
Chapter Two.

Brian's POV:
It was a long drive to LA from Seattle. The boys were getting kind of antsy. I could feel it. They did some practise in the bus, and then they played video games, but the feeling of unrest overwhelmed me.
Maybe it was because Frank insisted on stopping at every place along the way that sold coffee. Well, he wasn't too restful after fifty times. And I really MEAN fifty. I mean, when Frank insists...you listen. Like when he INSISTS. It's like screaming and scratching a blackboard and squeaky shoes on basketball courts - you'll just do anything you can to make it stop. So we gave Frankie coffee.
But when he got hyper, we confined him to a small corner to bounce. He's been there for, let me see - three hours now, and no sign of the bouncing ending. Actually, I think it's just starting up - he's laughing now, and he wasn't before. Sigh. I wonder what made me pick this for a job.
My head slumped forward into my hands, and something warm and wet touched the back of my neck.

I screamed! "AAAAUGGGHHH!! What the fuck was that?!"

When I turned, Frank was smiling angelically. "You looked like you needed some love."

"So you what, french-kissed the back of my neck?" I said sarcastically, rubbing at the spot, and Frank nodded happily.

"Well, it was the only part of you I could reach," he said defensively, when I gave him a LOOK.

"Frankie, it's been a long drive. Let's not do this," I sighed, and put my head back against the chair. "Think...think of Jamia - you're going to see her soon."

"Jamia?" Frank smirked evilly. "Why would I think of Jamia, when there's such a handsome man here?" He reached out and touched my knee. I began scooting away, noticing, as I did so, that the other guys were looking interestedly over. Okay, so they got me good on April Fool's Day. But fuck, that was a MONTH ago! Why me? Just why?

"Hey! There's an idea!" piped up Bob, who decided to save me just as Frank tried to kiss my neck. I know that Frank's not gay. Or bi. But sometimes what I know just isn't enough to convince me. I want him away from me, and I want it now! Ooh, Frank's looking at Bob. I should let him talk in repayment. And maybe use his idea too.

"What's your idea, Bob?" I asked in interest, trying to hide the complete terror I felt of Frankie at the moment, as I got up and walked closer to Bob - further from Frankie.

"Let's try Raynkieardkeyob on the girls." Okay, well that was news, but I was certainly pleased to hear that I had nothing to do with it. I was sick of their games. So I grasped at it.

"Well, that might be interesting," I said. "I have to go ask the driver something." I felt safe doing this, since Frank had returned to his assigned corner to jump up and down, squealing in excitement as the boys, who all had assented in one way or another, planned their prank on the girls.
I was fairly sure that none of the girls would want much to do with them afterward. I mean, I was paid to have stuff to do with them, or I'd have been long gone. Besides, I think it would improve the band's rep if they were all single.
Cause Alicia and Lyn-Z would totally want a divorce if they saw Gerard and Mikey frolicking together flirtatiously. Like I had seen many times since they found out how scared I'd get. Damn April Fool's Day! And whatever bastard thought the thing up!
Well, it would serve them right if their girlfriends/wives left them over it. Actually wait, I smirked at the thought. I would encourage them, and their girlfriends and wives would leave them, and there would be my revenge. "Mwhahahah," I mumbled quietly, earning a strange, frightened bunny-rabbit look from the bus driver, Steve. I absently patted the boy on the shoulder. "It's okay - I won't let them get you."
He smiled, relieved, and continued driving studiously. I sauntered back to the back of the bus. I would have my revenge! They would never have girlfriends again. And then they would know better than to mess with ME, Brian Sche-Sce - Brian Whatever, again! I smiled evilly, and broke into their conversation.

"You know, the girls are really going to be missing you while you're gone." Oops, bad move - they might start feeling sorry for the girls. That would NOT help me in my quest for vengeance. "If you want it to be really funny," I continued quickly, hoping that the feelings of affection would not settle in their souls if I talked fast, "you can like, not return their fond embraces, and then someone - Gerard maybe - can announce that you've found you like each other better than them. And someone ELSE can pipe up with something to the effect of: 'And it makes travelling so much easier when we don't have to take you on tour all the time - we can just stick to each other, and that's all we've got to do.'"
The boys looked at me in awed silence.

"Who would have thought that Brian was such a brilliant mastermind?" Ray asked reverently.

"Yeah!" interjected Frankie, bounding up and down and up and down and up and fucking down in the corner. "Guys, we have THE coolest manager fucking EVER!" Gerard and Mikey wore identical expressions of wonder, and Bob just shook his head in speechless awe.

"This is gonna be so great, you guys," said Gerard happily when he found his voice.

"Yeah! Totally!" agreed Mikey and Bob at the same time. I smirked noisily to myself. This would be an interesting 24 hours.
THEN! We would meet with the girls in Starbucks - the boys would be dumped, I'd have my revenge...and hey, maybe, if I played my cards right, I could be the rebound guy. Yeah!! I'd be understanding to all of them - and I'd do it well, knowing exactly where they came from, and then I'd get some great sex before the girls decided to look for new boyfriends.
What could go wrong?

Lyn-Z POV:
I can’t believe its been three months now, I can say that we’re all starting to miss our babies.
Krista was obsessing every time she saw a man - or woman with curly hair walk past. She nearly pulverised a man that only vaguely resembled him.
I looked over and saw Alicia - she has been calling me almost ever night reminding me that the brothers are out into a new babe pool and ‘What if they’ve found new girls?’ I kept on telling her that they would never betray us. So just to remind herself of him, his beanie would be tightly strapped around her head. Sometimes her face turned purple from lack of blood but, you get the idea, whatever makes her happy.

Jamia looked most deprived out off all, she was sitting at the table with 12 unfinished coffee cups surrounding her. I went to her house a couple days ago, coffee beans where everywhere, and she even bought her self a coffee scented perfume, just to remind her of Frank.
As for myself… I missed Gerard, but what can I say, I knew he would be back soon, and I couldn’t wait at all.

“Oh My God! They're here!” Jamia jumped out of her seat throwing coffee all over the place, mainly on herself and Alicia. Krista and I followed close behind, pushing the doors open and jumping on our missed ones.

I jumped on Gerard but he didn’t bother to catch me, I landed on my feet along with all the other girls except for Jamia who got a bit carried away and fell straight to the floor.

The boys all had a certain look on their faces. No it wasn’t confusion or constipation… it was something I’ve never seen before.

“Is there something wrong babes?” I asked, trying to get something out of Gerard. He smiled sweetly and walked over to Frank. I shook my head as Jamia gasped. Mikey extricated himself from Alicia and walked over to Bob as Ray did the same thing and stood right behind Bob, his pride and joy touching Bob’s thigh. Okay… I must be missing something.

“Sorry Love, but - ” Frank started.

“But what?” Jamia looked like she was about to cry or grab her samurai sword from behind her. (She did not carry a samurai sword. Well, she did SOMETIMES, but she wasn't carrying one right now.)

“We’ve fallen in love,” Jamia and myself stood there, myself not knowing which way was up and if the universe had suddenly lost all of its air supply,

Gerard stroked Frank's face softly...the way he used to do with me!

“I guess the Frerards really got to us, showed me what I had been missing out on.”

“M - Mikey, sweetie are you … you know?” Alicia quavered.

He sat on Bob’s lap, wrapped his arm around Bob and ruffled his hair.


“Sorry hon, but it’s Bob I want to be with.” Mikey said, looking adoringly into Bob's eyes.

Bob’s bottom lip quivered like he was about to break out into laughter but maybe it was quivering cause he knew Alicia was about to open up a can of whoop- ass on him.

“Ok! Gerard’s with Frank and - and Mikey’s with Bob! So Ray honey…” Krista was losing her breath, I walked over to her and did the prenatal breathing to help her.

“She’s not having a frikken baby Lyn-z!” Jamia screamed.

“Why?” Alicia stared at Mikey, eyes filled with hurt stabbing unseen knives into the boys. Particularly Bob.

“Well…” Gerard piped in. “It makes travelling much easier, cause we don’t have to drag you guys along and you know, all we need is each other.”

He kissed Frank lightly on the lips. “But we can always be friends, and if you ever want to come over to cook for us or clean the house up, we’ll always welcome you in.”

I desperately wanted that samurai sword right now to turn them into minced My Chemical Romance. I walked up to him and slapped him. Jamia's face lit up, and she got behind me and punched Frank right in the face, sending him flying to the floor.

“How dare you! You! You! Poofter!”

"Is that all Jamia?" I screamed.

“I hate you!” Krista yelled out to Bob, flipping him the birdie.

Ray’s eyes widened, who would of thought underneath that lovely coat of lady there was a drama queen waiting to be released?

Jamia jumped on Frank and scratched him. He was beginning to cry from blood loss when Ray and Bob pulled her off him.

“Ray! Bob! Get your grimy, filthy paws of me before I castrate you!” Bob and Ray let her go, instead grabbing their balls safely their hands, and holding on for dear life.

“Jamia Jamia! April Fools Day!” Gerard cut in, laughing.

Frank's POV:
Who would have thought Jamia would get so uptight? I think I'm bleeding.

Hey, there are like 12 cups of coffee on that table!! They're not steaming, but that's okay. It's still coffee! I really need some. The fumes in here are getting to me. I haven't had coffee for at least 10 minutes! And I'll DIE if I don't get some!!!


Ray's POV:
Hey! The girls are kinda smiling. I bet they're not mad at us anymore. I bet they're happy to see us again. I missed Krista so bad - if our joke wasn't gonna be so funny, I would have totally had sex with her in the bathroom.

Speaking of sex, who knew Krista was so unladylike? I'm sure one of my fantasies includes an unladylike woman...well, if it doesn't, it can be modified.

I'm gonna have good sex tonight...

Gerard's POV:
Well, they're smiling. Lyn-Z doesn't look as happy as she's been before. But hell, the happiest I ever saw her was like, when I proposed to her. A man can't do shit like that every day. But since she's not mad anymore, I might need to take her up on that offer to clean my house. It's a fucking pig-sty. The tour bus isn't better. Frank is a pig.

Mikey's POV:
Okay, Alicia looks like she'd like to break something on my head. Not a good sign. I wonder if this was a bad idea?

Nah! Couldn't be - she's kinda smiling now. I bet she wants sex. It's been awhile since I had some. Yeah, she probably does.

I wonder, could I get her to go to the bathroom with me?

Bob's POV:
Ha, I can read these guys' minds! They think the girls are happy with them. Well, I've got one thing to say, I'm fucking GLAD I don't have a girlfriend right now... cause I would HATE to have to deal with this shit.

Hey, they're giving each other LOOKS...

"I have to go to the bathroom," Alicia said.

"Me too," spoke up the other girls in unison.

They filed off, and I sat and watched. This does not look good for the attached members of My Chemical Romance...

Brian's POV:
I will be the fucking rebound guy!


I wonder if I could talk the girls into like a...five-some. Lyn-Z's got awesome legs!

Lyn-Z POV:
We all… Well Jamia - stormed back into Starbucks and stomping her feet over to the bathroom. There was a girl that looked around our age doing her make up.
Jamia was in a filthy mood. “Get lost!” She yelled at her, the girl looked back blankly. “Get the Fu - ”
“Jamia!” Krista stopped her from yelling out her tonsils at the poor girl who grab all of her belongings and made a run for the door. She left her
liquid mascara on the sink, slowly making its way down the drain.

“What a bunch of - ” Alicia started, and Jamia cut in.
“Morons!” she said angrily.
“Ok I was going to say clowns but - ” Alicia got interrupted again. By me.

“I love April Fools Day! But I only like it when the pranks aren’t pulled on me. Oh and nice punch by the way Jamia.”

I wasn’t angry. I wanted to burst out laughing but I couldn‘t find it in me. Now I know that Gerard and Frank didn’t only put on the act on stage… maybe they were actually gay? You couldn't blame me for wondering.

“Lyn-z! Could you at least PRETEND to be angry?”

I wasn’t sure what she was going on about… Again, I wasn’t angry just NOT NECESSARILY HAPPY. But then again, what would be better to spice up my happiness, than an all rounder of pranks?


“And I Cannot! I cannot believe Frank kissed him! Was he dropped on the head as a baby! Why would he do that to me?”


“Huh? Why? Out of all the people in the world it just had to be - ”



She looked like she was about to bite my head off, or worse, torture me. She had these eyes like a serial killer who was about to chop right into me and pull out my intestines and then put me in a human blender…

Okay I’m getting carried away here.

“Jamia… catch the joke! We can just get them back.”

“Get them back?”

“Yeah like you know - ”

“Castrate them!” Jamia cut me off with a joyous yell.

“I think that’s just a tad out there Jamia, I still want to have kids.” Alicia spoke up.

“Ok well I castrate Frank, Ray and Gerard.”

“Exclude Ray love, His sex isn’t all that bad.”

“And I think Gerard is quite attached to his balls.”

“Fine I’ll just castrate Frank.”

“There will be no castrating. We just need an ingenious plan!”

“What if we..." Krista leaned over and whispered what was, to me, the most incredible thing I’ve heard in the past few… um...hours? Not good with time.

“Krista you’re a genius! I love you!” I kissed her on the cheek and huddled all the girls together. This was going to be sweet.