Status: Completed!

The Way I Loved You

"If no one is around you, say, 'baby, I love you.'"

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed beside me. The shower was running so I assumed Alex was in there getting ready. I quickly changed into my bathing suit and put clothes on over top before throwing my hair in a pony and putting everything into my beach bag.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," Alex said, walking out of the bathroom in his swim trunks and t-shirt.

I mumbled in response which caused him to chuckle.

"I called everyone and we are going to go downstairs and eat breakfast then leave. Colussy said the water park is about half an hour away," He informed me, while hugging me then kissing my neck.

I nodded and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth before we left and walked to the elevator. Once on the elevator, Alex pushed me against the back wall and started kissing me. It was super sweet until I started laughing.

"What?" He asked.

"Look behind you."

Standing behind Alex was Jack and Zack watching us in disgust.

"Calm down, Jackary," I said to Jack.

He walked in the elevator and hugged me before glaring at Alex. He did keep his arm around my waist which caused Alex to roll his eyes while I giggled.

We got off the elevator and met everyone else at a table. We ate and then went outside to the cars that were rented. Zack and Rian were the drivers for today. I sat in the back of Rian's car with Alex to my left and Jack on my right. I held Alex's hand through the drive but fell asleep on Jack.

We got to the water park and Jack shook me awake.

"Let's go, Princess Brynn," Jack said.

"Ha ha. You're so funny, Jack," I said back.

We got out of the car and Alex immediately grabbed my waist and pulled me into his side. I gave him a confused look.

"I wanted to get you before Jack did," He explained. I rolled my eyes and walked up to the entrance. We all paid and went inside before heading towards the wave pool. We grabbed a table and put all of our stuff on it. The table had a little locker thingy on it that you could put all your stuff into. It was pretty awesome.

"Hey Kara? Do you have any sunscreen? I left mine in my room," I asked.

"Umm yeah. Here," she said, handing it to me. I put it on my face. I don't want to look like a raccoon because of my sunglasses.

The guys all started to peel off their shirts as Kara and I started taking off our shirts and pants. Jack then grabbed me and hugged me.

"Umm...are you alright, Jack?" I asked.

"Yes, but that bikini is too showy for you to be wearing," He said.

"Oh, I'm fine. And Alex doesn't seem to mind," I said turning to look at Alex who's mouth was practically on the ground. "Besides, it's not like I have any other bathing suit with me."

Jack mumbled something but reluctantly dropped his arms.

"So where to first?" asked Vinny.

"How about that slide?" Flyzik said, pointing at a huge one.

We all agreed and started walking towards the slide. Alex grabbed my hand and I looked up at him to see him giving many guys dirty looks. I kissed his cheek and smiled at him as he smiled down at me. Once we got to the line we stopped and waited until we got to the top.

"I think this one is a family ride,"Kara said.

"Well, how many people do we have?"

There's Jack, Rian, Zack, Alex, Flyzik, Colussy, Vinny, Kara, and me. So nine.

"Nine," Zack said. "And I think the ride holds ten."

"Awesome! That means we can share one tube!" Jack said.

"How in the hell did you get through high school?" Rian asked.

Jack shrugged and moved up the stairs as the line moved. It wasn't much longer that we were at the top and getting into the tube. The water seemed to be about perfect temperature. I sat down next to Zack and Alex. Alex had his arm around my waist as we held on to the handles.

The lifeguard working there pushed us off and we were flying. I kept getting splashed and by the end of the ride was completely soaked. We rode a few more rides before we got tired and went to 'lazy river'. I sat in a double tube with Kara as the boys all had single tubes and held on to us. I was laughing as Jack attempted to tip Flyzik but ended up falling out of his tube instead. The lifeguard started yelling at him that he needed to get back in his tube. This only made the situation funnier and all of us to laugh harder.

Jack finally got back on the tube and the lifeguard just stared at us like we were ruining his day. I flipped him off right before he turned around and I could see his cheeks get red. He walked away and pretended like nothing happened as he hit on another lifeguard who was completely rejecting him.

We got back to the beginning of the river and got out. We were still being lazy so we went to the wave pool, but we went way out there to where the waves came out. We all climbed into our tubes and made a chain by holding the tubes. The bell rang as the waves started. I was hooked with Kara and Zack. We were laughing until one wave overcame us and we fell out.

I started reaching around and grabbed hold of my tube as did Kara and Zack. We saw the two other groups slowly floating in opposite directions. I slid in my tube and grabbed onto Kara's and Zack's so we wouldn't get separated. After the waves had stopped, we swam back in and went to our table. The other groups weren't back yet, but we saw them swimming in. They both sat while I stood. Some creepy guy came up and started to hit on me.

"Hey, gorgeous. You got a name?" He asked.

"Umm yes, I do."

He paused for a second. "Well, you going to tell me?"

"Umm nope. Sorry."

He continued to try and get my name or number for a few minutes until Jack and Alex came up. Jack slung his arm over my shoulder while Alex grabbed my hand.

"Hey, buddy. I think it's time for you to leave," Jack said.

"Well, I was talking to her. Not you. Who do you think you are anyway?" He asked in a rather rude tone.

"Actually, this is my brother and this is my boyfriend. And these are all my friends," I said waving my hands around to all of the guys and Kara.

"Oh, umm, Okay. Well then I guess I should go."

He turned around and walked away.

"I told you that bikini was too showy," Jack said.

"Oh, shut up. It wasn't like Zack would have let that guy even come near me," I retorted.

Alex remained silent but had me tucked into his side.

"I think it's time we should eat," said Kara, putting on her shirt and shorts.

"Agreed," I said walking around to the little locker and putting on my clothes. They all threw on their clothes and we headed to the over-priced food shops within the park. Alex ran up to me and grabbed my hand. I looked up to read his expression but I couldn't see his face enough.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Just a little peeved. I don't like it when guys hit on you," He explained.

"Jealousy. I get it. I'm the same way. But don't worry. I would never do anything," I explained.

"I know. That's why I like you so much. You're different from everyone else I've dated. You're special to me. And not just because you're my best friend's sister," He said, smiling down at me.

I kissed him once we stopped in front of the food sections and picked a place to eat. We went and got a full pizza that only cost us an arm and a leg. Just kidding. It was actually $23. Still too pricey for me. But splitting it with Alex split the cost.

I handed him the money but he refused saying that he was paying for it and not to worry about it. I went and sat down at a table and waited for everyone else to get their food and join...
♠ ♠ ♠
Brynn's outfit:

Sorry it took me a while to get out. I've been pretty busy lately.

I went to Lady Gaga!! It was sooooo good! Plus, it was my first concert.

Title Credit: Say my name by Destiny's Child

Rest of the day up soon:)

Thanks to all my lovely readers and even more to my commenters. You make my day:)