

I woke up in my bunk by myself, my jeans were off and I was tucked in the warm cozy sheets. The bus was moving and I could hear snoring.

Ohhh shit..I fell asleep next to Elly...

I looked at the bunk across from mine and saw Elly sleeping, her hair covering half of her face. She looked so peaceful. It's kinda shit when you like someone and you just know in your heart they'll never like you back. I closed my eyes feeling the tears building. I was not going to cry. I couldn't, it was just my feelings, I mean who would care about them. I fell back to sleep as a tear ran down my cheek.

I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Will looking over me with a sleepy smile on his face.

'Time to get up and get dressed.' Will said while pulling the covers off of me, showing my bare arse for everyone to see. I shouldn't of worn a thong.

'It's a full moon in the morning!' Mickey giggled while walking past.

I pulled my la roux top down to cover myself, my face burning red. I buried my face into my pillow.

'I'm really sorry...' Will said before putting my cover back on me.

I stuck my tongue out at him and wrapped the cover around my waist and walked to were the clothes were kept and grabbed some girly boxers cuz I didn't want everyone to see my arse again, a bra, a tank top and some skinny jeans. I checked to see if anyone was looking and threw the cover back onto my bunk and dashed towards the bathroom bare arse and all.

I changed into the clothes I'd picked and grabbed my sanitary bag, getting out my tooth brush and tooth paste. I brushed my teeth and walked into the living room area to see Elly sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea.
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Chapter 2 for all of you sexy people :D xx