Sad, Scary and Dark Stories!

Will You Be Next?

I’m sitting at home on my couch watching television when the phone rings, it’s Johnny he has another victim for me. Okay let me take you through the jest of what we do!

Johnny is a good looking guy; he can get any girl he wants. I am not so lucky the girls tend to walk the other way when they see me coming. So Johnny and myself came u with a pat he would get the girls numbers and then give them to me, I would then invite them over, them thinking I was Johnny and then well you’ll find out what happened next.

“Hey Johnny what have you got for me today?”
“A really good one her name is Jane; and the number is 59755555,”

I hang up and dial the number into the phone pad… it starts ringing.
“Hi Jane its Johnny from last night,”
“Oh hi Johnny,”
“Hi, just wondering if you would like to come over this afternoon?”
“Oh I’d love to,”
“My address is 123 Wee Street” (if mon reads this, im sorry i was writting this when you made that up ... so im temeraraly borrowing!)
“See you then”

We both hang up and I prepare for her surprise.

Knock, knock

She’s at the door yes!

“Come in,” I shout from the kitchen.

She opens the door and walks into the kitchen, her hair short and brunette, with grey eyes and a crooked smile, she’s beautiful. I turn around and she sees my face I smile at her. She turns away to run, but Johnny is blocking her way. She looks back at me as I walk up to her; I pull the carving knife out from behind my back. She starts to scream, oh how I enjoy that sound. She tries to push past Johnny but I cut off her left hand, she holds what’s left of that arm in her right hand and I then chop off her feet and stab her over and over again until the screaming stops, Johnny walks into the other room and I carve her up like the turkey on thanks-giving.

I finish carving her up and Johnny brings in some jars and I place a different ligament in each one. I then placed the jars up on my mantel piece.

Johnny goes home a few hours later, he still can’t believe what we do for a living, but I can.

It’s been a week since we last killed some girl.

Now I’m sitting at home on my couch watching television when the phone rings, it’s Johnny he has another victim for me.
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well i hope you liked it, its not verry scarey but neither are any of the other scary stories i write ... i shall have another one shot for you all shortly im half way through typing it!