Status: Completed!

The Way I Loved You

"All my underdogs, we will never be never be anything but loud."

"So what should we do?" Kara asked.

We all shrugged our shoulders and zoned out. Zack was busy texting Caroline on his phone while Holly and Jack smiled and made funny faces at each other. Rian and Kara just talked quietly amongst themselves, and Alex and I just sat and watched the fire occasionally whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears.

"Seriously, what should we do?" Kara asked again.

"We could play a game," Holly suggested.

We all agreed and Kara went to the hall closet to look for a game to play. She found Apples to Apples and we started to play. Half way through the game, Alex picked up a card and read off the description.

"Touchy Feely," He said. I immediately laid my card down as everyone else placed down their cards.

"Okay, we've got: George Bush, Japan, My First Kiss, Anthony Hopkins, A bad haircut, and Helen Keller," he listed off.

Everyone started cracking up laughing.

"Helen Keller," he said simply.

I grabbed the touchy feely card and placed it in my pile. We finished the game a few minutes later. It was fun but now we were just sitting around again. Zack left when the game finished because he was going to hang out with Caroline. Jack and Holly went back to Jack's apartment for the night. Kara and Rian went back to Rian's house. They took the dogs with them. Alex then grabbed my hand and pulled me into my room. We laid down on the bed and he soon turned it into a make out session. This continued for a while longer before he started to take off our clothes.

He started with taking off my shirt. I yanked off his shirt. He rolled over so he was now laying on top of me, our chests pressed against each other's. He fumbled with the button on my pants and finally pulled them down while I worked on his jeans. I pulled them off and now we were just in our underwear. Alex reached behind my back and expertly unsnapped my bra in one motion and had it flung in the corner of the room in another. I slowly pulled off his boxers while he looked me in the eyes, making sure I was ready. I smiled and he slowly pulled off my underwear being very careful. This was just the start of our night.


When I woke up the next morning, Alex was not in my bed. I slid off the bed and threw on my bra and underwear and put on a hoodie and pajama pants over top. I started to walk out towards the living room and I smelled bacon popping in the fryer. I walked into the kitchen and there stood Alex. He was wearing his flannel pajama pants and no shirt. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his shoulder since I'm too short to reach his face. He turned around and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hey, baby."

"Hey, Alex."

"How many eggs do you want?" he asked.

"Um..Two. How are you?" I asked.

"I'm great." he paused. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I said back.

I sat down at the breakfast bar and watched him cook. After a few minutes, he realized I was staring at.

"Whatcha looking at?" he asked, smirking.

"My beautiful man," I said, smiling. He smiled and finished making food, setting my plate in front of me before setting his stuff down and sitting next to me. We ate in silence and just enjoyed the company of being around each other. After eating, we set our plates in the sink and went out to the living room. He sat down on the long couch and I sat between his legs and pulled a blanket over top of us. He flipped on the tv and put on a rerun of Friends, my favorite show.

"Brynn, you're the Rachel to my Ross," he said, trying to be cute.

"Alex, you're the sandwich to my Joey," I said back, grinning.

He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"You're so adorable."

"Aww thanks, Alex."

We just sat around for a few hours before he decided he should go home and check on the dogs. Kara came home shortly after. She's been pestering me a lot lately for not having sex with Alex.

"Well, did you guys do the deed?" she asked.

I just smiled coyly and nodded.

"Oh my gosh!! You have to tell me everything!!" she gushed.

"I'd rather not. It's private," I said, somewhat jokingly.

"Oh, come one. I'm sure Alex is explaining everything that happened to the guys," she said.

"I hope not. Jack doesn't need to know about any of this," I said, giggling.

"Minus Jack. He has Holly to keep him distracted. Speaking of which, what did you think of her?" she asked.

"She was nice. A little bit ditzy. But still nice. I just worry though with her being a playboy bunny that she'll end up hurting Jack," I explained.

"Yeah. I hope she doesn't either. Jack deserves someone he can trust," she agreed.

I nodded my head and looked around the room.

"I'm going to go shower," I said, standing up and walking back to my room.

The hot water poured down my body as I cleaned my body. I stepped out of the shower and towel dried. I felt better already. After getting dressed, I laid down on my bed and started to zone out. I just stared at the wall and thought about random things. Right now, life was great, but I had a feeling it was about to change for the worst.
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Title Credit: Raise your glass by Pink

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