The Wicked End

Did You Try The Berth ?

Jack's Point of View

I opened my eyes immediately and sat up straight away, I looked beside me and saw Morgan lying beside me, sleeping, I grabbed my jacket and hat and headed out onto the deck, the crew were already working, I sniffed the air and heard Ragetti and Pintel chuckling beside me, I turned sharply on my heel and grabbed Ragetti by the throat, I pursed my lips and examined his scared expression carefully,

‘Where the Captain’s clothes ?’ I asked firmly, Ragetti gulped heavily, I felt it on his throat, my nose and lip twitched, some of these men disgusted me, Ragetti slowly lifted his dirty hand up and pointed up at the mizzen sail, there attached to the sail, waving in the breeze, were Morgan’s clothes, I sighed and tightened my grip around his throat,

‘You two…men will be perfect gentlemen and run along up there and fetch Captain O’Malley’s clothes and if you ever try something like this again, I might find a use for this bloody pistle, savvy ?’ I spat revealing my pistle, they both looked frightened (for a change) and scurried off to get the clothes,

‘Mr Gibbs’ I called, he came running over straight away,

‘Yes Cap’n’ he panted, I tucked my pistle behind my sash and looked at Mr Gibbs,

‘Go to the berth and collect Captain O’Malley’s belongings’ I commanded, he nodded and headed to the berth immediately, I smiled and sniffed the ocean air but my peaceful moment was interrupted by the feeling of an annoying presence,

‘Jack’ Will called, I frowned and rolled my eyes, I turned to face him very slowly and grinned widely when facing him,

‘What can I do for you on this lovely morning William’ I exclaimed, Will raised an eyebrow and sighed,

‘Where’s Morgan ?’ he asked, I ran my fingers through my beard,

‘The crew stole her clothes’ I added, completely ignoring his question and walking on past him to examine Ragetti and Pintel climbing the sails to get her clothes, Pintel slipped slightly but regained his balance quickly, I chuckled quietly,

‘What ? Where is she ?’ he asked, I yawned, I was growing bored of Will already,

‘Well, she is currently not in the berth’ I teased and revealed an apple from my pocket, Will looked at me, a look of confusion was spread across his face,

‘I know that, that’s why I’m asking you where she is’ he barked, I shrugged my shoulders and took a bite out of the apple when Mr Gibbs came running back with Morgan’s things,

‘Those are her things’ Will shouted, completely not amused at the situation, Mr Gibbs nodded,

‘Yes Mr Turner, I just fetched them from the berth’ he chuckled and attempted to hand me them, I widened my eyes, shocked at the fact he hadn’t noticed my apple, he nodded quickly and held them longer,

‘Well then Jack, if you ordered Mr Gibbs to get Morgan’s things, then you know where she is’ Will snapped, I gasped,

‘Mr Turner, why do you automatically assume I gave Mr Gibbs those orders’ I chuckled, taking another bite out of the apple, Will growled slightly,

‘Please, just tell me where she is !’ he groaned, Mr Gibbs chuckled slightly, I examined the apple, uninterested in his pleas anymore, I looked up at him and bit my lip, pretending to think,

‘Did you try the berth ?’ I asked, Will clenched his fists tightly and sighed, he turned quickly on his heel and stormed off, I turned to face Mr Gibbs and shuck my head,

‘Kids these days’ I mumbled, Mr Gibbs laughed,

‘Where do I put these Cap’n’ he asked, I threw the apple over the side of the ship and took the bag,

‘I shall take them to the young captain thank you Mr Gibbs’ I exclaimed, he sighed and laughed quietly as I continued to my quarters. I froze when I saw Will at the door of my quarters,

‘Morgan, are descent ?’ he called to the door, I widened my eyes and dropped the bag purposely to grab Will’s attention, which successfully did, he turned to see me and rolled his eyes,

‘Opps’ I called when the door opened, Morgan stood looking confused in the doorway,

‘Can I help you boys ?’ she giggled loudly, Will frowned and I grinned widely.
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