Status: Completed!

The Way I Loved You

"What are you waiting for?"

It had been a few days since we had all hung out at my house. The boys have been at Alex and Rian's house working on stuff for their upcoming album. They had a lot of work that needed to be done.

I did find out that Alex had been writing throughout tour and had more than enough songs ready for this album. The only problem is trying to decide which ones should go on the album.

The boys were working on perfecting the songs today while us girls, Holly, Caroline, Kara, and I, went shopping for Christmas presents. Christmas was right around the corner. It was actually two weeks from this day.

We stopped at multiple shops that were on our way in to town. We had a conversation with the guys and decided that we would just exchange with our significant others. Of course Jack and I would still exchange though. It just got too pricey if we were to try and exchange with seven other people.

We finally decided it was time to go to the mall. When we got there, we started searching around for what we should get them.

"Kara, I have no idea what I should get Alex," I said, in a much more whiny voice then was needed.

"I have an idea!!" she shouted.

"What??" I asked just as excitedly.

"You could make him a scrap book."

"I did that for his birthday already. I hate how his birthday was so close to Christmas."

"Yeah. That does suck."

"Oh! I just got a great idea. I'll catch up with you guys later?"

They nodded and shooed me away with their hands before walking into a store. I quickly found the mall directory and looked for the store I wanted. I quickly found it and walked into the store. One of the workers walked over to me and started talking to me.

"Hi. My names Stefani. Can I help you find something or are you just looking?" she asked politely.

I told her what I was looking for and she quickly found it.

"Is this what you were looking for?"

"Yes. It's perfect! I'll take it!"

She walked up to the register and entered in all of the information. I got out my wallet and handed her my debit card. I gave it to her and she ran it through the system. My heart dropped a little when I saw the total but it would be worth it in the end. I grabbed the bag and walked out to my car to put it in. Once it was in the trunk I walked back towards the store while calling Kara.

"Hey, Kara. Where are you guys at?"

"We are just entering Hot Topic. We'll meet you here."


I hung up the phone and headed straight for hot topic. I noticed they were all looking around so I did too. For Jack, anyway. I noticed the All Time Low hoodies and T-shirts and looked for one in Jack's size. That would be so funny! Once I found one and the girls were in line, I walked over and stood behind them.

The cashier tried to make small talk once I put the shirt on the counter.

"You like this band?" he asked.

"Yeah, they're pretty awesome. But this is actually for my brother."

"Every seen them live? They're crazy."

"I've seen them a few times," I said, trying to hide my laughter.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

" brother is actually in this band. And boyfriend."

"I don't believe you. Always a fan girl trying to tell me these things."

"Umm okay then."

I stood there awkwardly and handed him my credit card.

"Can I see your ID?" he asked.

"Umm sure."

I handed it to him and he stared at it for a couple of seconds before his eyes got wide.

"Yo-you wer-en't j-j-joking?"

I shook my head trying not to laugh at his stutter.

"Oh my gosh!! I'm such a big fan!" he exclaimed getting all excited.

"Here," I said, reaching into my purse and pulling out a signed pocket sized picture of all them. "Keep it."

He smiled before handing me all of my stuff back and giving me the bag.

"Have a nice day," he said as I walked out of the store. I waved over my head, acknowledging that I had heard them and followed the girls out. We busted up laughing and walked into a few more stores. I found Jack's favorite cologne and bought it. Once we were all done shopping, we left and went back to my house. I put all my stuff into the basement closet, where no one ever goes, and went back upstairs.

"Hey, Brynn. Zack just texted me. He said we should go over to Alex's house," Caroline said.


We all piled back into my car and headed back over to Alex's. My arm was starting to itch.

"Damn cast," I said, trying to reach inside to itch it.

"When do you get that off?" Holly asked.

"In a week. I think it might even be on Alex's birthday," I said, trying to remember the appointment.

We got to Alex's house and saw them all sitting around in the living room. Alex and Zack had their acoustic guitars on their laps while Rian had his small drum set out. Jack was playing softly on his electric guitar. That boy hates acoustic guitars. I can't remember the last time I saw him playing one.

"Hello, hello!" I said, walking in and interrupting their small band session. They all smiled and I walked over to where Alex was and kissed his cheek before sitting down by his feet. They all started playing again and I just listened. Alex's sweet voice floated into my ears and I closed my eyes and let his voice sink in. I love days like these.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Animals by Neon Trees.

I'm not going to put up pictures of Brynn's outfits anymore. I just don't see them getting looked at too much. If anyone would still like me to do this I can but unless someone REALLY wants them I don't plan on doing it. Just let me know. Thanks:)

I also wasn't going to comment until I got 3 comments but I then looked and realized that you guys have gotten me to 8 stars which is AMAZING!! Thanks so much!! But can we try to get my comments to 20? I would appreciate it:)

Can anyone guess what Alex's present is??