Status: Completed!

The Way I Loved You

"I want a girl with lips like morphine."

"I'm not coming back. I've done something so terrible. I'm terrified to speak, but you'd expect that from me. I'm mixed up. I'll be blunt. Now the rain is washing you out of my hair. And out of my mind, keeping an eye on the world from so many thousands of feet off the ground. I'm over you now. I'm at home in the clouds, towering over your head," I sang, walking out onto the stage and standing next to Alex. He wrapped his arm around my waist before finishing the song off.

"Everyone give a hand to my beautiful girlfriend, Brynn!!" He screamed into the microphone as the fans started to cheer loudly.

"Hey!! She's my sister!" Jack yelled, walking onto the stage with his guitar and microphone. I laughed and was about ready to walk off the stage when I heard Alex yelling at me to wait. He handed his acoustic guitar to Grieco then walked to me and grabbed my hand.

"How many of you sexy mother fuckers want Brynn to sing with me for the rest of the set?" he screamed into the microphone.

A loud course of screams and noises came from the crowd. I started shaking my head fast and shouting at him, telling him to stop. He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"I can't hear you. I said, HOW MANY OF YOU GUYS WANT MY SEXY ASS GIRLFRIEND TO SING?!?" he said.

The cheers and screams got even louder until Jack butted in.

"As I said before, that's my fucking sister!!" he said giving Alex the stink eye.

I walked over to Jack and hugged him as he pretended to cry in my shoulder.

"Aww...why you always gotta make jacky-bear cry?" I asked Alex over the microphone.

"Jacky, I'm sorry!! Will you forgive me?" Alex asked.

Jack looked up, faking a sad expression then ran his lanky ass towards Alex and jumped on him.

"Of course I can! You're my lover!" he said.

I gasped. "You're cheating on me? With my own flesh and blood?" I yelled, jokingly, at Alex.

"Baby, it's not what it looks like," Alex said, smiling.

"Yeah. It's gonna be a threesome!" Jack yelled.

I gave him the most disgusted face I could make.

"Or not," he mumbled into the microphone. The fans were laughing like crazy.

"Well Matt says it's time to get going with the next song," Alex said, laughing and pulling me towards his spot on the stage. He handed me the second microphone and told me what song we were singing. I heard the first few notes strike up and I smiled. Zack was laughing at my reaction.

"Time to lay claim to the evidence. Fingerprints sold me out but our footprints washed away..." Alex and I sang together. This went on for a few songs until we had run out of time and it was another band's turn. I walked off stage and quickly booked it towards the cooler.

"You did awesome!" Rian said, grabbing a water and sitting on the stool next to me.

"Aww, thanks," I said.

He started texting Kara right away so I decided to go back to the bus and shower. When I walked out the back door there were a couple of girls standing out there.

"Hey! You're Brynn Barakat! Will you sign my shirt?" one of the girls asked.

"Umm, sure."

I grabbed the marker from her hand and signed the back of her all time low shirt.

"Wow. You did so amazing! You should sing more often!"

"Umm thanks. I have to go shower. Bye," I said, walking away awkwardly.

Well, that was weird. I guess there's a first for everything. When I got onto the bus, I smiled as I saw Zack sitting there with his camera.

"Going to take some pictures?" I asked him, falling into a chair.

"Yep. Nothing better to do."

I shrugged my shoulders and he got up and walked off of the bus. I heard some falling noise towards the back of the bus and quickly jumped up to see what happened. When I walked back there Jack was back there laying on top of some chick. Naked.

"AH! MY EYES!!" I said before running out of the back and out of the bus. I was walking quickly and was looking down when I smacked into someone.

"Woah, slow down, Brynn."

I looked up and noticed it was just Alex.

"What happened?" he asked, looking at me with worry.

"Jack...some chick..naked," I said, not being able to form a full sentence.

He laughed before pulling me into a hug.

"Aw, it couldn't have been that bad."

"It was. My eyes are scarred."

He looked down and started pulling on my face weird.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I don't see any scars," he said in a fake doctor voice.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me before mumbling 'jerk' and walking away. He quickly caught up and pushed me up against the side of the bus before kissing me. The kiss started off slow and gentle but quickly increased to a much more passionate and needy pace.

"I love you, Brynn. Do you love me?" he asked already knowing the answer.

"If I didn't love you, I wouldn't be wearing this ring, now would I?"

He shrugged his shoulders and pulled me in to another kiss.
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Title Credit: Lips like morphine by Kill Hannah