The Wicked End

You're All Going To Pay

I stood staring at the mess in front of me, there was no way I was staying here, several empty rum bottles rolled across the floor, the smell of sweat and rum filled the air, I gagged slightly and looked at Will hoping this was some sort of joke, he laughed at my reaction and ran his hands over his face,

'I'm staying here' I choked, this made him laugh even harder, I groaned loudly and began chewing my thumb nervously,

'It's here or with Jack' he teased, I sighed and Will led me to a small dirty corner near the back where a small leak was present,

'Here we are' he said and threw my bag down, I picked it up straight away and sighed,

'Am I expected to get changed here ?' I asked, Will chuckled quietly and nodded, my jaw dropped, my hands automatically pulled the bag to cover my cleavage,

'Please tell me you're joking' I begged, Will shuck his head and placed his hands on my shoulders,

'Good luck' he whispered and began to walk away, I threw the bag down and ran up on deck after him, I couldn't see where he was gone but stopped Jack sitting on the bow looking out at the sea, I decided to join him. I carefully made my way close to Jack, he took my hand and helped me down beside him,

'It's a nice day' I chirped and removed my jacket, Jack smiled took his off also,

'Tis indeed love' he agreed and folded his jacket neatly on his lap,

'We're heading to Tortuga to get some supplies' he stated, I removed my hat and ran my hands through my hair,

'Good, I have unfinished business to take care of there' I admitted, Jack placed his hat on top of his jacket,

'You always have unfinished business' he teased, I shoved him playfully and laughed loudly. Later, it was growing dark and I was really not looking forward to bed time, we had just eaten dinner which consisted of tinned goods and rum, I grabbed a dagger from my boot and began cutting an apple, I refused to get scurvy and eat 5 pieces of fruit everyday, the crew had gone down to the berth already, I was waiting until they had fallen asleep. It had gotten really late and I could still hear sea shanty's being drunkenly moaned from the berth, my eyes were feeling heavy and let myself drift off for a few moments. I woke up quickly and jumped up, it was still dark so I assumed I had only been asleep a few minutes, it felt strangely cold, I looked down to pull my jacket up and saw I was only in my corset and underwear, I screamed and jumped up quickly, I heard laughter coming from the helm, I turned on my heel quickly to see Pintel and Ragetti, chuckling to themselves but very noticeable not looking at me, I frowned,

'You're all going to pay' I screamed, I looked around for somewhere to go and sighed loudly, I knew there was only one place to go, I reluctantly made my way to the Captain quarters and knocked on the door quietly, I could see light coming from the bottom of the door and assumed Jack was still up, I heard the door handle fidgeting and the door opened slowly to reveal a very surprised looking Jack,

'Well....I didn't except this from you love, but I won't complain' he chirped, I frowned and felt tears of frustration build up in my eyes, Jack looked concerned and let me in, he sat me down on his bed and went over to pour us a glass of rum, I sighed heavily and dropped my face in my hands,

'I'm going to kill them all, sorry to leave you without a crew' I teased followed by sniffling, I rubbed my eyes and looked up to see a bottle of rum in my face, I grabbed it and gulped a good half of the bottle immediately, Jack went to his trunk and took out a spare shirt and handed it to me, I smiled and put it on and clutched it together with my hands, Jack sat beside me and laughed,

'I'll kill them all for you love, they have no respect' he chuckled, I smiled and fell back on the bed, I shut my eyes and sipped the rum one last time,

'I'm just going to close my eyes for a second' I yawned, I felt Jack lay down beside me,

'I'll join you' he mumbled and then I didn't hear anything else.
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