The Prettiest People Do The Ugliest Things

The harsh face of reality comes knocking on everyone’s door eventually, but starry-eyed Melissa Cooper never thought it would catch up to her.
drinking, drugs, drama, sex, violence.

Wasaga Beach: Beach town in central Ontario, Canada. Highly populated in the Summer. Dead in the Winter.

Toronto: Largest city in Canada. Southern Ontario, 2 hours South of Wasaga Beach.

Los Angeles: La La Land, Southern California.

Baked: high.

Blaze: to smoke marijuana. 

Blitzed: high.

Blow: cocaine.

Bong: water pipe, used to smoke marijuana. 

Bowl: bowl of marijuana, in a bong or in a pipe.

Burn: to smoke marijuana.

Chew: chewing tobacco.

Chewed out:head-rushing from chewing tobacco.

Dart/Darrel: cigarettes.

Dip: chewing tobacco.

Jew: to rip someone off.

Lip: chewing tobacco packed in the bottom lip.

Lit: high and drunk.

Popper: bowl of weed and tobacco smoked out of a bong with a popper shaft.
Sesh: smoking marijuana, or a smoke session.

Tuned: high and drunk.