‹ Prequel: Beary Bomb
Sequel: Side Story - Jeff

Drunk Deductions

Drunk Deductions

To think that something like this could happen, and at all times. Detective Kiel was hanging out at Kate‘s place with some of his friends, I guess he’s not as lonely as I made him out to be, they were having a party. With karaoke, drunks, and party games. When Kate went to go get the drinks from the kitchen. Everyone was pretty much wasted at the time. Including Kiel, who kept flirting with Kate. “Hey Kate!”
“What is it Kiel?” She said in a dull tone.
Knowing Kiel was going to say another weird comment. “I was wondering if you could pour my wine from your mouth instead of from the cup.” Kiel smiled. “Kiel you’re a moron you know that!” Kate was blushing and Marco’s face was steaming with anger. Kate was Marco’s girl and everyone knew that as a fact. No one would mess around with Kate, afraid Marco might try something nasty as pay back. But no matter how many times Kiel was asked to stop his childish acts of flirting. He would all ways say, “Woman shouldn’t be kept on a leash, like some kind of dirty animal. They are beautiful creatures that need to experience life and everything good about it. So fuck off!” Kiel also got ticked off easily when he was drunk. “No Kiel, you just have to do it yourself.”
“Oh, but I might spill.”
“I don’t care.” Kiel put on a whinny face. “You’re so mean Kate!” Kate just smiled and went back to serving the drinks. “Before we all get drunk a second time.” Marcos laughed. “I would just like to say a few words and then have a toast.”
“What’s the occasion?” Asked Carlos, another of Kiel’s friends. “It’s to all of us. That I hope we all live good lives and find someone special!” Carlos raised his cup and said, “Cheers to good youth!”
“Cheers!” Said everyone else. Everyone quickly chugged down their drinks and went back to talking.
Then only a few moments later Carlos said he wasn’t feeling good and went to the bathroom. “Okay, but hurry back. I haven’t seen this movie yet.” Said Jason.
“Okay, okay.” Carlos ran down the hall and into the bathroom.
Time pasted, when it came around that thirty minutes had all ready passed. The other started to get worried. “What’s taking Carlos so long?” Kate said as she stood up. “Where are you going?” Asked Marcos. “I’m going to check on Carlos. I’m worried. He could be really sick or something.” Kate started towards the bathroom. Kiel was starting to feel a little uneasy. Something wasn’t right. Kate was right, Carlos should have returned from the bathroom by now. Then came a sudden scream. It was Kate! “Kate!” Marcos quickly got to his feet and raced down the hall. Kate has fallen to the ground and was shaking. “Kate what’s wrong?” Marcos knelt down beside Kate. Trying to help her to her feet, but it was no use. Kate was speechless, but was able to point. Marcos turned and looked to where Kate was pointing. Then there in the bathroom was Carlos. “Oh my God! Hurry Jason, Kiel, call the police!”
Jason whipped out his cell phone and quickly dialed 911. While Kiel went into the bathroom to check if Carlos had a pulse. But it was no use. “I’m sorry everyone, but Carlos is no longer with us.” Kiel looked to his friends with a sad face. “No. No!” Kate broke out in tears. Marcos tried to comfort her. Jason shut his cell phone. “The police will be here in a few minutes. But, but you know what. What’s the use? I mean Carlos is all ready dead and you know whose fault it is?”
“Jason! Not now.”
“Shut up! Just shut up! It’s his fault.” Jason looked at Kiel who was searching for the cause of death. “I mean. Everywhere he goes someone dies. He even said so himself.” Jason was furious, so furious he grabbed on to Kiel’s coat and throw him up against the wall. “It was you wasn’t it? You killed Carlos! You bastard!” Kiel was silent, but only for a moment. “Where’s your proof, what’s my motive, how did I do it, and when?”
“These are all the things you need to convict someone of murder. They seem simple enough, but just by missing one of these key elements you could accidentally let a killer walk free. It’s pretty sad.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that this was murder, but the victim was accidental. Carlos was not meant to die tonight, but I was.” Kiel’s friends faces turned pale. They didn’t know what to say. Jason was in so much shock that he dropped Kiel and fell down himself.
Then the door bell rang. No one moved. It rang again, and again, but still no one moved. Soon enough the police where yelling that they would brake down the door if no one answered. So Kiel got up and answered the door. “Hello there officers. I’m Detective Kiel, so if you would mind coming with me to the crime scene.” The officers were baffled. “Kiel?” Came a voice. It was Officer Henson. “What are you doing here. And why do you look like that?” Kiel’s face was still red from the alcohol and he had been crying, but just a little. “This is my friend Kate’s house. We were having a party when Carlos, the victim, went to the bathroom. After more than thirty minutes had passed Kate had gotten worried and went to check on Carlos. The only a few moment later she screamed. Marcos, her boyfriend, ran to her side and saw Carlos dead in the bathroom. Jason then quickly called the police, while I went in to investigate. So my finger prints will be on a few of the items in the bathroom.” Said Kiel as he lead Henson and the other police to the bathroom. “I see. I’m sorry for your loss Kiel.” Kiel didn’t answer. “If you want to, you don’t have to do this investigation. You can just go home and.”
“No!” Henson was cut short. “It’s my fault he died. I was suppose to be the real victim.”
“What? How did you come to that conclusion Kiel?”
“From the cause of death. Carlos died from being poisoned. But, if you smell around his lips you well smell the poison and also wine.”
“Yes, my favorite brand of wine. The wine I was suppose to drink, but Carlos did on accident. That’s why he died instead of me.” Henson was amazed. “So it really was your fault. You murderer!” Jason jumped on Kiel. “Why? Why! Why?” Henson pulled Jason off of Kiel. “Come down!”
“But he killed Carlos! He did it!”
“That’s enough! I’m going to have to question all of you individually. To find the real murderer.”
The friends were seated in the living room. All still a little shook up. “Lets start with you, Jason was it?”
“Yeah.” Jason didn’t dare look Officer Henson in the eye, after what just happened. “Tell me. What where you doing at the time of the murder and before the murder had taken place.”
“Not much, I talked with Marcos in the kitchen and before the murder I was with everyone else.”
“I see, is that true everyone?”
“Yeah.” Said Kate. “Then what about you?”
“Well before the murder I was serving everyone their drinks. Kiel was of course flirting with me like he all ways does when he’s drunk.” Kate giggled. Kiel’s face turned red. “I never imagined you to be the flirty type Kiel.”
“Shut up Henson and continue with the questioning.”
“Fine, fine. So you served the drinks?”
“Um yes.”
“That would make you the prim suspect then.”
“But I didn’t do it!”
“Yeah! How can you say that to my girlfriend?” Marcos was being very protective of Kate. “So you’re the boyfriend. Then tell me, what were you doing?”
“I was talking with Jason in the kitchen.”
“And before that?”
“Not much.”
“Wait? Weren’t you the one to buy the wine before the party?” Asked Jason.
“Oh right, I forgot about that.”
“So you bought the drinks. Well, what do you think Kiel? Kiel?” Kiel had snuck into the kitchen. “Kiel what are you looking for?”
“The murder weapon.”
“The murder weapon?” Henson wasn’t sure what Kiel meant by that. “Oh here it is!” Kiel pulled out three bottles of wine. He set them on the table and asked everyone to come into the kitchen. “Now everyone. With of these bottles is the murder weapon?” Everyone pointed to Kiel’s favorite wine. “Now which one is Carlos’s favorite wine?” Everyone pointed to the bottle next to Kiel’s. “Good. Now I want you to smell Carlos’s wine first and then mine.”
“What will that do?” Asked Jason. “You’ll see if you do as you are told.” So everyone did as they were told. Them with a surprised face they all said, “They smell exactly the same!” Kiel smiled. “But how is that possible Kiel?” Asked Officer Henson. “It’s because of the poison the murderer used.”
“The poison?”
“Yes, some poison’s are odorless, but some have unique smells to them. This poison as a smell, that when mixed with the smell of my favorite wine, will cause it to smell just like Carlos’s wine. This is how Carlos mistook my wine for his.”
“What does that prove then? That the murderer is an amateur and who the murderer is.”
“You know who did it Kiel?”
Yep! The murderer is Marcos, I’m sad to say.”
“Marcos how could you!” Kate pushed Marcos away and ran to Kiel’s side. “Whatever, if I’m the killer than where is your proof?” Marcos was acting pretty smug. “Well first, since the whole wine bottle is poisoned it only goes to say that the person who bought the bottle poisoned it. You probably did it before coming to the party. Next is the odor of the poison.”
“The odor?”
“Like I said this poison had a distinct odor to it, so even if you washed your hands the odor should still remain.” Marcos’s eyes widened. “I’m going to have to smell your hands sir.” Said Officer Henson. “All right.” Marcos held out his hands. They did smell like the wine. “I’m sorry but you are under arrest for murder.”
“Wait! I only have one question to ask you Marcos.”
“What is it Kiel?”
“Why you ask? What a joke. I all ready knew that you and Kate were having an affair. I just saw it in your guys eyes. I just couldn’t let it go on. So I came up with the plan to kill you and take Kate back. I didn’t mean for Carlos to die.”
“You’re an idiot!” Kate slapped Marcos across the face. “I would never cheat on you.” Kate kissed Marcos softly. “Then you mean?”
“You really are a fool. Didn’t I all ready tell you that my only love was Jennifer and she would be my last? I hope you’ve learned your lesson my friend.” Kiel walked out the door. Not saying a word, but I’m sure I saw him crying.