

'Bex I really don't think you're going to win this contest to be honest.' My brother said to me as I was filling the application form to go on tour with La Roux, my favorite band.

'You'll see.' I said to him smugly.


2 weeks had past since I sent off the application form, which means that they should be announcing the winner on the NME website later today. I was sitting with my laptop on my knee and kept clicking refresh every minute.

After about an hour of doing that there was a big box saying 'LA ROUX COMPETITION WINNER ANNOUNCED!'

I immediately clicked on it and...


In big bed letters was my name 'Rebecca Redgate'

And from the big bang of my laptop falling off of my lap, my brother rushed in and wouldn't stop laughing.
I was out cold on my bed.

'Oh my god! Mum come here! Becca fainted!'

As on cue, my mum poked her head in my bedroom door and burst out laughing.

'Oh my god! She actually won!' my brother gasped looking at the laptop screen from the floor.

'Wha?' I looked at them both with a weird expression and screamed.

'Oh my god! Oh my god! I actually won!!!!' I yelled.

I pushed the others out of my bedroom and frantically started to pack, flinging shirts, skinny jeans, underwear and jackets in random directions.

Then it really hit me that I was going to meet and live with my idol, my biggest crush, Elly Jackson.
I stood there with wide eyes for about 5 minutes before screaming and jumping about, then brushed myself off and breathed deeply.

I was not gonna act like a 5 year old, I was gonna act my age, for god sake I'm 17.

After packing I checked my emails finding one from NME telling me I was the winner and to ring a certain number.

I grabbed the house phone and rang the number.

'Hello! Miss Redgate I presume?' A friendly woman said down the phone.

'Yes.' I said politely.

'Well Miss Redgate, I'll go over the details. The tour starts in 2 days and you will be meeting the band at Radio 1 recording studios in London, travel and accommodation is payed for and your tickets should be in the post tomorrow.'

'wow.' I said taking it all in.

'Yes wow dear.' she said with a laugh.

'Is that everything?' I said still in shock.

'Yes dear, goodbye and I hope you enjoy the tour.'

'Thank you bye.' I said before hanging up the phone.

I packed everything I needed like make up, clothes, my inhalers, chargers, laptop, sweets and money.

The next day the tickets came like said and I did a stupid little happy dance since I was meeting them the the day after.

The next day flew by and my mum waved me off at the train station.

After sleeping most of the way there I arrived at London.

walking on the platform I saw someone holding a sign saying Rebecca Redgate on and walked to them.

'I'm Rebecca, but please call be Beckii or Bexi.'

'Hello Bexi, I'm Nikki, I'm one of the roadies on the tour and you can come to me if you need anything.' She said then gave me a hug.

I liked her already, I had a feeling she'd be like my big sister on the tour.

Me and Nikki got in the taxi she called and arrived at the radio station in about 5 minutes.

My hands were sweaty, throat dry and I was playing with my lip rings allot more all because I was extremely nervous.

'Oh god I'm really nervous.' I said to Nikki, almost pulling my lip rings out because I was pulling on them with my teeth that much.

I checked myself over, Black skinny jeans, la roux top and pink and white trainers.

Me and Nikki got in the lift and I wouldn't stop tapping my foot. oh god, Elly is only 2 floors away! I thought.

'The 3rd floor' Nikki said grabbing my hand and pulling me along so I didn't get lost.

I froze completely when I saw Elly, Ben, Mickey, Mikey and Will.

And as soon as Elly turned to me, like the twat I am I fainted.

'Shit, she hit her head pretty hard.' I heard Elly say as my eyes fluttered open.

I looked into Elly's deep brown eyes as she was looking over me.

'Y y yeah, I th think.' I said stuttering like mad.

'I'm Elly by the way but you probably know that.' she said with a dreamy smile.

'I'm Beckii.' I said with a goofy look on my face.

I was introduced to the rest of the band and crew then Nikki pulled me away around a corner.

'Oh you soooo fancie Elly!' Nikki said with a giggle.

'Shh and no I don't! Just because I'm bi Doesn't mean I fancie her!'

'Ohh you have a missus?' Nikki asked.

'Well I just got out of a really shitty relationship to be honest. I was abused.' I said tearing up at the thoughts of being strangled.

'Fucking hell!' Elly said walking around the corner catching what I last said to Nikki.

'Bless you lovey!' Nikki said giving me a big hug.

With that the tears started to fall and and put my hands to my face sobbing.
Nikki and Elly both hugged me till I stopped crying. I was so upset I didn't even think that Elly was actually hugging me.

Nikki had to go set stuff up leaving me and Elly hugging.

'You know if you ever need to talk about anything bothering you, come to me and I'll sort it out.' Elly said while letting go.

'Thanks.' I said with a big grin.

'Now, time to sort out my make up.' I thought while pulling out my phone and sorting my face out.

'Can I borrow your phone?' Elly said holding her hand out.

I passed her my phone and watched her do something with it for a minute, then she handed it back to me.

'Check your contacts and send me a blank text.' she said as she walked off.

I looked in my contacts and found 'Ells'.

I sent her a blank text and grabbed my suit case, following were everyone was going.

After a couple of minutes of walking the tour bus was in front of me.

'Thank fuck I'm outside, I'm dying for a smoke!' I said to myself and pulled out my packet of Lambert and Butler lighting up one as fast as I could.

'Smoking kills!' Nikki said from behind me, making me jump out of my skin and scream.

Elly walked up to me with a pout on her face. Before she could ask I held up my fag packet to her. She seized one and lit it as fast as she could taking a long, deep drag.
The look on her face was slightly orgasmic making me giggle and think incredibly dirty thoughts.

We finished our fags and walked to the bus.

'Time to pick bunks.' Elly said while linking arms with me and leading me to the bunk area.

'Wow, fancy!' I said looking at the bunks with flat screen mini TVs on the ceilings of them and sheets that looked really soft. I jumped on the first one I saw and Elly sat on the one across from me sticking her tongue out.

'We're bunk buddies!' Elly shouted giving me a high five.

'Hahahaha you have to put up with my snoring!' I laughed.

'I'll live.' Elly said giving me a big smile.

'Sooo what do we do on tour apart from traveling and doing shows?' I asked while laying down on my bunk.

'Go sight seeing, eat junk, meet new people, the usual stuff.' Elly said.

Elly walked away from her bunk and walked towards the kitchen area.

'You hungry?' She said grinning at me.

I nodded my head at her and started playing around with the TV on the ceiling.

'Do you like scrambled eggs on toast?' Elly shouted from the kitchen.

'Yeah thanks!' I shouted back.

I found The Simpson's on Sky 1 and started watching it on the flat screen.

'Look what I have Becca!' Elly said passing me a plate of scrambled eggs on toast.

I took the plate off of Elly and asked her if she wanted to watch The Simpson's with me in my bunk, she crawled in next to me and we tucked in.
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Okay I hope you liked it! :D I loved writing it. xxx