
Chapter One.

Bob's POV:
Mikey and I were killing some time on the computer, cause Ray and Gerard and Frank were out buying coffees. I don't even see why they NEED coffee. Especially Frankie. He's too hyper already. It's like they dropped him in a barrel of coffee when he was born. Hey maybe they did. That would explain a lot. Maybe I should ask Mikey.

"Hey Mikey," I asked. "You don't think they dropped Frank in a barrel of coffee when he was born, do you?"

Mikey looked at me like I had just grown three noses. No, scratch that. Like I had grown three noses with drumsticks coming out of them. Whoa! Bad mental picture!
While all of these thoughts were bounding around in my mind like Frank on a stage, I guess I had grown very quiet. I did this to preserve my sanity. And Mikey's. But obviously he thought I was serious. Wait, I WAS serious! They really maybe did drop Frankie in a barrel of coffee, and that's why he's A: addicted, and B: hyper, and C: a loser. I laughed quietly to myself, and Mikey's look morphed into a kind of fearful gaze. Much as if my nose-drumsticks had grown wings and begun to flit gleefully around the room.

Then, an idea struck me! "Hey!" I said loudly, scaring Mikey right out of his trance - as well I should have; looking fearfully into the distance just wasn't good for his eyes, poor thing.

"What?" Mikey replied quaveringly.

"I've got an idea!" I said. "Since it's April Fools today, let's look up some 'Frerard' and surprise Frankie and Gerard with a little reading."

Mikey began to laugh. He knew how much those two hated the 'Frerard' pairing. Although, if you ask me, it's definitely their own fault - the way they behave on stage!
Mikey was rolling on the floor by now, and I typed in a quick Google search. We'd get them good!
Mikey composed himself and leaned over my shoulder and I quickly sifted through a couple of fiction sites for the shortest, grossest story we could find. Then we found it. This would absolutely kill them! Mikey was pissing himself in the corner, and I was laughing so hard I was crying and couldn't read it properly.
I quickly selected it, and posted it as a comment on Gerard's myspace. And Frankie's too. Damn! the thing was like a paragraph long, and so filthy you wouldn't believe.
Then we heard the car driving up. The guys had the coffee. Mikey bolted for the bathroom, and I turned the computer screen off. The guys walked in, each happily toting a coffee. No wait! Frankie had two! What the hell?!

"So, anything fun on myspace?" Gerard asked. That guy's myspace came second only to his coffee. Nerd.

"Actually, yeah," I said casually. "I got some really nice comments from an adoring fan. She said she'd leave messages on yours and Frankie's too. Not Mikey's cause he looks like a nerd, and not Ray's cause...well...see, she's come to the conclusion the rest of the sane world has - fros are so out!" I snapped in a 'Z' formation, and Ray looked hurt.

Frank and Gerard rushed for the computer, swiftly turning it on, and trying to type in their myspace addresses at the same time. They decided to do it in two windows, so they scrolled down at the same time.
Excitedly, Gerard began to read out loud. Frankie did too - at the same time. God, those two are freaks! And they didn't even realise they were reading the same thing.
Gerard coughed importantly, and so did Frank, but Gerard's cough was louder...cause he's a lead singer, and he thinks he's most important.

"I slowly reached my hand down Frank’s chest making sure I could feel all the way down until I got to my destination. He jumped ever so slightly as he relaxed and came closer to me. We ran upstairs just in the nick of time as Frank ripped off his shirt and started to undo mine, we moved to the bedroom leaving a trail behind us as we went or clothes. He moaned in pleasure as I started to thrust hard upon him, slowly his boxers came off and there he laid in all his glory, I wrapped my hand around it moaning myself, I moved my hand up and down faster and faster each time making me want to bite it more and more, I fell to my desire and started to nibble, he bit his bottom lip and moaned, I let go of his jewels with my mouth and kissed him ferociously, he wouldn’t mind the white, sticky gooey stuff hanging off the sides of my mouth."

For some reason, they didn't even hesitate in reading, till they were all the way through - like it didn't even hit them - and then they looked at each other with the most horror-filled faces I have ever seen them wear.
Ray and Mikey were slumped in the corner, alternately making sicked out faces and crying from laughter, while Gerard and Frankie literally leapt apart, and wiped their hands and any body parts that had accidentally been touching during the reading. "Do you dare?" asked Frankie, terrified. Gerard gulped, obviously trying to be brave, leaned over, and deleted the comments.

"You said they were NICE comments, Bob!" Frankie said accusingly, pointing at me.

"Well, mine were," I said, trying to decide when to tell them. Mikey decided for me.

"Happy April Fool's fuckers!"
And then he and Ray collapsed back on top of each other, laughing hysterically.
Luckily the coffee had had a good effect of Frankie and Gerard's moods, and they laughed. That didn't always happen - even though Gerard was the prima donna, Frankie could sure pull off a hissy fit.
Their laugh turned slightly evil, as Gerard whispered into Frank's ear and he began to laugh uncontrollably.

"Guys, we so need to get Brian. Imagine if he thought he had to reinvent us as like ... Raynkieardkeyob!"

We all looked at Gerard suspiciously. He rolled his eyes. "Like Frerard, only with all of us."
I looked around at each of them, Ray and Mikey were grinning. Frankie was jumping up and down, and Gerard looked like the typical evil mastermind. That is, he was smirking evilly and looking like the cat that ate the 87 canaries the pet shop just got in.
Ah well! I guess I was in too. I mean, I'd kissed some of them already - Frankie at least. I shuddered. Wasn't exactly an experience I wanted to repeat but...to scare Brian - oh hell yeah! I was DEFINITELY in!

Brian's POV:
I could hear as my shoes scraped across the concrete as I made my way over to the tour van. As I walked over I saw Gerard, Ray and I think Frank getting in to the car… I couldn’t see Frank’s head over the car, he was to short for his own good that boy, I thought maybe they went for a coffee run, I don’t understand why, I had made sure there was a coffee machine in the bus that was top dollar -- I saw that coffee machine smashed into a thousand pieces on the floor. Well, I guess that's why they'd go out for coffee.

As I got closer to the bus I could Hear Mikey and Bob talking about something or rather to do with… Frank being dropped into a pot of coffee? I wouldn‘t be surprised either, that boy drinks more coffee than I piss in a week. I put my hand over the handle to open the door and felt some very welcoming, warm gooey stuff. Nice.

That was quite repulsive. I held my hand out a foot from my body even though I wished it reached further, like reach to a box of soap. Or even a blow torch… whatever done the job best. I decided not to go in but instead wash my hand and then get ready for tonight.

I got back to the tour van, about maybe an hour later… I had washed my hand. I got out of my car locking it and setting off for the tour bus once again, I reached for the handle and the stopped myself. I grabbed a tissue from my pocket and opened the handle, opening the door ever to slightly and using my foot to open the rest the spit was starting to seep through the tissue.
There was an odd red light, not too bright, it seemed weird for them not to have the TV on or laughing, I walked up the few stairs and saw the lamp shades draped with red scarves… What the f--k?

“Welcome to the doll house.” I heard Gerard whisper as he crept up behind me, he walked slowly shifting his hips from side to side and entered the toilet. Mikey was on top of Bob stroking his face, the tip of his nose touching Bob’s nose. I looked over to see Frank on top of Ray? What were they? On crack?

“Boys!” I cleared my throat.

Gerard came out of the toilet as if ’Boys!’ was his cue, Mikey looked back over to Gerard and smiled, he winked at him and slowly crawled off Bob as Bob scattered behind him. Gerard slowly started to make his way up to me.
What was he doing, I looked around for some sort of defence, but all I saw were paper coffee cups and half eaten bag of skittles!

“Gerard? Wh- What are you doing?” He placed one single finger running it down my chest in a zig zag line. He pushed me to the back wall, I panicked and tried to make a break for it, but Bob was at the door blocking it off, pretending to be a pussycat doll or something
“Gerard, stop! Stop it!” His face reached mine nearly about to kiss, suddenly all the lights became bright.

“APRIL FOOLS DAY!” They all shouted.

“You fool!” Frank screamed from the background.