Status: Completed!

The Way I Loved You

"He looks just like you want him to. Some kind of slick chrome American prince."

It's been two months since Alex and I started going out. He's been super sweet and awesome. Jack is finally getting used to the idea of me dating his best friend.

There are only a few more weeks of this tour left. I can't wait to get home. It'll be so nice to be in my own house. Of course, the boys will be here and there and I'm sure I'll be tagging along. They were going to be recording for their new album.

I don't think they have anything done on it yet. Alex doesn't have time to write new songs or anything on tour.

Tonight, we are staying in a hotel. It's nice when you get to sleep in a comfy bed and not the makeshift one's on the bus.

We got to the hotel and we grabbed our little overnight bags and went inside. Flyzik was already inside checking everyone in and handing out the right key cards.

He really does do a hell of a lot for these boys. I can't believe they remain friends through it all, too.

Alex grabbed my hand and led me to the hotel room we would be sharing. When he got the door open he ran and jumped for the bed. I walked in and set my bag down while climbing up next to him.

"I'm so glad that you came on this tour, Brynn."

"Me too. Even though I haven't gotten much of my photography done lately. I need to start that again..." I said, thinking aloud.

He smiled and kissed me while pulling me closer to him. This went on for a few minutes before we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Go away," said Alex.

"Be nice." I got up and walked to the door and Jack came running inside, jumped up onto the bed, and started bouncing Alex everywhere. I shook my head and laughed.

"What's up, Jackary?"

"Well, Flyzik said we can go and get alcohol for the night. I'm going to get fucked up!!"

I laughed at him. Alex then pushed him slightly knocking him off the bed.


I sat down on the edge of the bed. "Is there anything around here that we can do tomorrow?"

"Colussy said that there is a water park near by that we are going to tomorrow."

"Oh god. Jack do you remember what happened the last time we went to a water park?" Alex asked.

Jack shuddered.

"That lady was soo big. I thought she was going to eat me. Then she was like I'll pay you to have sex with me."

"Please tell me you didn't, Jack." I said.

He then looked away and started blushing.

"Holy Fuck!! You fucked her? How much did she give you?" I asked. Alex was dying laughing on the bed.

"She gave me two thousand. I couldn't pass that up."

I started laughing as Jack hid his face and headed for the door.

"We'll meet you guys downstairs."

I laughed and Alex held onto me as he laughed to. After about ten minutes, we got control of ourselves and headed downstairs. Everyone was there except for Zack.

"Where the fuck is he?" Asked Kara.

Just then, Zack walked out with a smile on his face.

"What happened, Zack?" asked Rian.

"Well you remember Caroline from home?" We nodded. "Well I called her and asked her on a date for when we get back.

Kara and I 'aww'd' while the boys gave him high fives. His cheeks went red and we walked out into the night. Flyzik rented a couple of rental cars for the few days we had off. We got inside and I ended up driving to the liquor store.

We went inside and got all the alcohol we wanted then left. Kara and I both didn't feel like drinking so we just split our alcohol. Plus, we didn't like beer like everyone else.

Somehow, everyone decided that our hotel room was the best place to have this 'party'. I made a mixed drink and handed one to Kara. We all laughed and had a good time. Especially making fun of Jack for his 'one night stand'. Everyone was rolling when we told that story. I think Jack just got used to it and pouted before joining back in on the conversation.

Everyone started to leave around midnight because we had to get up early to go to the water park. I picked up the room slightly while Alex took a shower.

He walked out in only a towel and I felt my mouth drop. He didn't have abs like Zack but I did not mind looking at him as the water dripped from his hair and ran down his body. I blushed and hurried past him to take a shower.

Once I was out and dressed for bed, I climbed in next to him and kissed him before curling into his chest while he wrapped his arms around me. At that moment, I don't think I could have felt any safer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Brynn's outfit:

Title Credit: A Dustland Fairytale by The Killers

Sorry I have not updated in a while and that this was a filler. I need more comments:( Unknown S has been very faithful and comments EVERY chapter. If everyone did that or even just a few people I would be very happy.

Also, thanks for reading and subscribing and what not to get me to four stars so quickly. I appreciate it.