my phone in the bus and Jack might be wondering where I am,” I told them and they rolled their eyes at me.

“Fine, leave us for the guy you love,” Garrett joked in a serious tone as he looked away with his arms crossed against his chest.

I laughed as I hugged him. I hugged Jared next and told the others that I was going. Once all the hugs were shared, I hopped off The Maine’s bus and started walking towards All Time Low’s.

As I was nearing the bus, I heard people shouting from inside. Shit were they fighting again? I didn’t want to get inside and watch everything so I just sat on the front step of the bus and listened closely. The door was open so it was easier to eavesdrop on the whole conversation.

“Why the fuck would I trust after everything you’ve done and said to me?” Jack shouted banging something with his fist sending vibrations throughout the bus.

“Dude, chill, he’s telling the truth,” I heard Gabe say. Gabe was in on this too?

“I can’t believe you’re actually supporting him!” Jack screamed at Gabe.

“Listen Jack, I really don’t like Brittany like you do. As I said, it was all a test to see if she would hurt you like Kristy did because we can’t deal with that here on tour,” Alex explained calmly but made Jack even angrier.

“How many fucking times do I have to tell you that she’s not Kristy and-”

“Look I get it, okay? I trust her now and I trust her to be with you,” Alex said tiredly.

“I don’t fucking need your blessing!” Jack exclaimed and was headed towards the entrance.

I got up and ran back a little and casually walked towards the bus as if I was just heading towards it. The door flew open and Jack’s face softened as soon as he saw me. I looked up to him and smiled even if I was breaking inside. But at least the worst is over now and we can all go back to normal now that I know that Alex was faking everything to test me. I can’t say I wasn’t mad at him for having such little hope in me but the brighter side in all of this shined through all that crap and made me feel a whole lot better. It’s like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders.

Jack engulfed me in a hug and I wrapped my arms around him tight. He pulled back a little and kissed my forehead. I smiled up at him as I kissed him on the lips.

“You wanna go somewhere?” Jack asked me and I raised an eyebrow.

“Jack, it’s nine already,” I told him. “Where could we possibly go?”

“I don’t know,” he said sullenly. “I just don’t wanna be in there right now,” he spoke softly and I smiled at him.

“Okay, let me just go freshen up first,” I said and he was hesitant to let me go at first but he peeled his arms away from me and I walked past him and climbed on the bus.

Gabe and Alex were way back in the living room talking on the couch. They were probably talking about what happened. They didn’t notice that I came in until I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

“Hey Brit,” Gabe said walking over to me.

“Hey Gabe,” I said drinking the water from the bottle and walked past him to get to the front door but I couldn’t go far since he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

“Alex has something to say,” he said and I looked at Alex who had a very nervous look on his face.

“Save it, I heard everything you guys were screaming about,” I told them and Gabe looked confused. “The door was open and I heard the conversation and I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with Alex anymore,” I said looking at Alex as he gave me a smile.

“Oh, well could you try to convince Jack about what you believe?” Alex asked me and I nodded.

I spun around on my heel and started walking towards the entrance just to see Jack walking around in circles. I took his hand and he led me to some other place. I didn’t really care about where we were going because I was just too happy. I smiled up at him and he smiled down at me as we sat down by the lake. I just hope what Alex said was true and that they didn’t have anything else in mind because I didn’t want to have to worry about anything except losing Jack.
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okay just 6 more comments until a hundred! :) please please write me a million hahah just kidding but I would like a hundred comments or maybe more :)
I'm really happy about this story and I love you guys for reading and sharing a few words!

More drama to come soon and that will lead to the sequel that I'm coming up with. :)

school starts tomorrow so expect slower updates but I hope that won't hinder you from reading this story.
