Status: Completed!

The Way I Loved You

"The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."

I woke up to someone knocking on the door. Groaning, I got up and answered it. Flyzik.

"What now?" I asked.

"We need to leave in about an hour. Back on the road," he said as I rolled my eyes and nodded.

I shut the door after he left and woke Alex up. He complained but got up anyway.

I went and showered as he packed up his clothes and stuff. He even put my stuff away for me. It was sweet.

After showering, I put on sweats and tennis shoes. Might as well be comfy if I'm going to have to sit on the bus all day.

"Alex? Do you all have a show tonight?" I asked.

"Yep," He said.

I sighed and double checked the room for anything that he missed. We picked up our bags and left. I was so tired. We beat everyone to the bus.

After putting my bag away, I laid down on the couch. Alex moved my head and sat before placing my head in his lap. He took the pony tie down from my hair and started playing with my hair.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked him.

"Sure, but you're putting it in," he said.

"You lazy ass."

He smirked as I slid off the couch and crawled to the movie cabinet.

"What should we watch?" I asked.

Then everyone walked on the bus. Jack and Zack stole my seat on the couch.

"Shafted!" I yelled. They all turned and looked at me like I was dumb except for Alex who was laughing.

"Kara bear, what movie should we watch?" I asked as she came and sat down next to me.

" about...Chicago?" she suggested.

"YES!!" I yelled. I put it into the dvd player and grabbed my blanket from the floor and moved back over towards Alex. I sat on the floor by his feet while he continued to play with my hair. The bus started up and I slipped my shoes off before turning to the tv. Kara and I sang every word to every song.

"You always watch musicals," Jack said.

"That's because I love them so much," I said before turning back to the tv. After the movie we just laid around and talked for a while.

"Where are we even going?" I heard Jack ask.

"We are going to St. Louis," Flyzik answered.

"Awesome!" said Rian.

"Why is it so awesome?" Kara asked.

"Because it's the gateway to the west," Rian said in a 'duh' tone.

"You are such a nerd." She said, kissing his cheek.

"Well as long as there's hot girls, I'm down," said Jack.

The guys all nodded their heads in agreement. Including Alex and Rian who had girlfriends. This kind of pissed me off. Just because I know his past and how he can act sometimes.

I rolled my eyes and laid down flat in the middle of the living room. I could hear the engine rumbling and it made me sleepy. I think i fell asleep for a little while because when I woke up not everyone was sitting down.

I got up and went to my bunk that I now shared with Alex. It was just easier because now there was an extra space for anyone to sleep.

I pulled my laptop out from it's bag and started checking my email and facebook.

"Facebook is so dumb," Alex said, sliding in next to me.

"Well, I like it so don't diss or I'll start bashing on myspace and twitter," I shot back.

"What's wrong?" He asked, rolling his eyes.


"Seriously, what's wrong? Did I do something?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Well, why are you so pissed? Obviously something happened. I may be stupid but I'm not blind."

"I'm fine. I'm just in a pissy mood I guess."

He moved my laptop and kissed me. It was sweet and short but it got the point across.

"Brynn, you know I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you, right?" He asked.

I nodded my head.

"Well I won't. I promise," he said. It almost sounded like he was making that promise to himself, too. I hugged him and kissed him sweetly.

"What should we do now? I'm bored," I said.

"I could think of a few things..." he said, trailing off.

"No. Not on a bus. That's tacky," I said.

He sighed but smiled at me.

"I was just kidding. Jack would kill me anyway," he stated.

"This is true."

"Well, how about I go make us some lunch?" he said.

"If you made our lunch, you would make peanut butter and jelly. I'll make lunch."

He smiled at me knowingly and pulled me out of the bunk.

"Ask everyone else if they want some lunch and what they want," I commanded him.

"Yes, ma'am."

He trotted off like he was at boot camp to go find the others. I laughed and walked towards the little kitchen area that provided about as much space as a small bathroom. Man I can't wait to be home and be in my normal house. It will be such a relief to be able to move.

"Everyone wants food. And they said they didn't care what you make," Alex said walking in.

"Alright. Will you help me?" I asked.

"Like your servant?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"...Sure," I replied, hesitating for a moment.

He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Alright, what do you need first, Mrs. Chef?"

"Actually it's 'miss', " I said. "And I need tomatoes. I'll make the sauce after I make the crust."

I put on a little apron and pulled my hair back before washing my hands and making the homemade pizza crust. When I was little, my older sister, May, taught me how to make homemade pizza. Not homemade like buying the crust. No. I mean from scratch. The one thing we didn't make was the cheese. Although, I did make cheese in Biology freshman year.

I started on the sauce and finished making it about the same time the crust were done. I put the sauce in the crusts that I made and put shredded cheese on all three. On one of them, I put pepperoni, sausage on another, and left the other one as plain cheese. I stuck them in the oven and sat down on the couch.

Alex looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just that was so hot watching you make all that."

I rolled my eyes. "You're such a horn dog."

"I can't help it that you're so damn sexy," he said, raising his hands in protest.

I smiled before walking over to where he was standing and kissing him. It turned into a bit of a make out session before I pulled away and checked on the pizza.

"Almost done," I said. "I'm going to go tell everyone."

I walked off down the short hall and told everyone that was around. They all followed me out to the front.

I pulled the pizzas out of the oven and cut them into slices while everyone grabbed plates and started digging in.

"Brynn, I've missed your pizzas!" Jack said.

"I know. I'll have to make them more." I said.

"Or you could just move in with me and be my little chef," he said.

"Nope. I'm content living with Kara," I said.

He pouted but finished eating all his food. I cleaned up my mess and sat down on the floor since all the seats were taken again. I always get shafted to the floor. Boo.

We talked for a little while until we arrived at the venue and we all had to unload all the shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Brynn's outfit:

Title Credit: Mad World by Adam Lambert.

I know it was some other guy who originally did the song I just love this version.