Status: Slowly but surely

Blood & Roses

Chapter Three

Across town a vampire prince was soon to be celebrating his 18th birthday. Which soon meant he'd be taking over the throne.
"Luke Mondetz, get your lazy behind up, I swear..." Inez, his nurse and nanny as a child, was on a rant now. Luke opened one of his golden eyes.
"Five more minutes, please?"
'Now, your father is requesting you and your brothers in the throne room. Now get dressed you lazy bum." She smacked him playfully on the butt.
Luke used every once of energy to lift himself out of bed. He stared blankly at the dark sky for about 15 minutes. Then, he dug through the bottom of his closet for something to wear.He made his way to the chamber were thye kept the feeders. Feeders were the humans who willing let the vampires feed off of them. They liked the high endorphins gave them. He picked a blonde with doe eyes not drinking enough to make her pass out or anything. He then went to the throne room were his older brothers Gabe and Collin stood waiting in front of the doors.
"What are we waiting for?" Luke asked boredly leaning against the stonewall.
"For father."
"i could have still been sleeping, "Luke muttered under his breath.
"Bring my sons forward!"
They walked in and stood in front of their father.
"Good evening father," They spoke bowing before him.
"Good evening my sons. Luke, I persum you slept well?" he asked adressing his youngest son. Luke nodded looking at the ground. He could feel his father's stare on his head.
"Gabe, Collin you may excuse yourselves. I want to speak to Luke alone."
Gabe and Collin bowed again before turning out of the room. Luke felt a nervous feeling over take him. He didn't like being alone with his father.
"Come sit down," He motioned for him to sit down in the throne next to him, usually reserved for the queen, but their mother had died in labor with Luke.
"Are you exicted my son? In less than a week you will be 18 and soon after that you'll be king!" Luke actually wasn't next in line for the throne, but his brothers had refused the task. His oldest brother Gabe, was the leader of their army,and Collin wanted to become a doctor and aid the wounded soilders. So unluckily for Luke he had no choice.
"I actucally have a surprise for you."
Luke could only imagine it was something he didn't need or want.
"Brice, please bring them in."
Luke turned his attention in the direction their servant had left. He returned with three people, "These are our allies the Benevo's. Their kingdom is one of the wealthiest and they own the most land. So you will be marrying their daughter, Analeigh."
Luke stared at his father in shock, "I'm what?"
"We'll need their help in destroying the Romona Kingdom."
Luke observed the family closely now. The queen looked snobby and stuck up. Her blonde hair was cut sharply at her chin not entirely giving her the story book image of a queen. Her icy blue eyes were studying the house. Luke could see her changing things around in her head. The king was a short, fat man with blonde hair that was slighty graying. His eyes had a bright light in them. Now Analeigh was something completely diffrenet. She was extremely pale, even for a vampire. Her nose was slighty crooked. She had blonde hair like her mother and father. It was curly and shaped around her face. Her lips were a permeant red and she was staring at him in a werid way.
"Dad," Luke whispred, " I have no desire to marry her!"
"You will do as I say! You will be wed before the first battle between us and the Romona clan."
Luke stared into his father's eyes which were much like his own. He would barely admit this to himself, but his father scared him. He towered over him and Luke was about 6'3.
"Why don't we leave the two alone?" Renald Benevo suggested clapping his hands.
God please no! Luke prayed sliently.
"Yes that be wonderful!" Analeigh ran up to Luke putting a death grip on his arm, " I've waited so long for this!"
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Sorry it took so long!!!