Sequel: The Story Left Untold
Status: Done. :) Sequel won't be released until this story gets 300 comments. Btw, whoever gets the 300th, I might award you with a layout :)

Take My Hand

When The Going Gets Rough...

We were talking sweet nothings as we took in the wonderful scenery before us. Jack had his arm around my shoulders while my arms were wrapped around my knees. The lake seemed so dead in the night so we just stared up at the sky. But after a while, it seemed like I was the only one looking up.

“Why are you looking at me?” I asked him as I turned my head to stare into his eyes.

He wasn’t smiling. His expression was blank which sorta made me worry a bit. He leaned in after a few seconds of just staring into each other’s eyes. Once his lips touched mine, all my worries washed away and I couldn’t think about anything else except his kiss. I was happy with him – happier than I’ve even been in my life.

“You ready to go?” he asked with a small smile on his lips. Clearly he was still upset about the whole thing but there really was nothing to be upset about anymore. I trusted Gabe. He wouldn’t lie to me, would he?

I nodded and we both got up. We walked back to the bus in silence. I checked my phone as soon as we got on the bus. It was already 2 in the morning. I can’t believe we spent around 5 hours just talking in the lake. But with Jack, I guess time never really mattered as long as we were both in one place together. Cheesy, I know but he makes me feel like that.

I got into my bunk after changing into my PJs and grabbed a sweater and pulled it over my head. It was so cold on the bus for some reason.

No one else was awake on the bus. It was weird that they all had their lights out right now. Usually they all stayed up until three but I guess they were tired today.

I slid into my bunk and wrapped myself in my blanket as I closed the curtains. I was about to shut my eyes when someone reopened my curtains and slid in making everything tighter. I turned to face Jack and cuddled into his bare chest.

“How can you sleep without a shirt in this temperature?” I asked him as I planted kisses on his chest and trailed them up to his neck.

“I don’t know but whenever I’m around you it feels like a hundred degrees,” he said and I laughed.

I got on top of him and started nipping on his neck trying to leave my mark. “Are you implying that I’m hot?” I whispered into his ear as I felt something go up from down under. It felt weird but I was happy that I could actually elate him in some way.

“Very,” he said half moaning in pleasure as he turned us around so that he was on top of me. I giggled as he grabbed both my wrists in one hand and rested them on top of my head. His other hand creeped inside my sweater and under my camisole and touched my skin. It left tingles as he kissed the side of my lips. God, he was teasing me.

I tried to move my face so that his lips would land on mine but every time I tried he would maneuver his way down to my neck. He let go of my wrists after a few more seconds and he lifted my sweater up so I could take it off. I threw it on the floor and wrapped my fingers on the hair at the back of his head. I pulled his head up gently so as not to hurt him and made my lips meet his. He smiled into the kiss but immediately put it away so he could deepen it.

Clothes were strewn across the bus as we tried to stay quiet but I guess we were pretty loud because I heard someone groan and ask us to keep it down. I didn’t really know who it was since he spoke in barely a murmur but we didn’t quiet it down at all. We ended up going at it in a rougher manner.

I laughed as Jack started talking dirty into my ear. Even it sounded so seductive and serious, it still amused me in a way because I never really expected him to talk to me in this manner.

I never thought that rough sex would be so amazing but Jack made sure that I had fun and that I made noises and I obliged because whenever I didn’t, he would immediately start biting my neck. I didn’t want to have so many marks in the morning so I had to give into him.

But there was one thing I knew for sure. He was amazing in bed and we were both sober.

*** *** ***

I woke up the next morning next to Jack who was still sound asleep and thank myself for having the strength to put on some clothes before going to sleep. I grabbed my shorts from the floor and rewore them before heading out of my bunk and checking my phone which I left inside my bag.

“Good morning sleepy head,” Rian said from the kitchen. “Wow, you have wild sex hair,” he mentioned and I looked at him embarrassed.

“W-what?” I stammered as I walked towards the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I laughed when I came back out and walked into the kitchen. “I’m hungry,” I told Rian who was making a batch of pancakes.

It was ten in the morning and the bus wasn’t moving yet. I looked out at the window and realized that we were actually at a gas station. Oh so maybe it did move. I just didn’t notice it.

Rian grabbed a plate and placed two pancakes on it before handing it to me. I smiled and thanked him with a nod as he placed the rest of the pancakes on another plate. He turned off the stove before sitting on the stool next to me by the counter. I grabbed maple syrup from the small pantry they had at the side and drowned my pancakes.

Zack and Alex came back on the bus and went straight into the kitchen when they smelled the pancakes.

“Why didn’t you call us in for pancakes?!” Alex exclaimed childishly grabbing a plate and stacking at least 7 pancakes into his plate.

“He just finished making them,” I answered for Rian who was busy stuffing his mouth with the food he made.

“Well, look who’s up so early,” Zack said with a sly smile on his face as he grabbed a plate and placed some pancakes on it.

“You guys woke us up last night,” Rian said and I looked down embarrassed.

“Sorry,” I said laughing as I stuffed some grub into my hungry mouth.

“Don’t be,” Alex said. “You guys were having fun and that’s a good thing,” he stated and I looked at him as he gave me a smile.

I smiled back at him wondering if he meant that as a friend or something like that. I noticed something ringing somewhere near the table so I got up and grabbed it. It was Jack’s phone.

Hey babe, I miss you so much and I just want to let you know that I’m coming on tour soon. Love you! :)

From: Kristy.
Received: 10:42:32 Today

Why would he still have her number if he told me he didn’t love her anymore?
♠ ♠ ♠
Brit's PJs

soooo, what do you think about this now? :)))))
more drama? haha for sure. I live for that crap.

thank you to those who continue to support this story ever after 20 chapters :)
I love how this story already has 100+ comments. Now, I wanna see more subscribers and readers :)

so please read,comment,subscribe.