Status: Slowly but surely

Blood & Roses

There were once two very powerful vampire families, the Romano's and the Mondetz's, that had a strong hate for each other ( you'll find out why later in the story). They plan to go to war, but one little thing is standing in the way...
Cappella Romano is a 'rebel princess' who doesn't care for rules and just wants to hang out with her friends.
Luke Mondetz is forced to become king when his father dies. On top of that he must marry some random princess. He true wish would be that he could just be alone & draw all day, but we can't always get what we want.
I own the characters. I used Romeo &Juliet as inspiration but this is MY story.
I'm proud of my banner I made it myself.
Banner made by Anticlockwise
© Copyright.All rights reserved
  1. Chapter One
  2. Chapter Two
    You'll get to meet Cappella's strange friends ;)
  3. Chapter Three
  4. Chapter Four
  5. Chapter 5