Status: This is a one shot; if you'd like to use my story line, message me and we'll talk about the possibility.


One sheet of paper; one new thought.

Have you ever been in a situation where something as simple as a piece of paper could change your life?

Well, not the piece of paper exactly, but the words written upon it; in a neat, slanting script.

Have you ever not known what to do when a situation like this is thrust upon you; throwing you completely off track and hitting you like a mosquito hitting a car windscreen?

If you haven’t; you're lucky. because, that’s the situation that has just been struck upon me like a flat tire, or major thunderstorm.

I had just finished packing my few suitcases for my trip home to Australia after spending the

Christmas holidays with my second family, the Jonas'

I was just chucking in my favourite hooded jumper, that I wouldn’t need because it’s Summer in Australia; when a white envelope with my name on it, fell to the floor.

Curiousity took over. I dumped the hoodie on the top of the pile of clothes in my suitcase and bent over; grabbing the envelope off the floor.

I stood up and slid the suitcase over a bit so I could sit on the bed that I had temporarily called my own, throughout my stay and unsealed the envelope, carefully.

Dear Madeline,

I’m beyond lucky to have you in my life. I wouldn’t have it any other way, except maybe just one.

I feel this inevitable connection with you. In my eyes; you’re perfect.
Just the way you are.

You have the best smile, even though you can’t stand it, to me its cute.
How you randomly giggle about something that happened to a stray puppy last week or when you trip over a flat surface.

You make the boring, humorous and every other tour is not going to be the same without you. I wish I had come to realise how much you mean to me in a different way to how I though you did, the day you got here…not the day you’re leaving.

You’re so much more interesting then any girl I’ve ever dated; you’ve been under my nose the whole time. You bring the spark to my eye and only time will tell whether that disappears when you go.
You’re so natural, without realising it.

Even though we have nothing in common, with each other. Except our music tasted and our movies choices. I still hope that someday you’ll consider me more then a brother or best friend…maybe your partner in crime.

Maddi, you mean the world and more to me, Forever Together.
Have a safe flight, good bye loser-face.

P.S. Yes, I stole loser-face from you.

I stood up and sighed, placing the letter in my carry on bag. I don’t have feelings for Joe, he’s too old for me.
Just as I zipped up the last suitcase; there was a knock at the door.

“Coming!” I screamed through the closed door. Did I have everything? I hope so.

“Hey! You ready? We need to leave now, or you’ll miss your plane” I looked up at Joe, saying goodbye to him is going to be so awkward. He like, likes me.

“Yeah, im coming now…” I said, grabbing all my suitcases and heading for the door, tripping over them and falling face first to the floor. I looked up to find Joe laughing he’s head off!

“Not. Funny. At. All.” I said giving him my hand to pull me up.

“Yes *laughs* it *laughs* was *laughs*” he said, pulling me up.


I walked into the airport and fans and paparazzi were surrounding me at every angle, well, surrounding Joe and Kevin. Nick didn’t want to come. He’s been so distant lately; he practically did not start one conversation with me for my whole stay. I wonder what he’s problem was, I have known him 10 years. He’s never been distant with me; we’re like brother and sister. Oh well, all I know is I really miss him.

“Okay Maddi, its time to say good bye” Denise announced. Tears instantly formed in my eyes I didn’t want to go. They started to fall as someone wiped them away.

“Mad, its going to be okay…we’ll stay intouch and hopefully I’ll come visit soon!” he pulled me in a hug and just held me whilst I soaked his shirt with tears.

“I’m going to miss you guys all so much!” I sobbed. I really didn’t want to go home now, even though just the other day I was feeling so home sick I wanted to go home early.

“Madeline thank you for coming to see us.” Papa Jonas pulled me into a hug.
“We really enjoy having you, you let us know first but come back soon.” He smiled and gave me one last tight squeeze.

“Maddi, im going to miss you…I wont have anyone that I can beat to play video games with.” Frankie pouted. I knelt down to him and just hugged him.

“Frankie, its my turn let go!” Kevin protested. I couldn’t help but smile, I love my big brother.

“Ah, I love you big brother” I sighed.

“I love you too Maddles!” he laughed. I hate it when he calls me Maddles, they all have different nick names for me, if only I heard the last of the brothers call my other nick name. Well I can wish, but he’s not here.

I spun around and I looked at everyone.

“I love you all so much! Thanks for letting me stay with you guys, you’re the best! Tell Nick I said; bye.” I said as a final note as I headed up to the gate.
Just as I was about to hand my ticket to the lady I heard it, that nick name I was only hoping to hear.

“COOPER! MADELINE COOPER!” I spun around and everyone was looking at him. That pure godly figure sprinting towards me. Nick Jonas. I just stood there shocked as he kept running towards me. Once he reached me he picked me up at full force and spun me around, I wrapped my legs around his waste.

I definitely wasn’t expecting it, but right there and then he kissed me with so much force, he pulled away and I smiled, then kissed him back. This time he pulled away saying.

“I hope you found my letter…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi, I'm the sort of person who barely updates and gets bored of my own stories quite quickly.
I have therefore come up with a solution.
If you like my One-Shot and are interested in turning it into a story.
Leave me a message and if I like your ideas for the story, I may consider you using my story line to inspire you into writing a story.
Maybe, just maybe you love how i portray a character and want them in your story. Sure.
All I ask is that you; I just want you to ask for permission, also, if I say yes i'd like credit for your story budding.
Thanks Everyone!
Sorry about my rant, I hope you enjoyed my One-Shot and the character in it. :D