I Haven't Got A Problem, I Just Don't Eat.

Chapter Six.

Why don't you care about living anymore?

Why would I?

Why do you insist on being different, on being trouble?

Why would I want to be a sheep and follow everyone around like they're better than me?

Does it make you feel good, superior, cool to do the things you do?

Why yes, yes it does thank you very much.

Now why didn't I say that when she asked me? God I am so freaking retarded. All I had to do was open my mouth and voila, no more stupid questions.

God I hate Gloria.

Three weeks and she still hasn't given up on me. Doesn't she know that I'm pointless, that I'm gonna let her down whatever she does?

Doesn't she know what a fucked up mess I am?

Doesn't she know that I enjoy being a fucked up mess and I'm not gonna change? Obviously not.

There's a guy in here who's refusing to change too, a guy that I'm aspiring to be just like. He's called George, he's pretty much crazy and fucking hilarious to hang around with. He's in here for abusive behaviour or some shit like that. For some reason, that's appealing for me. Maybe someday he'll beat the living crap out of me and that will make my family realise that they do actually love me. Fat chance.

He's been here for 1 year, 4 months. Sounds like what my life's gonna turn out like.

We're meeting up tonight. He said he has something big planned and that it's going to be 'totally legendary.' I would usually just blow it off but it will actually probably be pretty fun. I mean, he is this huge insane guy that probably risks his life to do some crazy stunt on a regular basis.

Gloria would never approve of this. And that's going to make tonight extremely fucking enjoyable.

Maybe if we get caught doing something that breaks way to many rules she'll finally give up on me?

Hope so.

All having people caring for you does is make you weak and needy.